Status: A working progress. I'll update as soon as I write another chapter.

Even Without Wings


After the long train ride, we were here, at Hogwarts. It was just as I remembered it, massive and majestic in all its glory. Still till this day, it is as breathtaking as the last time I sat foot on Hogwarts grounds, but there was still that gnawing thought of what this grand palace held of my past. The memories were so sinister that it left shivers running up and down my spine and made the back of my neck hairs stand on end.

“So many bad memories,” I murmured, stepping off the train into the ongoing flow of students that clogged up the walkway. I hated crowds. They made me feel claustrophobic, and not to mention, I have a loathing for human or magic being contact. I preferred them to stay as far away from me as possible.

From the trains, we boarded carriages drawn by an invisible force, which I shared with three other students. I kept to myself on the long ride. I didn’t want to draw any attention to myself. Better for me to not get involved with these magical mundane people, I thought to myself as we went over a bump in the trail that leads to the castle. I almost thought I was going to fall overboard, until I felt a hand on my forearm that steadied me.

Turning, I came face to face with a boy with deep emerald eyes that were hidden behind round-rimmed glasses. “Thanks,” I mumbled as he released my arm. He nodded and went back to a conversation he was having with a boy with bright ginger hair.

“Aren’t going to talk to him?” Yukio asked from beside me. I turned to him. Did he not see that the boy was sitting right there beside me? But, when I turned back to see if the boy was pay attention, I saw he was immersed in conversation.

I heard a giggle from beside me.

“Honey, he can’t hear me.”

“How?” I mouthed to him, trying not to make it obvious to the other three passengers.

He only smirked.

“Tell me, now,” I seethed lowly, but not low enough.

The three passengers turned to look at me. I cursed Yukio inside my head. I’ll get that sparking gay joker back someday.

“Hey, how are you guys on this fine day?” They continued to stare at me like I had sprouted three heads and a tail. I began to smile nervously, and they finally looked away.

I sighed in relief. These students were going to think I was a nutter.

“I’m going to kill you,” I mouthed to the flamboyant Asian beside me, who look as if he was going to die of laughter. I swear to God, and I know it’s not good to swear to God, but I’m going to make him pay.

The carriage finally stopped and we all filed off. We entered through two grand double doors. As I was about to enter the Great Hall, one of professors from the last time I was here pulled me aside from the rest of the pack. Yukio waved goodbye and runs off to God knows where.

“Dumbledore needs to see you, Miss Constantine,” She announced as she ushered me down the hall to his office, which is on the First Floor.

The walk there was silent all expect for our footsteps on the stone floor. I stayed just close enough behind, but not too far away. She seemed to notice this, but did not say a thing, because she like the Headmaster knew of ordeal here last time. Minerva McGonagall understood my reasons for not being able to be close to any magical being, because the last one I was commissioned to help, hadn’t been so nice.

Finally, we made it to an all too familiar statue of a gargoyle. This statue conceals the staircase, which leads to the Headmaster’s office on the Third Floor, which can only be revealed, if the correct password is given.

This is what McGonagall did.

We proceeded to up on the circular, moving stone staircase and finally, into his office, where he sat at his desk with quill in hand. He did not look up until we were right at his desk. The Headmaster smiled up at me from crescent moon shaped spectacles.

Putting down his quill, he abandoned his work to stand up and walk over to me with a hand out, which I shook. McGonagall said her goodbyes to Dumbledore and left to attend to the students until the Headmaster was done announcing his business with me. Anyways, she was in charge of the sorting of the First Years into their destined Houses.

After she left, Dumbledore ushered me to sit down in a leather cushioned chair in the front of his desk. I looked around the room at the pictures on the walls of past
Headmasters and Headmistresses as he closed the door of his office. Some appeared to be asleep, but the closer I looked, I noticed they were pretending. They whispered back and forth to one another through their frames, thinking I could hear them.

“Well, well, Miss Constantine, how was your ride here?” Dumbledore asked, coming back to his seat behind his desk.

“It was delightful,” I said, sarcastically rolling my frost-colored eyes.

“Had trouble, I see?”

“Nothing I couldn’t take care of.”

He chuckled. “No doubt about that.”

This made me smile.

Dumbledore seemed to be the only one I could, in fact trust. He had been there for me after the ordeal, and punished the student responsible. That’s surprising coming from an angel, who has distaste for humans and magical beings.

“Now, down to business,” Dumbledore began looking down at a sheet of paper on his desk. “You’ll be carrying out the duty of watching over one, Mr. Malfoy, is that correct?”

“Yes, sir,” I said with a hint of distaste. Had seen the guy once and already dreaded watching over the git. Argh! That bloke is so arrogant, it infuriates me so!

“See you’ve met him already.”

“Unfortunately, I have.”

“Well, looks like you will be seeing more of him, Miss Constantine. You will be sorted in his House to keep close to him.”

“That House being?”


Just great, I thought sinking back into the cushioned chair. Today, couldn’t get any more worst.
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Sorry for the wait!XD I've been busy with school and such!X( Comment and feedback would be greatly appreciated!:D