Status: A working progress. I'll update as soon as I write another chapter.

Even Without Wings

Not Like Those Slytherin Gits

Since, I had to stay close to Malfoy, I had to be in every one of his classes, which I wasn’t too fond about. I am sure by the end of this year; I would get tired of seeing his face. It was like I could never get away from him. The only sanctuary I would have away from that blimey idiot, was my room. If that was taken away, I don’t know what I would do.

Books in hand and bag on shoulder, I walked down the hall to my first class of the day, which happened to be Charms. This class had been one of my favorite classes from the last time I had been here. The teacher, Filius Flitwick was a one of the nicest teachers, and had patience with learning his students’ new charms.

Walking down the hall toward Charms, I looked down for a moment to run right into someone or something. My books and their books went flying. I lost my balance and fell to the floor sprawled out on my back, which took the breath out of me.

“Ouch,” I groaned, just lying there trying to get the oxygen flowing to my lungs.

Eyes shut, I didn’t even notice the person had gotten up, and was lending me a hand. “I’m so sorry! Don’t hurt me!” They said in panicky voice, I opened one eye to see a boy of about my age with dark hair and eyes. He was sporting Gryffindor robes.

“Nah, it was my fault. I should’ve been looking where I was going.” I apologized, taking the boy’s shaky, clammy hand, and he helped me to my feet.

He looked at me like I was insane, but breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank, Merlin for that. I thought for sure I was in for a beating.”

“Why would I beat you up?”

“Because, that’s what all the other Slytherins do, especially Malfoy, but you’re different. You didn’t even scream at me.”

“As before,-I trailed off not knowing his name.

“N-N-Neville L-L-L-Longbottom is the name.” He faltered and then, smiled, revealing crooked teeth.

“As before Neville, it was my fault, not yours, and yes, you could say I am not like those gits like Malfoy.” I smiled back, kneeling down to get my books from the floor that were scattered about with his.

He kneeled down too, helping me sort through them.

Once, we had, he asked, “What’s your name?”

“Evangeline Constantine, but you can call me, Eva.”

He smiled. “Thanks, again for not beating me up.”

I laughed, waving him off as we went our separate ways. “If that Draco messes with you, just let me know. I’ll show him a thing or two.”

I entered the Charms classroom just in time before the bell rang, and so did Draco. He pushed pass me, sneering at me. I rolled my eyes and found an empty seat beside the boy from the carriage ride. He stared at me from his round-rimmed glasses like I was from another dimension.

Whispering from the Gryffindor and Slytherin students made me turn to look around the room. Draco and I made eye contact. He smirks and whispers to Pansy, who instead of giggling, shrills in laughter at what Draco had said. Said about me.

I cut my eyes at him, turning to the boy beside me. “What?”

“Nothing, it’s just that most Slytherins would sit down next to me or any other Gryffindor for that matter.” He said, matter-of-factually.

“Let’s just say, I’m not like my stereotypical house members.”

As he was about to reply, Flitwick came bustling in to stand on a stack of books, so he could reach the stand to teach. He smiled, fixing his spectacles that sat atop the bridge of his nose before taking out his wand and greeting the class with much enthusiasm, which made me smile. I was so glad to be in his class even if I had trouble dealing with magical beings.

“Get your books out and turn to page 400. Today, we will be going over the names of spells that you will be responsible for learning this year!”

“Ah, Miss Granger, yes,” he said, indicating to a girl with curly brown hair and an apparent love for learning.

“This year are we going to learn how to turn vinegar back into wine?”

I had a feeling I could make it through this class with ease.
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