Status: I'm going to try to write one chapter a week


Ida Elam is in tenth grade, she wears glasses and baggy graphic T-shirts, she loves science and math. Her favourite TV shows are Fringe and Sanctuary, she has read Frankenstien and Dracula, for fun. Ida is what you would call a nerd. Now as a nerd everything Ida thinks, does and talks about is not always nerdy. She would go to the mall and dance randomly with her friends back in Canada. But when Ida's father moved her and her six year old sister to Virginia, thats all she was seen as. A nerd. Ida is becoming depressed, she has no friends, her self esteem is in the toilet, and almost every night she has to protect her sister from their fathers drunken rampages. But what happens when an odd boy from England ,who very quickly turns out to be an outcast like her, transfers to her school?