‹ Prequel: Monster Love
Status: Updating slowly.

Loved By Monsters

The Beginning of It All

"Cheer up Xander, your lady will be back soon." the black haired boy grinned. The other black haired boy, Xander, growled and shoved him into the wall. "Go to Hell Demiscus! You try having someone to worry about, and then we'll talk." I stood up and walked out of the room, leaving Demi lying on the floor in an uncomfortable position. I knew he wasn't hurt, a perk of being supernatural.

I looked up as the front door opened and there she was. "Nateia. . ." I breathed. She looked at me and I ran to her pinning her into the wall and kissing her with everything I had. She smiled and kissed me back with just as much passion, like I was the air she needed so badly. We finally pulled away and said two different things.

"I missed you."

"I love you."
We looked at each other, she looked expectant. I was shocked. "What?" She wiggled out of my arms and looked down at the ground. "I knew it, you don't feel the same. God, I'm playing Iris in The Holiday!" She ran past me and up the stairs. Brian walked through the door, closing it behind him and leaned on the doorframe. "You are afraid." It wasn't a question, it was a statement. I nodded weakly. "You want my advice? Tell her before she leaves you."

Nateia's POV.

I snarled. How could that damn boy hurt me like this! I was expecting this reponse, but I never expected a fucking 'what'. Maybe a 'I'm sorry, I need time' or something. But not absolute silence! I sighed and pulled out my duffel bag and started packing. I couldn't stay here.

I felt a hand on my arm and I looked up in surprise to see Xander standing there with an unreadable expression on his face. I glared. "Here to hurt me some more? Well no need, you did a damn good job of it already!" I turned back to packing with a vigor.

"What are you doing?" I spun around and smacked him in the face. "What do you mean, 'What am I doing?' I'm packing for egg's sake!" I raised my hand to smack him again, but he catches it. I try to smack him with my free hand, but he captures that one too and pins me into the wall, both of my hands in one of his. "What I mean is, why?" I glared at him again. "Why?" I spat. "Why? YOU DON'T LOVE ME!" I panted, looking into his blue eyes, my chest heaving. "What ever made you think that?" I glowered. "Because you never said it back, bastard!"

Xander looked at me, a softness in his eyes that I had never seen before. A sincerity that hadnt existed before. "I love you, Nateia." I leaned forward placing my lips to his.

The kiss didn't last long. We were interupted by a loud bang and a scream. We pulled away looking at each other, then ran down stairs and looked at the front door to see a girl with blue hair. "Hi guys." Then she fainted and hit the floor with a thud.

At the moment, I thought nothing other than, 'Oh shit. . ."
♠ ♠ ♠
I know it is short, and a bit different than the prequel. And I know, I disappeared off of the face of the world, and you all have the right to throw things at me. I've had a hectic life and I haven't had time to update. But now I'm back and kicking. And hopefully, I'll have time to fit more writing in.