Maybe Life Isn't So Bad...

God no I'm here to help

Annabelle POV

Why? Why did I listen to Jake! Running away was a stupid idea. I knew he would find me...eventually. Now I am locked in a house with seven men stuffing needles into their arms to get high and discussing who was having me this time. My step father being the cause of it.

My step father makes me call him 'Sir'. If I don't I get abused. The abuse started at six when my mum died. Then I was first raped at the age of ten, and still getting raped at sixteen.

I have three long scars running from my right side, just under my hair line, over my eye and finishing on my top lip. Several cuts on my arms and legs. I have words craved into my back such as "Worthless slut" "Whore" and "Good for nothing". He blames me for my mother’s death that is why he abuses me.

"Annabelle where are you? You slut!" Daniel, my step father shouted as he walked up the stairs.
"In my room, sir" I'm scared I don't know what's going to happen to me tonight. He slams my door open and grabs my arm pulling me down the stairs.
"Steven, here she is. What outfit should she where?" Daniel asks thrusting me into the arms of a young man. Steven looked about twenty sixish about fifteen years younger than my father. He looks at me and smirks. His brown eyes filled with lust.
"I don't mind fill a bag with all sorts of clothes." He leant down too my ear "Put some normal clothes in a bag as well" he whispered. I was confused by this but just shrugged it off. Daniel looked at me and growled making me run of to my room.

Ten minutes later I stumbled down the stairs carrying two bags full of clothes. I decided to wear my "naughty nurse" outfit as it normally pleases the men... Steven hurries over and pulls the bags of my shoulder.
"We will be off now, Daniel. I’ll bring her back soon." he says ushering me to the front door. He grabs my hand and pulled me to his car.

"Wow!" Steven smirks, again. Shit did I say that out loud! I mean it's not my fault look at that car! It's a fricking Aston Martin Rapide.
"I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything!" I blush looking at my feet.
"Hey, it's alright. I like my girls knowing about cars! And aren't shy."

Maybe I'm going to be alright with him...

Third person POV

Annabelle looked out the window of the car. She was nervous but more relaxed than normal. The car drove along the main road for a while before turning down an old diet track into the middle of the woods. Annabelle stiffens and Steven notices muttering to himself.
"You're safe with me. My house is down here just two miles to go." Suddenly we were in the drive way of a mansion.
"Not to sound rude but do you get all this money to have a Aston Martin Rapide and a fricking mansion! You must be as rich as the queen!" Steven mutters away to himself, again, while carrying her bags to the front door.

Once inside Steven drops Annabelle's bags. "It's late let's get you to make and we will talk in the morning." he paused "Uhmmm... This way Anna. Do you mind if I call you Anna?" he asked. Anna shrugged. He led her down several halls leading to a room.
"Here you go. I will have your bags sent up to your room later tonight for you."
"Aren't you going to stay and like umm... Rape me or something?"
"God no! I'm here to help you. Look got o sleep me and my guys and i will explain everything to you tomorrow. You will have a long day ahead of you so get to sleep." he turns and opened the door. "Good night, sweet dreams Annabelle." and Steven shut the door behind him.

Annabelle had a peaceful night that night as she didn’t have to worry about her safety for once in her life... Tomorrow she will find out why these men aren’t abusing her...
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i hope u like it. i came up with this the night my electricity went out!

jessii xx