Smile For Him

Chapter Four

The fresh sunlight streamed through the gap of Harry’s curtains. His eyes flickered, and an audible groan of protest was heard from the young boy. He pulled the covers further over his head attempting to block out the increasing brightness penetrating his room. He could have stayed like this all day, and would have if it were not for his butler knocking on the door. “Mr. Styles. It is thirty minutes past six. If you would, please wake up and get dressed for school.” He walked into the room, his polished shoes making soft thuds on the carpet as he made his way towards the window. Tobias cleared his throat before flinging the curtains wide open. Harry groaned louder, sitting up in his bed and rubbing his eyes. “Breakfast will be ready at seven o’clock. I shall see you downstairs.” Tobias nodded before leaving the room, shutting the door behind him.

Harry sighed. It was Monday already – the weekend had flown by. Since Harry’s adventure to the barn on the Saturday morning, he dared not to exit the house. He sat on his window seat from the moment he woke up until the moment he fell asleep, only taking short breaks when his stomach growled with hunger, and only ever speaking to his family at dinner time. He’d been reading a book titled ‘Less Than Zero’ which he had picked up in the bookshop in town a little while ago. He was fascinated by it. The book itself wasn’t fantastic – it was no Charles Dickens by any stretch. But Harry was fascinated by it because of the story it told. About a boy who lived in California, a place he’d previously associated with sunshine and glamour, but after reading the book he had to think twice about his ideologies. The boy lived a crazy life; sex, drugs, rape, violence, and also MTV. Harry was fascinated because he’d never seen such a life. Of course the book was fictitious, but it had disturbed him, but yet he couldn’t put it down. He had read it all weekend, horrified by its contents, but also slightly jealous of the main character for having so many friends.

Harry thought over the book once more as he entered the shower for his five minute routine. And secretly imagined what Louis’ life was like. Was it crazy like that? Had he seen such horrid things? It was not impossible. It made Harry scared to think that such disastrous things happened only a few miles away. His side of town was certainly different to Louis’. But then Harry had to remind himself that, actually, he knew nothing about Louis. In fact, he only knew his name! Why on earth was he so obsessed? What was it about those blue eyes that held Harry’s interest? Harry didn’t know - but what he did know was that he was looking forward to seeing him again. Whenever that would be.


Harry took a small bite from his apple as he looked around his environment. Harry was a people watcher. He liked watching their strange behaviours, the way certain people reaction to certain things. Such as when pretty but bitchy Annabelle throws her head back in laughter, producing a girlish cackle at something that most probably was not even that funny. Or how a boy in Harry’s Year who was seriously into his poetry would gaze longingly at the girl with braces and an oversized blazer. Oh, yes, Harry could learn a lot about people from just watching them. That’s why Harry doesn’t want to be friends with anyone in his school. He knows far too much about them to want to be friends with them. That’s why he wanted to escape. Move to a big city where there was simply too many people to observe, and people that were in too much of a hurry to stay still so Harry could figure out their bad habits. Harry wanted to escape here. He had one more year left. One more fucking year. Harry could taste the freedom on the tip of his tongue, but it seemed just too far away.

Harry continued to nibble at his apple, using his curls as a means of disguise. He watched a boy chew his lip nervously as he spoke to a teacher a little distance away. Harry recognised the habit as nerves – he did it himself when placed in awkward situations. He chomped on his apple again as the boy was handed an exam paper back, his eyes rather glassy looking. Harry’s eyes flickered to the boy’s clenched hand, knowing that the fingernails would be digging into his palm. He was punishing himself, telling himself off for crying at a bad test result. Harry could read people as easily as he read his books. Harry was a certain kind of wallflower, it could be said – all seeing and all knowing, but with no real desire to interact with those around him. Shy, and quiet. Possibly even afraid to speak. Not socially retarded, he knew how to talk to people, and knew exactly what he wanted to say to them. He just didn’t say it. He was invisible, and enjoyed being that way. He was a loner and...well he didn’t necessarily like it that way, but he’d much prefer being alone than to be associated with these posh pricks. Harry took one last bite, his eyes squinting in interest as he watched the boy walk away, furiously rubbing his eyes in shame.


As always Harry was the first out of the door, brown bag clunking on his thigh with each quick step he took towards the front doors. But he wasn’t quick enough. “Mr. Styles!” a booming voice was heard from down the corridor. Harry stopped and squeezed his eyes shut, hissing as if in pain as the teacher came towards him. “Mr. Styles,” his P.E teacher spoke, his sports shorts bunched up unattractively around his testicles, “I do not believe your parents would be happy to find out that you refused to participate in your physical education lesson again! You will attend Wednesday’s lesson without fail, and, if you do not, a phone call will be made home which will result in serious consequences!” Harry gulped and looked down at the floor to try and hid his blushing cheeks as his teacher strode past him, pulling his underwear out of his arse-crack as he did so. Harry grimaced at the sight, but carried on walking towards the front doors, slowed down this time due to the throng of students that had joined him.

Harry couldn’t help but pick up on the conversation behind him, “Cassandra just text me, apparently there is a well buff boy outside. She said he obviously doesn’t go to the school, he’s much older!” a girl replied in a posh and snotty voice. “I wonder who he’s waiting for. Probably Annabelle. She always has boys chasing after her.” The two girls giggled behind him and Harry had to stop himself from rolling his eyes. Their gossiping behaviour was pathetic. But, that still didn’t stop his mind from wondering who this older boy could be. It most probably was an older boy from outside of town waiting for Annabelle in a posh sports car, ready to whisk her away so they can make love under the stars.

Harry finally managed to squeeze his way through the double doors and almost fell down the stone steps in his attempt. Harry began battling his way through the crowd of students as they chatted amongst themselves. He mostly kept his head down, using his shoulders to gently nudge other people out of the way, indicating that he was trying to get through. For a split second Harry looked up, and somehow, across the crowd he saw a fleck of cornflower blue. His heart stopped, and he stood still. There was Louis, leant against a navy coloured Mini Cooper which was parked right up against the school, his arms crossed casually, glancing around, obviously looking for someone. Harry let out a long breath, one which he didn’t even realise he was holding. His heart sunk. It was Louis who was waiting for Annabelle. She must have caught his eye on Friday night when he was working as a waiter. For a moment Harry thought he had found a new friend, but he realised he must have dwelled over the, “Harry, I’ll see you later.” Perhaps a bit too much. Maybe Louis hadn’t meant it as a promise, and was simply trying to make Harry feel better.

He bit his lip, quickly looking to the ground once those blue eyes met his. Harry freed himself from the crowd and walked past the navy car, ready to walk home in disappointment, when he heard, “Hey?” it was a soft voice, calling in confusion. Harry didn’t want to believe it was anyone calling to him, and certainly didn’t want to believe it was him of all people calling for Harry’s attention. So he carried on walking. “Harry?” the gentle voice said a little louder. This time it was no mistaking – he was calling for him. Harry swallowed and turned around, not getting his hopes up in case it was in fact another Harry that was being called. But there was no denying, it was him that was being called. Louis was standing behind him, a hint of hurt in his pretty eyes. “You’re just going to walk past without saying, ‘hi?’ after I’ve come all this way to see you?” Louis said, upset in his voice, but with a light smile tugging on his lips. Harry blinked in confusion. “W-what?”

“Well, I did say I would see you again, didn’t I? And I figured you went to this school,” Louis gazed up at the old school, admiring its structure and the bell tower that sat on top, “so I thought I would come and see you. That is, if you don’t mind?” Louis turned back towards him with a hopeful smile on his face. Harry was amazed. There was such confidence radiating from this boy it was almost painful to take. He had the guts to drive to the richest part in town in his less than expensive car, and wait outside the school where hundreds of students would see him, to pick up a boy he barely knew, and had only met the other night for a brief five minutes. “B-but why would you want to...why would you want to see me?” Harry asked, blushing as his voice stammered from his nerves. Louis shrugged, “Why not?” the students were beginning to look at them weird. The girls fascinated by the older male, although evidently confused as to why he was speaking to Harry Styles, of all people. While the boys observed them with interest. Bert even looking quite angry that Harry seemed to have a friend – someone who could potentially protect him. “Now, are you going to get in the car? Or are we going to stand around making awkward conversation like dickheads?” Louis raised an eyebrow. Harry’s heart raced as he gave a short nod. His breathing grew shallow as Louis unlocked the car and opened the passenger side door for him. Harry slid in without a word, detecting the scent of cigarette smoke and cherry car fresheners. His mind was going crazy, ‘why are you getting in a car with a stranger?’, ‘you know how these things go in the movies!’, ‘what are you parents going to think?’, ‘you utter fool, Harry Styles! Get out! Get out of the car now!’ But Harry didn’t have time to consider that option anymore, because Louis had already buckled his seatbelt and had revved the engine to life. “Where do you want to go?” Louis asked, turning to look at Harry’s petrified face in the seat next to him. Harry ignored the looks the students were giving towards the car, and turned to look back at Louis, hoping his cheeks weren’t as red as they felt, “I-” his voice cracked, he blushed and cleared his throat, “I don’t mind.”

Louis grinned, “Okay.” He pressed the power button on his CD player, and Harry jumped as guitars and drums burst through the speakers. As Louis drove away from the school, he asked Harry, “Have you ever heard this band before?” Harry shook his head, and Louis laughed. “They’re good, you’ll like ‘em.” Harry wanted to shout at the older boy, ‘how do you know what I’ll like!’ but chose to keep completely quiet, discovering that in fact he did quite enjoy the music. It was fun, and loud, and not like the other crap the rest of his class mates listened to. Despite how dangerous the situation Harry was in could potentially turn out to be, he found himself not caring. Although he was nervous around Louis, due to the fact he knew nothing but his name, he was exciting about what lay ahead. And he didn’t mean in terms of the next couple of hours, he meant in terms of the next couple of weeks, months even!

And as they sped past shops and houses that Harry had never seen before, he realised one thing. He’d escaped - if not only for a little while.
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This is the band that Louis and Harry were listening to in the car, just in case you were curious.