Status: indefinite hiatus

Crash Land.

and i've lost her all over again,

Austin didn’t sleep much, his mind wouldn’t allow it. All he could do was lay there. He just watched the sleeping girl in his arms. His mind was racing and so was his heart. He didn’t know what he was doing. He was fucking up everything he had taught himself. Friends aren’t supposed to do this with other friend’s sisters, especially their little ones. Those issues alone made his stomach turn but the biggest of all; Austin didn’t do this with girls. There was a reason for that. And with Liliana he knew this wasn’t going to end well but a part of him wanted it to. At the sound of the door creaking open, his body began very stiff.

“What the fuck?”

The harsh whisper made Austin’s blood turn cold. He looked up at and into his angry green eyes. David stood there ready to kill Austin. Austin placed his finger to his lips before sliding his body from the girls. He carefully released the death grip she had on him. His movement very slow as David stared at him. He gave Austin a stern look before disappearing into the living room. Austin knew this wasn’t going to end well. He took a deep breath as he walked out of the room in just his boxers. He walked into the living room just to see David pacing the room. As soon as Austin came in sight, David walked straight up to him and pushed his chest hard.

“My fucking sister man!” he yelled shoving him again. “My little fucking sister”, he said pushing him against the wall before he clenched his fist.

Austin threw his hands up in fear. “Just listen”, he said breathless from the impact of David’s strong hands against his chest. “Nothing happened”, he said saying a bit of the truth. “She came over freaking out, crying-“

“She was crying?”

Austin noticed the worried look in his face before he nodded. “She had a break down and she was looking or you. You weren’t here and she had a freak out, she didn’t want to go back home so I let her stay.”

“So you took advantage of my sister?”

“I didn’t”, he said in all honesty. “I couldn’t do that”, he said as David paced the room.

“Did anything happen?”

“With us?” he asked as David nodded his head. “We kissed”, he said as David ran his fingers through his hair. “But I promise that was it”, he said as David paced the room.

Austin watched with fear. David turned back to Austin making his way to his friend with anger in his eyes. He walked straight to him and without a second thought his fist collided into Austin’s face. He grabbed his face in pain but did nothing. Just stood there taking the punch. David looked into Austin’s eyes with anger.

“You leave my fucking sister alone.”

“I can’t do that man.”

David turned back around with clutched fist. “What?”

“I can’t leave her alone”, he spoke moving his jaw slightly in pain. “I’ve tried but I can’t.”

David narrowed his eyes at his friend. He could see the change of color and that alone scared him. He clutched his fist taking another step. He pulled back his hand and all Austin could do was stand there waiting for the impact, waiting for the pain.

“You can punch me all you want man”, he spoke sternly not letting his eyes blink. “I’m not going anywhere.”

“You have feelings for my fucking sister?”

Austin shrugged his shoulders looking into David’s eyes. “I do”, he said as David let out a breath pushing at his chest.

David gripped Austin’s shirt before shaking his head slightly. He shoved him back before his eyes traveled to the girl. Liliana stood there in an oversized shirt and underwear. David felt sick at the sight.

“Get some fucking pants on, Lily?!”

Liliana just stood there with wide eyes and arms crossed over her chest. She looked over at Austin only to see him breathing heavily against the wall, a look of embarrassment flushed through his eyes.

“Lily!” he yelled with anger as the girl flinched pulling her eyes from Austin. “What are you fucking doing?”

She said nothing as she shrugged her shoulders. He sighed before running his fingers through his hair. He walked over to his sister and without a second thought he wrapped his arms around her. His lips pressed against the top of her head.

“Are you okay?”

She nodded her head slightly, still finding it hard to talk. Her eyes traveled to Austin to see his eyes on the siblings. He looked over at Liliana with a stern face.

“I can’t deal with this right now”, he spoke down at his little sister. “I’m going to get some fresh air and then you and I are going to have a talk”, he said looking at his sister as she nodded her head. “About everything Lils”, he said before kissing her temple.

He pulled away from his sister before walking past Austin not daring to even look at him. With a slam of the door, Austin closed his eyes as Liliana stood where she was.

“Did you mean it?”

Austin sighed knowing this conversation was coming up. He nodded his head racking his fingers through his hair.

“I did.”

She nodded her head still standing there. He leaned his head against the wall feeling his world spinning. His head was killing him along with his jaw. Suddenly he felt soft hands going against his jaw. He tensed at her touch not allowing his eyes to open. Her lips started to trail kisses up and down his cheekbone to his jaw. He sucked in air as he felt her tongue slide against his skin. Without thinking he grabbed her waist tugging her body into his. With a peck on his lips, he let his eyes flutter open staring into her eyes. She gave him a slight smile and he couldn’t help but to smile back. She grabbed his hand and tugged him towards the bedroom. The two found themselves laying there in the unmade bed, not sheets covering the hard mattress. They laid there on their side facing each other. The comfortable silence as they stared at each other. Her hand went up to his face, circling the already bruising skin.

“You can take a punch.”

He chuckled softly before kissing her fingertips. “You saw that?”

She nodded her head before her lips crashed into his softly. She pulled away pressing her forehead against his.

“I’m sorry.”

“You have nothing to be sorry about.”

“My brother punched you.”

“My friend punched me”, he corrected her. “I deserved it.”


He shrugged his shoulders as his hands rested on her bare waist. He let his rough hands rub at the skin.

“Because I’m doing this with his little sister”, he said letting his hands slide over her lower back as his lips pressed against hers softly. “And I like it”, he said trailing down her lips to her neck. “And you”, he said against her skin.

Liliana nodded her head enjoying the feeling of his hands and lips against her skin. She moaned softly as his tongue slid against her tongue as the soft suction of his lips made her body go crazy. She wrapped a leg over his shoulder pulling him tighter to her as he continued to kiss her neck. She rolled over slightly so that she was pressed on her back and his body hung over hers. He settled in-between her legs as his lips continued to suck at her neck. He let his lips travel back up her face before they were directly on her lips. He pulled away, his head hovering over hers. His hand was rested up her shirt, directly under her bra. He looked down at her licking his lips tasting her on them.

“Austin”, she said softly as he hips slightly rolled into his.

“Yes, darling?” he asked in a raspy voice.

“Do you want this?” she asked as Austin knitted his eyebrows together. “Here’s your chance to run away from all this, wash your hands from me and everything.”

He just chuckled before shaking his head. “Darling, I was willing to let your brother beat me to a pulp for you.”


He didn’t say anything but pressed his lips against hers. His tongue slide into her mouth tanging with hers as his hand rose slightly up gripping her breast in his hand. He thumb swiped her nipple slightly as he continued to devour her mouth. He felt her moan slightly into the kiss as he pulled away, his hand gripping her breast slightly. She looked up at him with a look on her face that could made Austin finish right there and then. He chuckled before he kissed down her chin and down her neck as his hands rubbing at her bare skin and resting on her stomach. Her hips buckled into his as a finger rested under her waistband.

“Austin”, she moaned softly.

Austin could feel himself growing but he knew he had to stop. He pulled himself away from the girl as he placed a soft kiss on her lips. He rolled them over so that she was on top of him.

“Why did you stop?’

He shrugged his shoulders. “Your brother might be coming in soon”, he said completely lying.

She nodded her head believing his words. So they just laid there holding each other before the sounds of the front door opening cause the two to jump away from each other.

“Lily, get some clothes on and let’s go.”

Liliana listened quickly as she gathered her things. She looked down at Austin who was in bed. She smiled down at him placing her lips against his.

“Good luck.”

She let out a slight chuckle before nodding her head. When she walked out into the living room, there he brother stood with a tense look on his face. He didn’t say a word to the girl as they walked together out in the warm sun. Not a word was exchanged as they walked down the street and ended up at a dinner. They took their seats and got their coffee, he just stared at his sister. David adored his little sister. It was his job to protect her from all the bad things in the world from ever hurting. He looked at her and all he could see was the little girl that would follow him everywhere. He didn’t want to admit that his sister was no longer that baby girl. He sighed as he placed his hands on the table.

“What happened last night?”

“The usual”, she spoke sipping her coffee. “I just can’t deal with it anymore, David.”

He nodded his head. “I know”, he said running his fingers through his hair. “Just a couple more months and your gone”, he said with a bitter smile.

She nodded her head. “I know.”

David sighed before pulling the flask out from his jacket. Liliana chuckled at her brother’s actions. He poured the whiskey into the coffee before handing it over to the girl. She chuckled taking it in her hand and pouring it in her coffee and then handing it back over.

“So when did this happen?”


“You and Austin”, he said as the girl shrugged her shoulders.

“I honestly don’t know.”

“Do you like him?”

She nodded her head. “I don’t want to.”


“Because I don’t want to have feelings for a guy, especially Austin”, she said drinking the coffee with a look of disgust at the strangeness of the liquor.


She shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know”, she said lying through her teeth. “I just don’t”, she said as David nodded his head.

“I love you Lily, just know that okay.”

She looked up at her brother before nodding her head. “I love you too.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Liliana's Outfit.

What an intense chapter. What are you guys thinking so far? I honestly love Austin, i think he's adorable. And Liliana and him just compliment each other very well.

Only three more chapters of the Austin Era and then it's off to John. I honestly missed writing about that boy. I think he's fucking adorable, but so is Austin. So I might be split deciding on who I want her to be with at the end.

Starting writing the John part (;

I'm not sure if you, yes you, read my other stories. If so, I'm completely sorry for these redundant authors notes but I need to keep you all inform (;

Basically, I have two stories that are nearly ending. One being Shimmer. and the other Breathe Again. And if you followed my stories you know that I always have another write after and this is no different. I already have a new story in the works, a co-write with my very talented friend pelican park which is called Kaleidoscope Eyes.. So you all should go and check it out, you know the drill (;

And as for the second story, I'm still unsure of who the main guy will be. As you all know I love to get you all, the readers, involved in the stories I write. So I need help guys, I want to have a bit of a vote off to see who the next story will feature. I got a couple of suggestions sent to me but I would love to know which you all would love to read about.

Here are the options!
1. John O'Callaghan
2. Max Helyer
3. Harry Styles or one of the One Direction boys. (Seriously one of my biggest guilty pleasures right now, if you don't know who these boys are just go on tumblr.)
4. Another Daniel Flint

So let me know guys! We should start the voting NOW (;

Feedback would be amazing guys, also another amazing thing for you to do is to follow me on tumblr if you aren't already (;

Thank you all so very much (: