Status: indefinite hiatus

Crash Land.

nothing gets better than memories.

Liliana awoke with the bright sun shining through her window. She groaned softly as she let her eyes flutter open. When she let her eyes open she was met with a sleeping face, she could only grin as her eyes studied his beautiful face. The facial hair peeking out from his soft skin as his lips pouted out a bit. She held back any need to just reach out and kiss every inch of skin. She sighed softly inhaling his scent. The slight smell of alcohol and cigarettes met her nostrils, she only grinned. She felt his rough hands grip he bare hips holding on for dear life. She only smiled at the sight before turning her attention back to the sleeping boy in front of her. She took another deep breath inhaling all of him, the scent of his aftershave and cologne hitting her softly. She grinned to herself before she looked over at the clock. It was time, it was time to leave.

With a deep sigh she wiggled out of his grip before she landed off the bed staring at the boy stir and roll over on his side. She felt her heart break at the sight of him; this was probably going to be the last time she laid eyes on Austin Gibbs. She didn’t believe that they were going to keep in touch. She was moving to California and Austin was staying here but she knew he wasn’t going to call Texas his home much longer. She was realistic about this and didn’t have much hope that they two would run into each other again. She let out another sigh before bending down gathering her clothes from last night. She disappeared into the bathroom before repapering in a pair of jeans and tank top. She threw the last of her things in her backpack careful not to wake the sleeping boy. She was doing anything she possibly could to avoid the awkward goodbye.

She smirked down at the jean jacket sprawled on the ground; she picked up Austin’s jacket before putting it on herself. She always liked the jacket and she was taking it upon herself to take it as a farewell gift. She grabbed a sheet of paper along with the pen on her desk. She smirked to herself as she wrote out a message and with a satisfied grin she placed it on the bed and then disappeared out into the living room.

“I already packed up your car with your things.”

Liliana looked up to see her brother standing there with a shot out look on his face. She only laughed before walking over to him ruffling with his hair.

“You’re really regretting the galloons of alcohol, aren’t you?”

“Oh yeah”, he spoke with a grin.

Liliana only smiled up at her older brother staring up at his eyes. She took a sigh looking around the house and then focusing on her brother.

“Have I told you how proud I am of you?”

She nodded her head holding back the tears in her eyes. “Thank you, for everything”, she spoke looking into his eyes. “Thanks for being there when they wouldn’t.”

“Fuck parents, who needs them?”

She let out a laugh as a single tear fell from her eyes. “Get your ass over here”, she said before clutching down on him holding him tight. “Thank you”, she spoke through tears. “I love you David”, she said as he nodded his head.

“Enough of that gay shit”, he spoke before stepping to the side.

There Jaime stood with tears already in her eyes. “Did you get all your things?”

She nodded her head tugging on her backpack, the last of her things. “I did.”

“Here give me that”, she said as she grabbed the back into her hand and disappeared out the door.

Liliana looked up at her brother only to see a smirk on his face. “She cried all last night”, he said as she nodded her head before following her best friend out the door.

David followed after the two girls as they stood outside of the already packed car. Liliana stood there in complete awe. She had waited for this moment for years, the moment she found out about college she was counting down the days until she was able to leave the hell hole called her home. She took another look at the house, her childhood home. Not a single presence of her Father or Mother. Her Father was off at ‘work’ while her Mother was on vacation with god knows who. She didn’t mind it, she didn’t need her parents. They were the reason why she was leaving so why would she want to say goodbye. She took a deep breath as she felt her brother wrap an around her shoulder.

“Fuck them, Lily.”

She nodded her head sniffling back the tears. “Fuck them”, she said softly before her eyes focused on Jaime standing there with tears streaming down her face.

Liliana took a deep breath before taking a step forward. She immediately grabbed her friend into a hug. Jaime her best friend, she was always the kindest person Liliana had ever met. The first moment they met Jaime was nothing but nice to her and here she was saying goodbye. She knew they were going to see each other again but it didn’t stop it from hurting as much as it did.

“Hey Jaime”, she said pulling the crying girl out from her arms. “It’s okay, you’re going to come visit me out in California”, she said wiping the tears from her soft face.

“I’m going to miss you so much.”

“I’m going to miss you too”, she said grabbing her into another hug. “Thank you for being my friend”, she said as Jaime chuckled through the tears. “I love you so much”, she said as Jaime choked on her tears once again.

“I love you too Lily.”

Liliana nodded before her eyes traveled over to her brother standing there with his hands shoved into his pockets.

“Take care of my brother, will you?” she asked with a soft laugh. “Make sure the asshole doesn’t get thrown in jail.”

“I will.”

Liliana pulled away with a smile before leaning over and placing a kiss on the girl’s cheek. She wiped away the tears even more before looking over at the parked car. She walked over to her brother with arms wide open, she took him into his arms as she held on to him for dear life, like when they were younger and their parents would fight. She choked on the tears trying her best to hold it in.

“Stay out of trouble.”

“I will.”

“And take care of Jaime for me, will you?” she asked with a laugh looking into her brother’s eyes. “And treat her like lady and not like your other whores”, she said as he raised his eyebrows at her. “I know about you two, it’s obvious”, she said as he let out a chuckle.

Just when Liliana was going to turn towards her car she heard a door shut close. “And you thought you could leave without the awkward hello.”

Liliana let out a laugh as she watched Austin walking down the driveway in just a worn out pair of jeans. She took a step forward meeting him up the hill.

“I was hoping I would.”

He just grinned before lifting the note up in the air. “Leaving a note about how you’re stealing my jacket is a wonderful goodbye.”

“I also said to take care.”

He nodded his head before taking another step closer. “So this is it?”

“This is it.”

He nodded his head before placing his rough hands on her face. She felt her breathe choke up at the simple touch. She looked into his hazel eyes trying her best to control her emotions. He grinned down at her and before she knew it his lips were pressed tightly against hers. She grabbed a hold of his hair tugging him closer as their last goodbye kiss turned their bodies on fire. They held on to each other for dear life as they continued to devour each other’s mouth. Austin pulled away breathlessly as he placed his forehead against hers.

“I’ll see you around?” he asked with a hope but he knew deep down that this was it, he was realistic about life no matter how much he wanted to have hope that he would see her again.

“Yeah”, she said with a nod looking into his eyes. “I’ll see you around.”

He looked down as he took a deep breath. “Come here, darling”, he said and before she knew it he crashed his lips into hers once again.

He gripped her hips while the other clutched her neck bring her in closer. She felt her body go weak as she continued to kiss. Their lips moving in a beautiful rhythm, it was all so bittersweet. She was the first to pull back as she licked her lips tasting him on them. She looked into his eyes as she pressed her forehead against his.


She nodded her head with a chuckle. “Me too”, she said before grabbing him into a tight hug.

He held her a little too tight afraid to let her go. She took in deep breaths finding it harder and harder to leave as she stood in his arms. She took another deep breath before placing her lips against his ear.

“I love you boy”, she spoke as Austin felt his heart stop beating. “But the timing just aint right”, she spoke in a soft whisper.

With one last kiss to his lips she turned around and straight to her car. She needed to get out of there before she found herself staying, staying just because of a beautiful boy. She started the engine before reversing out from the driveway as her green eyes staring out to see the three of them standing there with sad expressions on their face. She had never expected it to be so hard to leave; she expected to leave with a smile on her face. But here she was in tears as she drove Stateline. She didn’t expect for it to have been so hard to leave Texas and she had one person to blame for that, Austin Gibbs.
♠ ♠ ♠
And that is the end of the Austin Gibbs era! Catch the lyrics (;

I wasn't able to recover the last two chapters, so if you feel lost just go ahead and send a message/comment my way and I will fill you in. I wasn't going to re-write those chapters. So you could also yell at me for being so lazy.

So guys, I have two stories I'm going to keep whoring out. I'm going to give you all a small deal. Only five comments will get you the first chapter (;
All you Harry Style fans, here's the story for you guys (; (Do not judge me)
Sensible Heart.

And those Max Helyer lovers, this ones for you!
Tragic Flaw.

Only five comments guys on the story you would like to read, maybe both (;

Feedback would be amazing, since mibba crashed I lost a lot of my comments and it's really upsetting!
thank you all so much (:

And now here comes the John O'Callaghan era! I know a lot of you were excited about it! (: