Status: indefinite hiatus

Crash Land.

I went searching when the lights went out.

“Do you ever sleep?”

His green eyes shot to hers before he looked back down to the page with a very familiar smirk on his face.

“I should ask you the same question.”

“I’m working”, she said with a shrug leaning over. “What’s your excuse?”

His green eyes met hers once again. “I’m working”, he said with another one of his smirks.

“So your name is John.”

“I guess I’m not getting anything done tonight”, he said placing his pencil down before his green eyes met hers. “Yes, my name is John”, he said leaning back in the seat.

“Is that a fake name?”

John looked up at the stunning girl and he couldn’t help but to laugh. The girl was obnoxious but there was something about her that kept him coming back. Every day for the past week he found himself in the same spot then the last. When he first walked into the run down dinner he was just looking for a place to sort his thoughts but he found more, way more.

“My darling mother gave me the name so therefore it is as real as your name.”

“You don’t even know my name.”

“It’s Liliana”, he spoke with his thick raspy voice with a tint of a southern drawl as the girl cocked an eyebrow high at his knowledge of her name. “It’s on your notebook”, he said tapping the paper with his pencil.

She nodded her head before letting out a soft laugh. “What are you doing here?” she asked and before John had the chance to open his mouth with his traditional smart ass answer Liliana placed her hand out to stop him. “In LA because I know for sure you’re not from around here.”

“And what if I am?”

“Then you have bigger problems than I imagined.”

He let out a chuckle before leaning over closer taking in her green eyes. “I’m from Arizona.”

“And what are you doing here?”

“Working”, he said simply before looking at the girl. “And no, I’m not lying. I’m really here working”, he said with a soft chuckle.

She nodded her head before pulling her body from the counter. “What do you do?”

“A lot of things.”

“Such as?”

John shrugged his shoulders. “Make girls scream”, he said satisfied with his answer by the look on the girls face.

“I don’t know if you’re a mass murder or a porn star.”

“I guess you could say a mixture of the both.”

“I’m into it.”

John smirked up at the girl before nodding his head. “What time do you get off?”

“What time will you get me off?”

John couldn’t help but to laugh shaking his head with amusement. In the brief conversations the two had he knew well enough that his mouth was no match for hers.

“Wanna go somewhere with me?”

Liliana looked over at John in confusion. She let her green eyes travel off to her co-worker walking in ready for her shift. She shifted her attention back to John who was staring intensely in her direction.

“Are you going to kill me?”

He shrugged his shoulders. “If I tell you now then what would be the surprise.”

“I don’t know if I should trust you John Doe.”

Liliana watched as another laugh left his lips and she couldn’t help but to feel her knees grow weak by it. There was something about him that intrigued her to no end.

“It’s actually O’Callaghan”, he said looking straight into the girls eyes. “The fifth”, he said watching the girls lips turn upright into a grin.

“I don’t know if I should trust you John O’Callaghan the fifth.”

“You shouldn’t.”

And that answer alone was the reason why she found herself out in the warm Los Angeles morning heat with a complete stranger walking to god knows where. They walked in complete silence as the sound of the cars driving by was the theme song playing in the background. Many thoughts were surrounding her head but she couldn’t concentrate on any of them as she followed the tall stranger through a busy street. Soon there were met with a steep hill. She looked over at John watching his long spider like legs climb up. He turned around mid-way looking at the blond girl standing there with her arms crossed over her chest.

“You’re going to miss it.”

She raised an eyebrow of confusion before her curiosity of what it was got the better of her. She climbed up the hill digging her black converse into the rock like mud. Once she got to the top, there John was standing with his hands deep into his leather jacket staring into the horizon. She tore her eyes from John before looking out into the city lights as the smell of the ocean pulled through her senses. She looked out to the see the ocean waves crashing in the distance. She grinned at the sight. Just when she was going to compliment on the scenery John finally spoke up.

“Just wait”, his raspy voice countered staring off.

“For what?” she asked confused but the mystery of it all was appealing.

As she waited for an answer the reflection of his green eyes answered it for her. She turned her attention out and felt her body shake with suspense. The streaming colors blazing out on the two of them. She watched as the sun peaked over the horizon. She couldn’t look away as she stared at the scene below. She had never seen something so beautiful. There was something so calming about it all. She stood there almost amazed.

“I was wondering one night because as you know I don’t sleep”, he said with a slight humor in his voice as both pair of eyes were focused on the beautiful sight. “I was drunk as hell and thought it was a good idea to climb a hill”, he continued taking brief pauses hoping the girl beside him was listening. “And I ended up here for god knows why and this happened. So every night I find myself climbing that very same hill to see this”, he said finally looking over to see her green eyes staring at him intensely.

“As much as I want to believe that you’re this deep profound guy filled with mystery I can’t”, she said as John chuckled shaking his head trying his best to conceal the wide grin on his face. “Is this just a plot to get in my pants?”

“Don’t you think I would be reciting some kind of poem of sorts”, he said making the girl laugh at his words. “But if that will help the case I know a couple.”

“It’s really beautiful out here”, she said bending down so that her ass met the rough ground. “I used to have a place like this back home”, she said as John bent down to take the spot next to her.

“Where’s home?” he asked looking over at the girl.

“Texas”, she said as he nodded his head. “What about you?”

“Beautiful Arizona”, he said as she nodded her head.

“Is there a reason why you’re here?”

“I’m uninspired so I’m trying to find my muse as you will.”

“Are you an artist?” she asked as he shook his head. “A writer?” she asked as John shrugged his shoulders.

“I like to think I am.”

“Don’t we all”, she said before turning her attention back to the sunset above. “So, John O’Callaghan”, she started off as she felt his green eyes burn into the side of her cheek.

Liliana’s lips turned upright into a grin as her eyes traveled back to his face. She studied his features through the burst of color appearing above them. He was gorgeous, there was no doubt in that but there was something about him that made her want to know him. She enjoyed the mystery of him and the vague answers. It was like John was another version of Liliana. She was unsure if that was a good or bad thing in the brief time of meeting him that she was having these mixed feelings but worse of all, she was unsure of why she wanted to know the answer so badly.


“Are you feeling inspired?”

John couldn’t obtain his grin before nodding his head. “I think so.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Liliana's Outfit.

I honestly really love this chapter and to be honest I'm loving the interaction between John and Liliana. What are you guys thinking?