Status: indefinite hiatus

Crash Land.

But still i have trouble with living my life outside.

“Don’t forget midterms are vastly approaching; take the time out of your social life to study.”

Liliana ignored her professor’s words as she pushed through the building group of her classmates. She didn’t get along with anyone in any of her classes, never did since freshmen year. When she was living in the dorms she absolutely hated her roommate and she was 100 percent positive that her roommate despised her. After two years of living in the dorms with horrid roommates after horrid roommates she was finally able to live off campus. Liliana was meant to be living alone. She was far too much of a bitch to live in the same living quarters as anyone. Back when she was living in Texas, she was alone majority of the time she was used to be alone. The people around her argued that the girl was a stuck-up bitch, she didn’t deny it. She was a bitch. Maybe not stuck-up, but she was definitely a bitch. As she rounded the wide hallway that lead out to the courtyard her eyes were focused on the tall boy standing in front of her with a bright smile on her face. She tried her best to hide the smile stretching on her lips, hide any emotions that gave John the benefit of being the one giving her the smile.

“What the fuck are you doing here?”

“Hello to you too,” he said leaning down and placing a kiss on her lips. “How was class?”

“Shitty,” she said still completely stunned. “What are you doing here?”

“I figured since I had a bit of a day off that I would come and visit you. It’s been a week since I’ve seen you and I sort of missed you.”

And there it was, the smile stretched across her lips. John instantly noticed it. He lived for those smiles. And just as soon as the smile appeared it disappeared.

“You’re gay.”

“You know it’s not a bad thing to let yourself smile sometimes.”

“It is,” she pointed out. “Especially if you’re the one making me smile,” she said shoving his shoulder lightly.

“I would stop if I were you.”


“People might actually think you have feelings for me with the way you’re flirting.”

“I hate you.”
“I already know this Lilly, now if we could please leave this place of learning before I have a need to go to a frat party.”

She rolled her eyes letting his arm wrap around her shoulder tugging her through the court yard. They ended up at a small Mexican restaurant down the street. John still couldn’t figure out the green eyed girl sitting in front of him. He was used to girls that told him their life story in a mere five minutes of knowing each other. But here Liliana and him sat, a month into knowing each other and there was nothing. She would let out the simplest of information that John soaked up quickly. With Liliana you had to listen closely or you would miss everything.

“So you don’t speak Spanish?”

She shrugged her shoulders taking a bite of her burrito. “Well I mean I understand it. When I was younger my Grandmother used to live with us and she didn’t understand English well.”

“But you never learned it?”

“Like a few words here and there but not enough to consider myself bilingual.”

“Your grandmother never taught you?”

Liliana looked up at John before sighing softly. “She passed away when I was 10, so she never really got the chance. My brother David knows a little bit more than me but he just uses it as a ploy to get in girls pants.”

“Smart man,” he said only to get a swift kick from under the chair. “What? Some guys use other languages-“

“And other use music.”

John pointed a finger in her direction with a laugh. “This is very true.”

“Is that what got you into music?”

He shook his head. “Not at all, though I have to say the girls are a bonus.”

“Getting your dick suck on the daily is always a bonus.”

John couldn’t control his laughter as he shook his head. “Well it started randomly. I was drunk and singing at a party and a friend of mine asked if I would sing in his little brother band. And it just clicked. I was never this deep thoughtful guy in high school; I was a bit of a partier and jock. I played baseball and I liked to drink, a lot. Music was always a big love of mine but I never really fit in the scene,” he said using his fingers on emphasis on scene. “But a lot of my friends were bands and such so I thought fuck it. And I fell in love.”

“That’s beautiful.”

“Hey asshole, I was sharing my heart.”

She only chuckled taking another bite. John watched her every move. The way she held the burrito in her small hands as her index finger tapped nervously against the soft tortilla. He watched her head slightly bounce from side to side as she brought it to her lips. He grinned watching her before settling down on his own food.

“How’s the writing going?”

“Pretty well actually,” he said with a nod. “Jared and I finally wrote this song that I’ve been working on for a while. It sounds pretty solid.”

“Well that’s good, maybe you can show me sometime.”

“If you’re lucky,” he said with a wink causing the girl to chuckle.

“You know you’re dying to show me.”

He just shook his head with a smirk on his lips. He had no words so he continued to smirk in her direction. When they finished up their food they both ended back at Liliana’s apartment. They sat out on the balcony half dressed with beers in hand, just staring out into the city lights. They were always just sitting there, quiet. Eyes either focused on the beautiful around them or eyes focused in on the beauty in each other.

“Its times like this I wish I could roll myself a huge ass blunt and smoke until I pass out.”

“That’s really depressing.”

Liliana only laughed before shrugging her shoulders. “Well,” she said stretching out the words.

“You smoke?”

“I used to,” she said with a smile. “A lot,” she said as John looked at her with a grin.

“I didn’t catch you as a stoner girl.”

“I was the biggest stoner girl.”

“And why not anymore?” he asked watching the girl laugh slightly.

“Well I didn’t have any connections.”

“I’m sure you could find some in this city.”

“And then I figured maybe I should quit, I’m trying to be a bit of a doctor. I can’t be a stoner,” she said as John nodded his head.

“Well after you hear all the shit that you’re going to hear a good bowl or two at night would ease you.”

“Are you trying to say you were a bit of a stoner?”

“I dabbled but I’ve always been a drinker.”

“You mean alcoholic.”

“At least I’m cute.”

“I’m better.”

He just shrugged his shoulders. “I can’t argue with you there.”

Liliana smiled over at him taking in his appearance. He sat on the opposite chair in just a pair of boxer briefs and a smirk. She liked this look on him, she enjoyed seeing his body. She finished off her beer before placing it down on the ground. She stood from her chair watching John’s green eyes travel down her bare legs. In a swift motion she sat on top of John’s lap her legs straddling his hips. She took the beer from his hands bringing the bottle to her lips finishing it off with a quick drink. She gave John a wide smile before placing the beer on the ground beside them.

“You know, I was still drinking that.”

She shrugged her shoulders not caring. “I rather kiss you.”

He said nothing as he let her lips press against his. His hands rested on her thighs running up the button up shirt and on to her hips. He pulled her in closer as his tongue tangled with hers. She pulled away from him slightly before placing small kisses on his collarbones. He felt her fingers trace the words across his chest.

“I like your tattoos,” she said randomly as John chuckled.

“My family thinks their stupid.”

“They’re unique,” she said with a shrug before meeting his green eyes. “You have beautiful eyes, you know that right?”

“Well now I do.”

She smiled before leaning in and placing a soft kiss against his closed eyes. “Do you miss home?”

John couldn’t hide the fact that he was slightly confused. Liliana rarely showed interested in his life back home. He looked into her beautiful eyes pushing back her mess of blond hair curled above her ears. The small amount of baby hair stuck to her forehead.

“Yeah, I miss my family a lot,” he said kissing her cheek softly. “What about you, do you miss home?”


“Why not?” he asked running his hands down her shoulders before resting it upon her waist.

She shrugged her shoulders showing such vulnerability, something John had never seen before. He looked deep into her eyes watching her tongue slide across her bottom lip.

“My parents and I don’t really get along well.”

“Oh, why is that?”

“My parents are assholes.”

John looked at her before letting out a slight chuckle noticing the grin on her face. “Fair enough, is there a reason why?”

“They were just never there. They were that basic parents that were married because they had to when they absolutely hate each other. My Father cheated on her with his assistant or any bitch with tits and a firm ass while my Mom fucked her trainer or any other man that gives her attention that my father apparently didn’t give.”

“Oh,” he said softly looking into her eyes for any sense of sadness, but she covered it well. “I honestly don’t know what to say babe,” he said placing both hands on her cheeks. “I’m sorry,” he said holding back her hair.

“Why are you sorry?”

He shrugged his shoulders. She smiled before placing her lips against his in a sweet kiss. “What about your brother?”

“He’s a cool guy, we got along really well. He used to be like my hero, I used to follow him everywhere but we grew up. I grew tits and his friends got boners, so we stopped hanging out,” she explained as John nodded his head thanking the lord above he didn’t have little sister. “We’re still pretty close, especially after I started seeing one of his friends.”

John was shocked for the second time. Liliana and her past relationships with men were never brought up. He felt a bit jealous but he didn’t dare show it.

“He must have loved that.”

“He kicked his ass and then had ‘the talk’ with me. It was all wonderful.”

“Sounds that way,” he said with a chuckle.

Liliana nodded her head before placing her lips against his. “This was nice.”


He didn’t ask what she meant by that but instead pressed his hungry lips against hers.
♠ ♠ ♠
Liliana's Outfit

I'm in love with the two. Liliana finally opening up is a beautiful thing. Maybe things will work out between the two. what do you think?

so after I saw The Maine on Friday my love for John as well as the rest of the boys have came back full force. They are all just so fucking adorable. I can't handle it. John, my baby boy, will forever have my heart<3

Thank you all so much for reading, feedback would be amazing.

Only five more chapters of the John era guys, how do you think it will end?!