Status: indefinite hiatus

Crash Land.

Crash land,

“That was completely terrible! Horrendous! My ears are bleeding from the sound that had just come from the speakers above,” she spoke throwing her arms about as all eyes were focused on her with a deep frown on each of their sunburned faces. “I’m just fucking with you guys, I really liked it,” she said as they looked at her in disbelief.

“Are you just trying to be nice?”

“Patrick, darling,” she said sipping on her beer. “When have I done anything to be nice, I’m a bitch, remember?”

“Not all the time.”

Liliana rolled her eyes with a soft chuckle. “Oh, I’m a bitch all the time,” she said before looking up at John. “Ask JohnO over there.”

He threw his hands up in the air before reaching for his own beer. “She is a bitch.”

Liliana gave him a satisfied smile. “I honestly really liked it. I listened to a lot of your old stuff, well more like forced,” she said as John winked in her direction. “And this album is totally different. It has more heart and a lot less of shitty lines. It’s actually quite beautiful. And I’m not saying that because I’m fucking your singer but that’s my real judgment.”

The guys couldn’t hold in the laughter at Liliana’s choice of words. John just shook his head before making over to the broken down chair the girl sat on. He leaned over pressing his lips to hers.

“I’d be careful if I were you.”

“Why is that?”

“The boys might actually think you’re nice,” he said with a wink. “Little Patrick there seems to think you’re nice. I think you’re losing your touch babe.”

She rolled her eyes before slapping his chest. “Fuck you, you’re terrible in bed.”

“You and I both know that’s not true,” he said kissing her lips softly. “And the boys have all heard your moans late at night.”

“I faked every single one.”

He shrugged his shoulders before rubbing his nose against hers. “Whatever gets you through the day,” he said with a wink before stepping away from her.

Liliana only could smile as she looked out at the small practice space they set up in the dingy living room. She leaned back into the chair trying her best to get comfortable as she crossed her legs staring over at the boys.

“So what is this about this song I inspired?”

John smirked before shrugging his shoulders. “I said no such thing existed.”

“Oh fuck off before I never suck your dick again.”

The boys all looked a bit shock at her crude sense of humor. John wasn’t even fazed; he was used to that mouth of hers.

“We’re out of here,” Garrett announced through his hands up in the air.

“You fucking virgin!”

Garrett just chuckled before walking over to Liliana. “I hate you,” he said with a wide smile before kissing her temple. “I’m going to go do something before I witness both you and John in the action again.”

“That’s what you get for leaving us alone.”

“It was five minutes!”

Liliana shrugged her shoulders with a smirk. “A lot could happen in five minutes Gary.”

He groaned at the thought before turning to the other boys. “You guys coming or are you going to stay and watched the bunnies hump it up.”

They all ran after the guy before the front door slammed shut. She smirked to herself looking up to see John holding an acoustic guitar in hand.

“I think you scared them away.”

“They secretly want me,” she said with a shrug putting down her empty beer can. “Or you planned this whole thing so you could seduce me with that wood,” she said with a wink motioning to the guitar in hand.

“My wood always satisfied you.”

“Not last night, you one hump chump,” she said with a wink.

John let out a loud laugh before shaking his head. “Not my fault!” he yelled out frustrated at the thought. “You knew I wouldn’t last long but you kept going!”

She shrugged her shoulders. “You’re adorable when you get embarrassed.”

“I know,” he said with a wink before strumming on the guitar lightly. “One two three,” he said in his deep raspy voice taking the girl by surprised. “Well where I come from, you learn to take it nice and slow. But baby since we met, oh, it's been go, go, go,” he sung looking down at the strings. “So you can rough me up. Yeah baby you can hurt me too. Because all I got. You see, all I got is you. You can rough me up, you can break me down, Baby don't stop now,” he said causing the girl to watch intensely feeling the butterflies building up in her stomach. “Oh, you can use me up till it all runs out, Baby don't stop now. I'm all yours, I'm all yours somehow, Baby don't stop now.”

Liliana couldn’t control her wondering eyes as she watched his lips move to the words slipping out from them. She felt her heart pounded against her ribcage as her stomach turned into a million knots. She couldn’t believe someone had this effect on her, especially John.

“So where I come from, you learn to make the best of things. Honey since we met, you know you've had the best of me. So you can lock me out, Yeah baby throw away that key, because all I know, Is that this is where I wanna be.”

John looked deep into her eyes as his fingers strung away at the guitar. She felt nervous as his eyes locked on hers. She took a deep breath as he continued to sing. With every verse he took a step closer. Liliana felt her hands become sweaty as her breath was caught in her throat. She was nervous as well as a few other emotions pulsing through her. She couldn’t control the emotions running through her veins. As soon as John sang the last line of the song he gave her an awkward smile.

“What did you think?”

She had no words. It was John’s turn to turn slightly nervous. He licked his lips while his fingers tapped against his long legs. He waited for words but instead he got her lips smacked on his. He didn’t waste any time kissing her back. He held her waist as their lips met in a sweet rhythm. John was the first to pull away resting his forehead against hers. He looked deep into her green eyes pushing back her hair from her face.

“I really like you,” he spoke looking into her eyes. “You’re such a pain in the ass but I could see myself falling in love with you.”

And there it was.

The four letter word that Liliana despised. She felt like a deep in headlights and John could sense it.

“I mean I’m not in love with you now, I just said that I could be. You’re the kind of girl that would make a guy like me fall,” he said backtracking afraid that it was too late.

He watched the girl fake a smile before nodding his head. “I know what you mean,” she said kissing his lips racking her brain for a reason to leave. “But I have to get going; I have some studying to do.”


She said nothing but kissed his lips. “I’ll see you later John.” John watched her run as fast away from him as he long legs could carry her.

Something he was sure she had done many times.
♠ ♠ ♠
Liliana's Outfit.

A bit of a filler but showing Liliana doing what she does best. Running away from any emotional invested relationship. What do you guys think's going to happen next? Will she continue running or fall for John's charm.

Only four more chapters left of the John Era!

Feedback would be amazing guys! (: