Status: indefinite hiatus

Crash Land.

And just as things were looking up,

It had been days. Days of both John and Liliana trying to ignore the fact that they were constantly thinking about each other. It took every ounce of self-control for the both of them not to break down and call the other person. While John was flipping through channels on the television it took everything in him not to call the girl just to let her know that Brink was on the Disney channel. And while Liliana was shopping it took everything in her not to call John and let him know that she found a vinyl copy of The Eagles Desperado. It seemed as though every little thing in their day reminded them of the other person. John missed Liliana desperately but he knew not to push the girl. He knew that the more he pushed the further away she would run. And he didn’t want her to run out from his life completely.

“Bullshit, bullshit,” she yelled out proof reading another page of her paper. “This is complete bullshit,” she said with a sigh. “Every fucking word,” she said pressing down roughly on the backspace button.

Liliana’s green eyes traveled to the door narrowing her eyes before sighing to herself and keeping her attention on the computer screen. She hummed softly to Lydia that played through her speakers. Her eyes tore from the front door as she stared down at her phone rested next to the keyboard. She took deep breaths licking at her lips.

“Don’t you fucking dare call him,” she told herself shoving her phone off from the computer desk to the ground below. “What the fuck is wrong with me?”

She ran her fingers through her knotted up blond hair before reaching down and retrieving her phone from the floor. She bit down on her bottom lip, lightly tugging as she concentrated on the names in her phonebook. She scrolled down clicking on the J section of her phone. She stared down at the name below shaking her head. And with a quick click of her finger she brought the phone to her ear. She listened to the ringing on the other end as her eyes closed softly.


Liliana let her tongue swipe across her lips once again. “Hey,” she said in a low voice.

“Lily, what’s going on?”

Liliana ran her fingers through her hair once again, tugging at the knots. “I have a problem.”

She could hear the soft laugh on the other end. “What have you gotten yourself into?”

“I’m a fuck up.”

Jamie sighed on the other end. “What happened now?”

“What always happens?”

“You’re afraid.”

“I’m afraid.”

Jamie nodded her head as she looked around her empty apartment. Her eyes focused on the picture above. She felt her lips twitch into a smirk as the four pairs of eyes stared back at her.

“Lily, do you know what your problem is?”

“I’m a bitch.”

“No,” she said with a chuckle. “You don’t give people chances. You’re very closed off.”

“That’s not true.”

“How many friends have you made since you’ve been out there?”

“I have you know I have many friends,” she said only making her friend chuckle. “Friends that just might take your place as my best friend,” she said as Jamie rolled her eyes once again not allowing the grin on her face fade. “Who am I kidding, I hate people.”

“I know you do.”

“They are just so annoying and all full of shit.”

“I know, but you don’t give people a chance.”

“Why should I?” she asked with a sigh. “All they do is disappoint.”

Jamie sighed on the other end wanting her friend to see through that. “Is this about John?”


“Did he tell you he loved you?”

“No,” she said with a sigh. “He said he was falling in love with me.”

“And you got scared and ran?”

“Then he introduced me as his girlfriend, I told him that we should cool it and then I ran.”


“Why am I going to get involved in something if it’s just not going to work?”

“Why wouldn’t it work?”

Liliana closed her eyes as she slapped her lap top close. She walked over to her couch and slumped her barely clothes body down on to it. She stretched out John’s Tom Petty shirt as she smelled him on her body. Liliana had racked her brain for all the reasons why John and she shouldn’t work out. A bit of a pro and con list, the con’s outweighing the pros but she somehow still kept going back to the list.

“He’s going to leave soon,” she said softly. “I’m going to be leaving soon,” she said with a shrug. “He’s in a band and well I’m not too sure what I’m going to be doing.”

“That’s your problem Lily,” she said with such conviction in her voice. “You don’t give people chances. Even though he’s going to be leaving you or you leaving him, you still have this time together now. Instead of pushing him away afraid of falling in love or him falling in love with you, you’re just wasting the time you have with someone that you obviously care about. I’m not saying that you should just throw caution into the wind and become one of those stupid girls in those girly books you know I love, I’m just saying that you should for once listen to what your heart wants,” she said as Liliana closed her eyes listening to her best friend’s words very carefully. “Stop being afraid to fall, Lily,” she said softly.

“I’m going to go.”

“Please just sleep on it.”

“I will,” she said licking at her lips as her eyes fluttered open. “I love you Jamie,” she said with a smile.

“I love you too Liliana.”

And with that she hung up her phone. Without a second thought Liliana found herself standing outside of John’s place in nothing but her small shorts and John’s t shirt. He legs swimming in the black boots on her feet and her teeth chattered with coldness. She brought her hand to the door once again knocking softly. Just when the girl was going to turn around and walk away the door was pulled open. Liliana turned her attention to meet Garrett’s blue eyes.

“Liliana,” he said with a smile.

“Are you going to let me in asshole or are you going to continue letting me stand out here in the cold?”

Garrett let out a laugh. “Depends on how late you two are going to keep me up?”

“All night,” she said with a wink.

Garrett let out a loud groan before moving off to the side letting the girl through the door. “You know your way to his room.”

Liliana nodded her head before traveling up to John’s room. She could hear the sounds of Lydia coming from his bedroom only causing her lips to spread up to a grin. She brought her hand to the door knob pushing the door open. John laid there in bed, his eyes closed tightly. She glanced at the time seeing it was already midnight. She kicked off her boots and walked to the side of the bed. Her green eyes traveled over John’s facial features. Liliana couldn’t control the feeling in the gut of her stomach. She smiled to herself before crawling into bed. As soon as Liliana was on her side staring in John’s direction, his eyes fluttered open. It was as though he had to take a double take. A slight smile spread to his lips as he grabbed a hold of the girl’s body pulling her under the covers and into his arms. His legs tangled up with hers before he tucked her small body into his chest. Her head rested just below his chin as he held on to her waist, holding her in place. No words were exchanged. John just held her close as he let his eyes and body relax. Liliana couldn’t fight the smile on her face as she soon found comfort as her body relaxed in his. There was something so natural with the way her body fit in his. She didn’t say a word as she placed a soft kiss against his bare chest before letting her eyes flutter close.
♠ ♠ ♠
Liliana's Outfit.

A short but very sweet chapter. I hope you all enjoy it.

A lot of you guys are hating on Liliana, I honestly like her character. She's a bitch and she knows she is. Love is a very scary things especially when you have never experienced it before.

Thank you all so much for reading! Means so much to me. Only two more chapters before the John/Austin era. I'm excited for Austin!

Feedback would be amazing guys (: