Status: indefinite hiatus

Crash Land.

Just to loose imagination or luck.

“How did you sleep?”

Liliana let out a groan ignoring her brother’s question as she went straight into the kitchen. At the sound of her brother’s soft chuckle she threw up her middle finger grabbing onto the coffee pot starting up a much needed cup of coffee. She heard soft giggles coming from down the hallway; she didn’t dare to look back. That was until she heard the clanking of heels walking right beside her. Liliana turned around and couldn’t help the grin breaking out of her lips. She watched the dirty blond struggling in her small bright pink shirt while her hair and make-up a complete mess as she made her walk of shame. Liliana brought her hands together starting a slow clap as the girl walked past the island she was leaning against. The girl looked over at Liliana before jogging off mumbling ‘bitch’ as she walked out the door.

“What was that all about?”

Liliana shrugged her shoulders turning to her brother who was in complete hysterics at his little sisters antics. “She deserves around of applause after her acting,” she said turning back around to grab a mug from the cabinet to pour herself a cup. “Dumb bitch keeping me awake,” she said rubbing at her tired eyes. “And don’t even get me started with your scumbag friend. I was close to opening his bedroom door and breaking his dick in half.”


Liliana felt her body tense up as the hairs on the back of neck were at complete attention. Her head whipped around to stare at the boy who was in the same state of confusion as she was. Austin stood there looking as better than ever. His tight jeans and lose shirt. His hair longer than it once was while his mustache was trimmed to perfection.

“I should have known it would be you fucking the porn star.”

Austin merely smirked before taking a step forward. “Jealous?”

“Been there done that,” she said with a smirk. “What the fuck are you doing in Arizona?”

Austin shrugged his shoulders still keeping the smirk on his face as he let his own eyes travel down the girl’s body. Liliana was no longer the young girl he was knew, but instead she was a complete bombshell of a woman.

“I moved here a couple of years ago.”

“I see,” she said with her hand on her hip. “Hey,” she said with a nod of her head causing Austin to chuckle as he scratched at the facial hair on his chin.

“Is that all I get?”

“Pretty much,” she said with a shrug of her shoulders. “David, is Jay coming to pick me up?”

“She’s already on her way.”

She nodded her head before her eyes drifted off to Austin with a smirk. “It was nice seeing you Gibbs.”

“Trust me; the pleasure is all mines, darling.”

Liliana shook her head with a laugh. “You haven't changed, have you?”

“Is that a bad thing?”

“I’m not sure yet.”

“Well when you know, let me know.”

Austin watched the girl nod her head before pushing past him. He felt his heart beat from his chest as he sighed to himself. He turned back around to see the girl walking away.

“Don’t steal anything!”

He heard her chuckle before slamming the door shut. Austin smirked to himself trying his best to take in deep breaths. He turned to his best friend glaring in his direction.

“Really man?” he asked with a look of disgust.

“Is this why you didn’t want me to stay with you?”

David nodded his head before sitting up from the couch. “Oh yeah,” he said before walking into the kitchen.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

David looked over at Austin who looked distraught by the whole thing. The moment Austin moved back to Arizona he met up with David. The topic of Liliana and her well-being was being constantly asked for a year or whenever he found himself completely trashed. He missed the girl and debated with himself if he should go out and visit her, but he never did. Even when he started touring with a couple of his friends bands, he never went out to find her. He ran his fingers through his hair before looking over at David.

“You know how much I missed her.”

“I just thought it was best.”

“For who, you?”

“Yes and my sister,” he said turning to face his best friend. “Austin, you’re my best friend but you're a complete scumbag.”

“I’m hurt.”

“I could give a fuck,” he said with a sigh. “Are you going to stay with your friends when they come back in town?”

Austin just smirked before shaking his head looking out into the hallway to see Liliana standing there in just a towel. He watched the water falling down her tanned skin just making his mouth water for a taste.

“I think I’ll stay here,” he said with a wink before walking out into the hallway to catch a better glance.

“Are you done staring or am I gonna have to get my brother to kick your ass again?”

Austin just smirked before throwing a wink in her way and disappearing in his room leaving the door slightly crack. He watched as Liliana did the same. He looked through the cracks to see the towel fall to the floor. His heart stopped but suddenly a smirk fell to his face as he saw a middle finger push through the cracked door before it slammed shut. He couldn’t control the smile on his face, Liliana Ramos was back in his life and he wasn’t going to let her walk out of it again.
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A very short filler. Totally just wrote it now. I'm finding it hard to find inspiration for this story. I used to have the basic plot of this part of the story in my head but I lost it. Hopefully I'll find some kind of inspiration.

Don't hate me too much.
I promise the next chapter will be longer.

And Austin is now completely introduced.