Status: indefinite hiatus

Crash Land.

And just as things were looking up,

Liliana heard the loud shots and yells from down the hall. She tried her best to ignore then and let herself fall back to sleep. But as more time passed the louder they became. She rolled on her side pulling the blanket up with her. The yells only went louder. With such frustration and annoyance she tore the blanket from her head. She pulled open her door and walked out of her room. Her green eyes peered down the hallway and there he stood his eyes bloodshot and the smell of alcohol and smoke flooding up the small walkway.

“I want this all cleaned up!”

At the sound of her footsteps, she watched as the two bodies turned to her. She watched her Mother’s angry eyes narrowing in on her as she ran her fingers through her newly dyed hair.

“Did you have something to do with this?”

Liliana shook her head softly; her Mother nodded her head before turning to her son. “I want everything cleaned,” she said sternly as she struggled with her bags of items. “I need a god damn drink to deal with you kids!” she yelled as the door slammed shut.

David rolled his eyes before running his fingers through his hair, the taste of vomit taking in his sense. He took a step forward before the yells began again. Liliana stood there enjoying the show.

“I don’t want to deal with this,” she spoke putting her hand up in the air. “I’m going out, probably won’t be home until Sunday night,” she said as Liliana’s green eyes narrowed in on her Mother’s overnight bag hanging from her thin arm. “I don’t even know what to do with you guys anymore,” she spoke as her heels banged against the wooden stairs. “You two are going to drive me completely insane,” she yelled as David’s lips turned up to a smile.

He looked over at his sister raising his eyebrows with a grin, only making the younger girl roll her eyes in disgust.

“I expect this place spotless before your Dad comes home Sunday night.”

They remained quiet before the sound of slamming door. David let out a groan before disappearing into his room, leaving his younger sister staring at the door. Her green eyes focusing in on something she had seen many times before.

When she was younger, she always felt a sense of void when her parents would leave. At a very young age she was left to fend for herself. She used to be scared to be alone, to be away from her parents for a long period of time. But as time passed and the older she grew the less it hurt. The more she enjoyed being alone to the point where she preferred it. She was better off that way.

“So she just left.”

She nodded her head as she leaned her head back on the bed. “She just left,” she said with a nod.

Jaime jumped up slightly looking at her best friend. “Your brother’s probably all stoked that he gets to thrown another party.”

“You know David.”

Liliana nodded her head tapping her newly painted toes to the beat coming from her speakers until suddenly a pillow came crashing into her face.

“What was that for?”

Jamie narrowed her blue eyes in her direction before letting out a sigh along with a roll of her eyes.

“For not inviting me bitch.”

“I didn’t even go,” she said throwing the pillow back.

Jaime rolled her eyes once again before looking down at the magazine plastered in front of her. Her fingers slipping through the pages as she scanned the pages all while Liliana hummed to song playing from her speakers. Her mind was racing and her thoughts made no sense.

“Knock, knock.”

Liliana’s eyes looked up and there Austin and David stood with grins on their face. “What do you guys want?”

“We’re going for a beer run, did you want anything?”

The bed suddenly moved, her green eyes looked away from the two boys to see Jaime perching up on the bed fixing her hair. Liliana rolled her eyes before turning to the boys.

“Do you want some Smirnoff or that bitch shit you girls drink.”

“Yeah, I want Green Apple,” Jamie spoke up as Liliana rolled her eyes.

“You know I don’t drink that shit asshole,” she said narrowing her eyes at her brother. “Just get me Heineken,” she said softly as her eyes trailed off to Austin, a wide smile on his face as kept his stance on the girl. “What the fuck are you looking at?”

David turned his attention to his friend only to see him chuckle. “Nothing,” he said before turning his attention to Jaime. “Hey, I’m Austin,” he said walking into the girl’s room and putting his hand out to the girl.

“Jaime,” she said with a flirtatious grin.

“It’s nice to meet you,” he said with a smile before turning to Liliana. “This is how you politely shake a person’s hand.”

“Suck my dick.”

Austin threw his hands up with a laugh only to get an arm wrapping itself around his neck. “Come on man before she kicks your ass.”

Jaime watched as the two boys walked out of the room and as soon as they were out of view a hand went straight to her friend’s thigh.

“Oh my fucking god,” she spoke in a hushed whisper.


“Who is that boy and how do I get one of those?”

Liliana rolled her eyes as she aimless flipped through the magazine. “That’s just David’s loser friend.”

“He’s hot.”

She rolled her eyes once again not really interested in this conversation. Jaime looked at her friend once again not getting any kind of response. With another slap to her friend’s thigh she watched as her angry green eyes stared up at her.

“What the fuck?”

Jamie let out a groan before throwing her hands up in the air. “You’re so frustrating.”


Liliana had set her magazine down before her eyes narrowed in on her friend. She watched her blue eyes go wide before shaking her head in confusion.

“Why don’t you like to date boys?”

“Because they are all idiots,” she said simply as Jaime nodded her head in agreement.

“You got me there,” she said as the two of them laughed softly. “But they are so delicious and fun,” she said as Liliana rolled her eyes.

“Sure they are fun until they get feelings and somehow get attached.”

“Are you like not programmed to have attachment to the opposite sex?”

Liliana was bored once again. She shrugged her shoulders before picking up the magazine in her hand once again.

“I guess not.”

Jaime nodded her head but not without rolling her eyes in her friend’s face so it wouldn’t go unnoticed. She watched her best friend’s relationship towards boy become nothing but a hit and dash. She was so set on being alone that she never gave any guy a chance. She watched boys fall for the girl and go through hell and back to get her attention but somehow none of that mattered. Liliana had become a non-emotional and non-attached girl, but when you look at her parents you didn’t expect much.

Liliana stood there with a beer in hand, her eyes watching everyone around her. Yes, she was judging them all. They all just looked ridiculous. She watched the boys trying to impress the girls that were just dying for attention. She sipped at her beer as her free hand tapped at her thighs softly. Her green eyes finally found Jaime’s blue ones, she watched her friend shamelessly flirt with a boy who they both knew to be a tool but that all didn’t matter. The alcohol was flowing and everyone was starting with a clean slate at the first sight of a buzz.
She always found herself alone at parties, not because no one wanted to talk to her, but because she always found a way to do so.

She was always found in the corner of the room with beer hand watching everyone act like complete fools. She didn’t mind it; she found it all too entertaining. And at any movements of interactions in her direction she found an excused to be elsewhere. And with the boys making his way to her she had no option but to turn and make her way to the stairs and out to the rooftop.

Liliana was always drawn to the roof. She didn’t know if it was the sense of freedom or just the calmness of the place. She was able to just sit, sit and think about shit. Her thoughts were always so loud that the only place she found comfort in her own mind was on the roof with a baggie of weed. Her best thinking always came from the mixture of the two. Her fingers pinched at the sticky substance as she packed the bowl tight. With a bright grin she brought her colorful pipe to her lips and letting the lighter do the talking. She inhaled the chemical into her lungs holding it in as long as she could before letting it exhale to the ground below.

“Are you always this ant-social?”

Austin could only see an eye roll in response as he made his way to the spot next to her. Without another word the pipe was handed off to him.

“Are you always this stalker-ish?”

“I’m usually worse.”

She let out a chuckle before nodding her head. “I’ll keep a mental note.”

Austin nodded his head holding in the smoke before exhaling it out. He handed off the pipe to the girl as he stared off into the horizon.

“It’s nice up here.”

She nodded her head before letting the smoke fall from her lips. “It is,” she said with a nod of her head. “I usually like to come up here alone.”

“Isn’t it better with some company?”

“Nope,” she disagreed with a wide grin staring over in his direction.

Her hand outreached, he reached over taking the piece from her hand as their fingers brushed lightly. A sudden shock of electricity pulsing through both of their bodies, Liliana couldn’t pull away fast enough.

“I have a feeling you like to be alone.”

“What made you caught on?”

He let out a laugh as he choked on the smoke softly. “Just a wild guess,” he said handing it right over. “So Liliana, tell me something about yourself,” he said as she rolled her eyes at his question.

“I always found that question to be awkward,” she said as Austin turned to stare at her telling her to continue. “Like, what the fuck do you say?” she said throwing her hands about as she placed the pipe on her bare thigh.

“I don’t know,” he said with a soft laugh. “A fact,” he said as the girl nodded her head.

“Well here’s a fact Mr. Austin.”

“It’s Gibbs.”


“My last name is Gibbs.”

“I thought I was giving my fact but I mean if you want to spill your deepest and darkest secrets, go on ahead.”

He let out a laugh shaking his head. “Stop dodging the question and spill it girl.”

Liliana nodded her head before bring the pipe to her lips. She let the lighter spark it up before inhaling deep into her lungs and exhaling it with a sigh.

“I like to smoke weed.”

“That’s obvious.”

“But no one knows,” she said lifting her eyebrows. “My brother doesn’t and either does my best friend.”

“Jaime,” he said as she nodded her head. “How do they not know?”

She shrugged her shoulders before taking another hit. “They just don’t, I’m pretty fucking good at keeping a secret.”

He nodded his head before taking a swig of his beer. “I like sex.”

“Well this conversation is over.”

He let out a laugh before throwing his hands out with a chuckle. “I’m a guy, we should like sex,” he said as Liliana felt her cheeks heat up a bit. “But I really like it. That’s all I think about day and night,” he said with a smirk before turning to the girl. “I jack off more than I produce,” he said as Liliana let out a groan of disgust.

“That’s enough man.”

“I’m just stating a fact.”

Liliana let out a laugh shaking her head. “I don’t like sex.”

“Have you ever had it?”

She nodded her head. “A couple of times,” she said as Austin narrowed his eyes. “Not like I’m fucking all these guys, I’m not some kind of slut but I’ve had it enough to know I don’t like it.”

“Maybe you just haven’t been with the right guys.”

She shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t really like guys.”

“Do you like girls?”

She shook her head again. “Don’t get too excited,” she said with a laugh. “But I don’t like girls; they are disgusting and fucking annoying. I just don’t like relationships and all that touchy needy shit.”

“Are you even a girl?”

“It’s been scientifically confirmed.”

Austin let out a laugh before nodding his head looking the girl over. “I’ve never had a girlfriend.”

“I’ve never had a boyfriend.”

“I hate cottage cheese.”

“I hate Carmel.”

There they sat all night with beer and weed to keep them company as they went back and forth with facts. The start of a very odd and strange friendship developed that night on the roof. It was the start of far for complication for Liliana and especially for Austin.
♠ ♠ ♠
Liliana's Outfit.

I honestly love Austin and Liliana's relationship or at least lack of. She's such a bitch to him and he just takes it in stride. They have matching personalities that work. I'm actually falling in love with this story. I have so much in store with this one and I hope you all enjoy it!

Special thanks to my favorites!

Smoke And Mirrors.

Feedback would be amazing guys (: