Status: indefinite hiatus

Skipping Stone.

go with all your heart.

Josh threw his pen with a loud laugh only to have his hands up guarding his own face. He could hear her loud laugh as she threw a ball of paper in his direction. He dodged the paper before tossing his own ball of paper in her direction. He watched as it hit her right between the eyes. The two erupted in laughter before Park pouted her lips slightly and rubbed at the red spot in between her eyes.

“I gotcha,” Josh said with a cheeky grin.

“That rather hurt, dick.”

“You played with the bull get the horns, bitch.”

Parker rolled her eyes with a laugh before as she watched Josh put up horns with his hand. She reached over grabbing her pen and tossing it across the table and hitting him straight in the head. Josh’s blue eyes averted up to her direction as he narrowed his eyes. He watched her put up her horns with a cheeky expression on her face.

“That’s proper cheating, mate.”

“The bull,” she said pointing at herself. “The horns,” she said lifting her hands once more before putting the index finger down and leaving her middle finger.

“That’s no way to treat your boss.”

“Of fuck off,” she said grabbing a pencil and getting back to her sketch.

Josh just let out a loud laugh before shaking his head. He looked down at his own sketch with the same grin on his face. He could hear the vibration of her phone, her phone was constantly going off but she rarely touched it. When he looked up he saw her texting away with a grin on her face.

“Is that your lover?”

She let out a laugh before putting her phone down. “I wish, Jace is one sexy boy.”

“That he is.”

“Oi!” she yelled out pointing a finger in his direction. “Before I forget and piss Jace off even more,” she said as Josh shook his head with a laugh. “Jace is having a bit of a party at our flat tomorrow night. He wanted me to tell you and tell you to bring some of your hot mates, assuming you have hot friends.”

Josh let out a laugh before nodding his head. “Well of course, look at me.”

Parker’s face stayed serious as she raised an eyebrow. “I’m quite confused.”

“Well because I’m good looking and all,” he said pointing to himself. “And good looking people tend to surround themselves around good looking people.”

She raised an eyebrow. “Josh, you’re not fit. So I could only image how busted your mates might be.”

“That’s mean.”

“I’m only kidding baby boy,” she said with a laugh. “But its bit of a dress up type of thing, you don’t have to but if you want Jace to get you naked and put in clothes I suggest you try and look well fit.”

“I’ll try.”

She nodded her head with a laugh before nodding her head. Josh smiled in her direction before the sound of laughter took him by surprise. His blue eyes darted up and a smirk grew across his lips.

“I’ll be back,” he said as Parker nodded her head.

Josh stood from his seat as he made his was out of the small office and into the larger room.

“What the fuck are you doing here?”

“Aren’t you happy to see me baby?”

Josh let out a laugh before hugging his friends. “Of course I love to see you baby girl.”

Max let out a laugh watching as Josh grabbed Dan into a hug. “Don’t forget about me.”

“Of course not,” he said kissing his cheek.

“Are you almost done here, we’re thinking about going out for a few lager.”

“Yeah, I’m almost done.”

Josh nodded his head looking at Dan. “Who the fuck is that, my god,” they heard Max say.

Dan turned his attention as he narrowed his eyes at the girl in the small office. He stood next to Max as they watched the girl bend down, her small shorts showing off everything in sight. Dan licked his lips as he looked at the girl’s tattoos.

“Mate,” Dan said hitting Josh’s shoulder. “Who is that?”

Josh just rolled his eyes looking at his friend with raised eyebrows. “That’s Parker, the girl I told you about.”

“You didn’t say she was a total babe.”

“I didn’t think that well mattered.”

Max licked his lips before grabbing Josh’s shoulder. “When the girl looks like that,” he said pointing in her direction. “It matters,” he said slapping his shoulder.

“You dirty dog,” Dan said with a laugh. “Keeping this babe as some kind of secret,” he said with a chuckle only making Josh even more uncomfortable.

And before Josh had time to say anything Max sped off to the office. Dan followed right behind him. Josh rolled his eyes as he watched his friends shake the girl’s hand. He took a deep breath before walking into the office.

“We’re about to get some drinks, do you care to join?”

Parker looked over at Josh; his body leaned up against the wall with his arms across his chest. She watched his lips turn into a smirk as he shook his head. She looked away from Josh before turning to the new boys in front of her.

“Erm,” she said with a grin. “Sure,” she said with a smile.

“Great,” Max spoke wrapping an arm around her shoulders. “I’m guessing you lot are all done here.”

Max didn’t give Josh an answer before pulling the girl out of the room. He rolled his eyes as they walked in the opposite direction, her small body reaching for her jacket before being tugged towards the exit. Dan gave Josh a grin before following after. When they arrived at the bar, they four of them sat there with beer in hands. Dan and Max constantly asking the girl questions, awkward and all, and there she sat drinking alongside answering them all. She didn’t mind the vulgarly coming from the boy’s mouths, hell she gave it just as worse.

“So PJ, may I call you PJ?”

Parker nodded her head licking the beer from her lips as she turned to Max’s big dark eyes. “That’s perfectly fine.”

“Well, PJ,” he spoke with a nod of his head. “Do you have yourself a boyfriend?”

She nodded her head with laugh. “I do.”

Josh turned his attention to his girl; this was the first mention of a boyfriend. Max grinned widely before slapping Dan’s back.

“Sorry mate.”

Dan rolled his eyes with a laugh. “Oh come off,” he said before looking into Parker’s bright hazel eyes.

She just chuckled shaking her head. “Well the moment I dump the zero I will come calling for the hero,” she said with a wink as she chugged at her beer finishing it off.

“Look mate, she’s giving you pity.”

Dan just threw his middle finger up in the air. Parker let out a laugh before turning her attention to Josh; he was staring intently at her. She knitted her eyes together as he did the same cheeky smile on his face.

“What, bitch?”

“I thought we were best friends, I was obviously deceived.”

She rolled her eyes before pushing her shoulder into his body. “Oh bestie boo,” she cooed in his direction.

“I really hate you.”

She let out a laugh before turning her attention to the boys. “So this round is on me,” she said as all eyes perked in her direction. “What?” she asked with confusion as she tugged at her tank top. “Don’t tell me you lads are done drinking?”

The all exchanged looks as the girl tugged at her shorts, pulling them up a bit. “No, not at all,” Max said matter of fact before prompting his chin on his knuckles. “It’s just; the lasses we usually surround ourselves around never offer to buy us beer they just expect us to pay.”

“Because you are in a somewhat successful band?” she asked with a raised eyebrow looking from Max’s dark eyes to Dan and Josh’s light ones.

“Well, I suppose,” Josh said fixing the beanie on his head. “And the fact that we have dicks,” he said as the guys nodded their head in agreement.

“Well I’m appalled,” she said placing her hand on her tattooed chest. “I want you guys to look at me like I’m just another one of your mates, like I have a huge dick hanging in-between my thighs.”

“You don’t, do you?”

“I do and it’s bigger than what you’re working with.”

She gave them a wink before walking off. Josh laughed at looked down at his phone texting away, while Max and Dan stared at the girl’s ass as she walked away. They both turned to Josh with wide grins expecting to see his blue eyes on her body, but he was texting away at his phone.

“What the fuck, mate?” he heard them both yell.

He placed his phone down staring at the two of them. “What?”

“She’s proper fit man.”

“And perfect!” Max yelled with excitement. “How did you find her?”

Josh let out a laugh. “She found us,” he said before narrowing his eyes feeling a bit protective of the girl. “And I already gave Adam and the blokes back at the warehouse not to try and have sex with the girl, shall I have the talk with you lads as well.”

“Should we have the talk with you?” Dan chimed in with a smirk and wink in Josh’s direction. “You two seem well close mate.”

“We’re friends.”

“And you’re telling me if Parker came to you completely naked wanting you to give it to her, you wouldn’t.”

Josh could only smile at the image in her mind. He couldn’t deny his attraction to the girl but he had a girlfriend and apparently she had a boyfriend. There was no way anything could happen between him and Parker and he honestly didn’t want to at this point. In Josh’s hectic life, people came and go. He watched people he truly cared about just walk away and he didn’t want that with Parker. From the short time he’s known the girl he already grew well attached. She was different from anyone he had ever met and especially this all coming from a girl that was obviously beautiful, it was hard to find. Parker and Josh clicked almost immediately and he would never do anything to jeopardize a growing friendship no matter how much his dick wanted her.

“Where you boys talking about me?” all eyes were focused on the girl.

Max let out a soft laugh before clearing his throat. “Always,” he said as Parker let out a laugh.

“Good, I like the attention,” she said with a wink. “Oh yeah, I already told Josh to invite you handsome boys but I thought should be polite and invite you myself,” she said crossing her tanned legs over the other. “My flat mate and best friend is having a bit of a party this weekend, he always has these huge blow outs and well I would love it if you two would come,” she said with a smile. “I mean free drinks and hot girls or guys depending on what you’re into.”

“You had me at handsome.”

Parker leaned back in her seat with a chuckle. “Well good,” she said with a laugh before lifting her beer in hand. “Cheers mates.”

They lifted their beers before taking chugs from each of their mugs. Dan and Max looking over at Josh as his blue eyes were fixated on the girl beside him. They knew Parker was going to be trouble and Josh was in for it.
♠ ♠ ♠
Parker's Outfit.

Just an introduction of Dan and Max's interaction with Parker. I really love her character, she's just so carefree. And Josh obviously wants it. What do you guys think's going to happen between Josh and Parker? Obvious flirting and sexual tension. Any predictions?

In my last update, I mentioned the possibility of a Sam McTrusty story and much to my surprise I got a lot of interest in it. So I'm extremely stoked that you guys caught the Scottish bug. Here it is, or at least the layout.
The Greatest Lie.
Subscriptions and Comments are always welcomed. The more I get the faster this story goes up and running!

Thank you all so very much!

Earl Of Slander
sunset child
Don't give up on us.
Living Proof

Feedback would be amazing.