Status: indefinite hiatus

Skipping Stone.

Worn out,

“I don’t see why I have to go; she’s your proper fuck buddy.”

Josh rolled his eyes as he reached into his closet. “Babe, I hope you know it’s nothing of the sorts,” he said tossing around the clothing searching for his coat. “She’s just a mate, I promise,” he said reaching out to grab his tan coat and tossing it over to his bed.

“I just don’t like the way she looks.”

“And how exactly does she look, love?”

He turned his blue eyes to stare into her green ones. She just shrugged her shoulders before placing her obnoxious red lipstick into her make up bag.

“Like a slag.”

He let out a soft laugh as he pulled his t-shirt from his body. He could understand why a girl would think Parker was a bit of a slag. She was very good looking and confident about it. But worse of all, she had the mentality of a guy. It’s common knowledge in girl world to think other girls are sluts when they are intimated by their looks and Parker intimidated many girls.

“Babe,” he said grabbing his button up shirt from the bed. “She’s just one of the guys, I promise you that.”

“So you wouldn’t shag her?”

Josh let out another laugh shaking his head. He didn’t understand why he was getting asked this question over and over again. If he got the chance to shag a girl like Parker he would. He was a guy with needs but when it came down to it, he didn’t think he could have sexual relations with the girl no matter the situation between the two.

“Why?” he asked with a cheeky grin. “I have you,” he said bending down to look deep into her eyes. “I don’t need anyone else.”

Hanna gave her boyfriend a smile as he bent down at kissed her lips softly. “Ugh babe,” she said with a laugh. “You fucked up my lipstick, again.”

“Now you’re the one that looks like a proper slag.”

Hanna rolled her eyes with a laugh before throwing a pillow in his direction. Josh gave her one last cheeky grin before tugging off his jeans and slipping into his black jeans. Josh and Hanna’s relationship was on the rocks, it was practically non-existent when he left on tour. He was pretty sure she cheated on him and well Josh had his share of flirtatious moments but he didn’t necessarily cheat, in his mind. They were on the verge of breaking but much like every other time they pushed through it. And at this moment things were good. Josh loved Hanna, he just wasn’t sure if he was still in love with her.

“What do we do?”

Josh watched as Matt shrugged his shoulder as they stood outside the complex. “Did Parker text you?”

He nodded his head looking out at Adam. “She to just come in,” he said as he grabbed Hanna’s hand.

“You lot are a bunch of pussies.”

And without hesitation Max pushed his way before reaching the door with the loud music thumping from inside. Suddenly he reached for the handle pushing it open and once the door was pulled open they noticed the amount of people all around. The smell of smoke and alcohol taking them all back as Max walked completely in. He looked back at his friends as the rest of them walked in. Josh took everything in; the loud music and the amount of people all around, everyone looking as though they had just walked off of a magazine. Suddenly his blue eyes found her hazel ones. She was standing there in a small purple dress cheering people on. When her eyes found the pair of blue eyes staring at her, a smile spread to her face.

“Is that the girl Hanna hates?”

Chris looked down at his girlfriend before shrugging his shoulder. “Honestly, I haven’t met the girl.”

She nodded her head before watching the girl making her way. “Hey guys,” she said loudly over the music. “I’m glad you guys came,” she said as they all looked at her in confusion.
“The drinks are over there, don’t be shy about seeming like a sort of alcoholic most of the people here are already there.”

“I could see that.”

She nodded her head before looking over at the rest of the ground. “Hi, you guys must Josh and Adam’s mates,” she said with a smile. “I’m Parker,” she said with a smile.

“Right,” Josh announced pulling his way from his girlfriend. “Cary,” he said pointing to his best friend. “Matt and his girlfriend Hollie,” he said pointing at the two. “Chris and his girlfriend Georgina,” he said once again. “And you already know Max, Dan and my girlfriend Hanna,” he said as Parker nodded his head.

As he named off each person, he watched her smile at each of them. The girls of course were looking at Parker strangely, especially Hanna.

“It’s nice seeing you again.”

“Yeah, you too,” she said trying her best to see as pleasant as possible.

“Well, I have to go play host because my friends are quite the drunken slobs. Like I said the drinks are all over there,” she said pointing in the kitchen. “And if you need anything just let me know,” she said with a smile. “It was nice meeting you all,” she said with a grin before walking off.

Josh looked down at Hanna, only to see anger in her eyes. “Calm down babe, just give her a chance.”

“She looks like a proper slag.”

Josh looked over at her watching her jump up and down dancing with the flamboyant guy from the bar.

“Let’s get a drink, yeah?”

Parker swayed her hips to the music clutching her drink in hand. Jace danced alongside grinding his hips into hers, both laughing with each other.

“If you were straight I’d bang your guts.”

“If you grew a dick, I would let you bang me.”

She let out a laugh shaking her head. “So I see that delicious boy of yours came.”

“Javier’s here?”

Jace simply rolled his eyes before shaking his head. “No, you bitch,” he said before his eyes lifted to his destined direction. “That yummy boss of yours,” he said as she rolled her eyes.

“Which one?” she asked turning her attention to the group of people all crowding around.

“The blue eyed beauty.”

She rolled her eyes with a laugh. “He’s straight darling.”

“I was talking for you, love.”

She let out a laugh as Jace gave her a bright grin. He gave her a sloppy kiss on the cheek before walking off. She rolled her eyes shaking her head as Jace continued to dance his way away from the girl. She turned around gripping her beer in hand before walking over to the group. She noticed Georgina and Chris off in their own little world while Hollie and Matt stayed by the drinks laughing as they spoke to the drunken people that passed. Adam, Cary, Max and Dan all talking with different girls with smiles on their face, but when her eyes focused on Josh and Hanna, there was nothing but boredom on their face. They sat there with beers in hand just looking around. She let out a sigh before taking a step forward leaning herself against Hanna’s seat.

“You guys having fun?”

They both turned their direction to the girl before causally nodding their heads. Parker nodded her head taking a sip of her beer awkwardly.

“So how long have you two been together?”

“Four years,” she answered with stern eyes.

“That’s cute,” she said awkwardly before taking another sip of her beer.

“Yeah,” she said in a monotone voice. “Where is the restroom?”

Parker looked over at Hanna before pointing off in the direction. “Just down the hall but there might be a line, but if you’d like you could go up to my room. It’s up on the second floor to the right.”

Hanna nodded her head before looking at Josh. “Are you going to come with me?”

“I don’t need to go.”

Hanna just let out a roll of her eyes before shoving her beer in his direction. Josh grabbed her beer before watching the girl tug at her short white dress and stomping off. Josh instantly heard a chuckle. He turned to Parker with a raised eyebrow.


“Nothing,” she said quickly.

“Then why are you laughing?”

“You’re proper fucked.”


“You’re in the total doghouse, mate.”

“Just because she’s jealous of your skank ass,” he said as Parker let out another laugh.

“Dude, you don’t know girl talk. When a lass says they need to go to the bathroom, that means your ass better be following her.”

“That’s retarded.”

“That’s girls for you.”

He nodded his head with a laugh. “When you have to go to the bathroom, do you expect your boyfriend to come with you?”

“Fuck no,” she said with a laugh. “But if I do want him to come with, that means he’s getting lucky.”

“Lucky bloke, that one,” he said with a laugh.

“That’s what I tell him every day.”

Just when Josh opened his mouth, he was cut off by a soft yell as a pair of arms wrapped themselves around Parker’s waist. He was a bit taken aback as he went to stand up to tell the guy something.

“Babe,” she wined with a laugh before turning around with a smile. “You didn’t have to scare me asshole.”

“I’m sorry.”

She gave him a smile before his lips reached her forehead and Josh instantly was met with realization, he just didn’t understand what that gut wrenching feeling was about.

“Did you just get off of work?”

Josh felt awkward as the two continued their soft conversation that is until the bloke’s green eyes were staring in his direction. Parker turned to Josh with a smile before letting out a soft laugh.

“Josh, this is my boyfriend Javier.”

Josh’s blue eyes looked up into his green ones. He looked him up and down and he just didn’t see it. Javier was the suave type of man and he just couldn’t see Parker liking him for more than just his looks. Maybe that was all she was about.

“Cheers mate.”

Josh nodded his head before reaching over and shaking his hand. “Nice to meet you,” he said before his attention was grabbed once again.

“Hanna, this is my boyfriend Javier,” she said introducing the two. “Babe, this is Josh’s girlfriend.”

“Nice to meet you, love.”

“You too,” she said with a wide grin.

Josh noticed the change in Hanna’s attitude almost immediately as well as the other girls once they met Javier. Their guards were down knowing that the ‘slut’ wasn’t going to take their boyfriends. After a few drinks and a few more laughs, it seemed that everyone fell for Parker’s charm. She bonded with the guys over hot chicks and music while made nice with the girls about clothes and fashion. Georgina and Parker became instant friends; their love for fashion was all it took. When all the guys were off drinking and playing games, the girls stayed talking. Hollie and Parker had the same sense of humor and would laugh at almost everything leaving each other’s mouths. The guys loved her and the girls adored her, even Hanna. She warmed up to the girl as they talked and joked like the hostility that was once there never existed.

“You know,” Matt said wrapping his arm around the girls shoulder. “You’re a proper mate,” he said as Parker let out a laugh nodding her head.

“Shall we take another round of shots then?”

They all cheered as the shot glasses were passed around. The sound of a loud sigh took her attention. She looked up at Javier staring down at her with an aggravated look on his face. She rolled her eyes before taking the shot glass in hand.

“Don’t you think you’ve had enough?”

Javier said it in a hushed voice that was almost unheard of by everyone around them, everyone but Josh who stood there looking at the two.

“I’m home; I’m think it’s fine to get proper fucked.”

He said nothing but just turned to walk away. She rolled her eyes before looking at the group of new friends. They all let out loud yells before putting their shot glasses towards the middle of the island. They let out another loud yell, Max yelling louder than all of them together, before taking it down. Parker shook her head with a laugh before sticking out her numb tongue.

“PJ,” she heard someone say softly.

She looked up to see Josh’s blue eyes staring back at her. “Yeah?” she asked as Josh stood a little closer.

“When a guy says, don’t you think you’ve had enough, means you should probably stop drinking if you don’t want to fight.”

She rolled her eyes with a laugh before slapping her hand on his shoulder. “Joshie baby,” she said with a smile. “I’m fluent in asshole, I know exactly what he’s saying,” she said before giving him a wink and turning to walk away.

Josh watched as Parker followed her boyfriend out the door. He watched from a distant as the two yelled at one another. He could see the anger in his eyes and the annoyance in hers. The yelling match suddenly ended at the two shared a much heated kiss. He shook his head before turning to his own girlfriend. She stood there with a wide smile on her face. He walked over to her wrapping his arms around her waist from behind as he placed his chin on her shoulder.

“You drunk yet?” he asked as the girl let out an annoyed laugh.

“No,” she said with a roll of her eyes. “I really like Parker, I’m sorry for being all weird before.”
Josh nodded his head before letting his lips press against her shoulder.

“I told you, you have nothing to worry about,” he said with eyes focusing on the girl ahead. “You have nothing to worry about,” he repeated.

He just wasn’t sure who he was convincing anymore.
♠ ♠ ♠
Parker's Outfit.

This is the build up guys. Josh is obviously into Parker but do you think for the right reason or just because she's hot? hahaha

I really hope you all are interested in this Sam story. I got a couple of comments and it really surprised me. I know this story isn't going to get as much attention as like John O'Callaghan, but honestly i'm writing this story for myself, Sierra and Merika and all you Sam McTrusty lovers out there. So go check it out. Soon enough I will post it, depends on the comments I get!
The Greatest Lie.

Thank you all so very much, comments would be amazing. You guys are the best! (:

Feedback would be amazing!