Status: Active

This Is How I'll Remember You

When Your East Kentucky Toes Hit The Atlantic

Brian pushed a curl from her face behind her ear as she giggled at the attention she was giving her. She propped up onto her elbow and smiled at him, the sun burning her back slightly as she turned to look at him. She laughed at his friends who had plonked down next to them, a day at the beach had sounded fun until Brian had introduced her to his friends and she knew that something was going to happen.

Brian’s face changed as he bit down on his lip, trying to conceal his laughter. She furrowed her eyebrows and looked at him confused, wondering what was happening. Before she could say anything, she was covered from head to toe with ice cold water. Everyone’s laughter filled the air as she took off in the direction Zack had run off to. The group looked on with grins on their face; but Brian couldn’t help but smile at her.

He loved how well she had gotten on with his friends; she fit right in with them all. He was also admiring how good she looked in her bikini. He quickly shook the thoughts from his head and turned back in time to see Scarlet push Zack into the sea, with a triumphant yell she ran back to them before shielding herself in Brian’s arms.

He held her close and growled at Zack as he attempted to grab her from him. She laughed against his chest causing a shiver to run down his spine. Once Zack gave up and slumped back onto the sand Brian lightly placed his hand on her exposed skin above her hip. She smiled up to him and pulled herself closer to his torso, both of them forgetting about the people around them.

“So, what do you think?”

“Your friends are great, Brian.” She looked up into his eyes, “I really like them.”

“We love you too!” Johnny shouted from behind Brian. Scarlet chuckled and pushed herself up to look over the top of Brian.

“You do know it’s rude to butt into other people’s conversations?” She shouted over to him.

“Sure, but people don’t mind when it’s a butt as nice as this one.” He stood and shook his hips in her direction. Scarlet couldn’t contain her laughter as people looked over to see what the fuss was. She buried her face in Brian’s shoulder, her cheeks turning red.

Brian reached over her and took his phone from his shorts next to her bag. He focused and Scarlet who grinned into the camera. She stopped smiling when she noticed the red light, “You are not recording me!” She threw her hand in front of her face, laughing.

“And what if I am?”

She placed a finger on her chin, pretending to think, “Your phone will cease to exist?” Scarlet leant back on her elbows, pushing her face towards the sun she pulled on her sunglasses. Brian sniggered beside her which caused to open one eye to look at him.

“Brian!” The red light of his camera still focused on her, she smacked his arm laughing and turned her attention back to the sun. Brian threw his phone next to him and moved closer to Scarlet, he shook his head and chuckled at her. He had only known her three days, but in the circumstances the time was going too fast. He couldn’t believe how much he enjoyed being with her; he was your average guy; one night stands a frequent happening in his life. He didn’t want that with her, he didn’t want to forget her. He moved his lips closer to her ear, “You are beautiful.” He whispered so only she could hear. She smiled and shook her head, disagreeing with him.

She turned to face him, placing a hand on his cheek, “You weren’t part of the script for this summer.” She laughed, “How did I manage to meet you?”

“Does England need you that much? I’m sure they can cope without you.”

The beach began to empty as the sun set before them and there was a chill in the air from the sea breeze which had quickened, causing Scarlet’s curls to fly around her head. One by one, the band left leaving Brian and Scarlet alone.

“Come on,” he pushed himself from the sand, pulling on his t-shirt, “Let’s get you home.”

Scarlet followed after to the car, her smile never leaving her face. She loved being there, the first few days hadn’t been promising but since she met Brian her experience had changed completely. She could feel her crush on Brian changing into something more and she knew it couldn’t happen. They didn’t have enough time, and she didn’t want to break her own heart when she had to leave never mind his.

She tugged on his hand, “Bri?”

“I’m not saying I don’t like this,” she pointed between them, “But, we have to promise each other that we won’t let it get complicated. I don’t think I could deal with it.”
He sighed and held her close, “I promise.” She smiled against his chest, not knowing of the sinking feeling Brian felt in his chest. He wanted her to be his, except there was an ocean between them.

He waved to her and drove off, pulling up half way down the road and putting his head in his hands. He wanted to kiss her, love her but he didn’t know where his boundaries were now, but he’d much rather spend time with her before she went than miss out, it didn’t mean he wasn’t going to try and change her mind.

He pulled his phone from his pocket and smiled at her, smiling back at him. She was beautiful; seeing her there made him more determined to change her mind. She had to see it too.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to everyone who read!! Let me know what you think, don't be a silent reader, I'm not :)

Thanks to the people who commented:
Insane Forever
foREVer A7X

