Status: Active

This Is How I'll Remember You

I Knew I Loved You By The Bottom Of The Fifth

Scarlet stared at her phone, his name flashing up on the screen for what seemed the millionth time that day. His face was all she saw when she closed her eyes, his name was always on her lips and his touch followed her wherever she went. She’d gotten in too deep, it had becomes exactly what she didn’t want it to be, complicated.

She sighed running a hand through her washed hair; she was due at work in an hour but currently didn’t have the motivation to stand let alone work behind a humid bar for five hours.
She also didn’t want to bump into him there, she knew that he would want to see her; the constant phone calls were enough to tell her that. She didn’t have an excuse for him, Sorry I didn’t pick up the phone, Brian. I just realised I’m falling in love with you, no biggie. Of course it was a big thing, it was massive. She could see her heart breaking now as she said goodbye to him to go home.

Scarlet pulled herself up to look in the mirror; her British skin slightly freckled from the sun but looked healthy didn’t mirror the look she had on her face. She vowed to herself there and then as she pulled on her jeans, she would avoid him at all costs not for her own gain but to protect him. He was a good man, but she couldn’t survive in a long distance relationship and deep down she knew that he couldn’t either. He would be constantly on the move with work, never in the same place for more than a few days.

She wiped away a tear that had fallen onto her freckled cheek and exited her apartment, telling herself that she was going to be fine. She could forget him, but every time she tried his voice whispered in her mind, “I can’t keep my eyes off you,” causing her to smile the same way she had done when he first said it to her.

She knocked on the window of the bar to catch Luke’s attention as he set up for the inevitably busy shift. He jogged to the door and opened it for her, going back to the glasses he was cleaning. “How was your first weekend in California, then?” He shouted through the back room where she was currently placing her belongings.

She exited the room with a forced smile on her face, “Great. I’ve met some nice people here.” She joined him in placing the glasses in their rightful places.

“Look, a bit of advice.” She turned to him, slightly annoyed with the tone of his voice, “Try and concentrate more tonight, it all goes slow when one person fucks up.” She glared at the back of his head when he turned around.

“Thanks.” She said through gritted teeth, “I’ll keep that in mind,” She smiled sweetly at him before walking over to the door, letting the first customers in who of course ignored her. Sighing, she walked over to the bar already wishing the clock would strike midnight and she could go home.

She laid her head on the bar for a few seconds before Luke nudged her leg, “Stop slouching.”

Just before she could say anything her eyes met his dark ones. Turning around quickly her cheeks red with embarrassment she cursed to herself for being so stupid. Brian followed after his friends to their usual table, his eyes never once leaving her curls which cascaded down her back, his hurt evident as he forced a smile.

“Dude,” Matt nudged his friend with his elbow, “forget about her.” Brian glared at him and downed his drink, the whisky burning his throat slightly, slamming it back onto the table with force causing a few people to look in his direction. He mentally flipped them off and walked to the bathroom, turning his head slightly to see her looking at him, pain evident in her eyes. He sighed and pushed the door open; thankfully the room was deserted as he examined himself in the mirror.

He slammed his hand onto the counter just as Zack walked in; concerned that he would do something stupid. “Why does this always happen?” He whispered, not wanting an answer. Zack walked closer to his friend and looked at him in the reflection.

“Look, I think you should try and talk to her. She looks just as upset as you are.” Brian hung his head, trying to regulate his breathing. He was so angry; not at her, but at the situation. Running a hand over his face he walked back out of the bathroom and straight to the bar, fighting the urge to shout he looked into her eyes, “Can I talk to you?”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” She whispered, averting her gaze to her hands.

He placed his hands on hers, but she still didn’t look at him, “Just tell me why.”
She glanced over to the grandeur clock that hung on the wall, out of place with the other furniture, “I have a break in an hour, we can talk then. Just don’t get too drunk in the meantime.” He sighed at her attempt to lighten the mood and walked back to his friends. Not a drop of alcohol passed his lips as his gaze wandered from watching Scarlet back to the clock for the next hour.

Without talking, he pushed himself from his seat and followed after her silently until they were outside. The sky was still a light pink, a reminder of the hot day they had had. She placed a cigarette to her lips which he grabbed and threw on the floor; she glared at him slightly placing another to her lips. This time he grabbed the packet and held them tightly and discarded of the cigarette she had lit.

Sighing she sat down on the step, “I didn’t mean to hurt you.” She looked up at him, tears threatening to spill from her eyes. Brian sat down beside her, their knees touching and placed the cigarette packet in her hands.

“I know.” He wiped her eyes with her thumb smiling, “Just tell me why you were avoiding me, I thought we were good.” He chuckled to himself, “I thought we great even.”

“We are.” She lowered her eyes to the ground, “You promised it wouldn’t get complicated.”

“How is it complicated?” He raised his voice slightly.

“It’s complicated because I’m falling in love with you.” She whispered, not meeting his gaze.

She stood from the step, turning to go back into the bar. Brian jumped up quickly and grabbed her arm, stopping her from leaving him, stopping him from telling her how he felt.

She turned her head slightly to look into his eyes, “You are by far the most complicated girl I’ve ever met, and the most beautiful, smart, funny.” He smiled at her, “And I am falling in love with her.” Scarlet laughed slightly, wiping away her tears.

“We’re crazy.” She wrapped her arms around him, “You do know that?”

“We can make this work, you trust me don’t you?”

“With my life.”

She crashed her lips into his, both of them enjoying the moment. Both of them unsure of what was coming next but they knew that if it was meant to be then they could find a way to make it happen.
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow, thank you everyone for the support on this story.
Thanks to everyone who has subsribed, I'd love to tell everyone who you are but thats fine if you don't want to comment.

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