Wrong, Yet So Right


Maddie groaned as she ran to the bathroom again and puked. She wiped her mouth and flushed the toilet. This has been the 5th day in a row that she's puked. Something is wrong. She missed a period. Maddie thinks she knows what's wrong. She walked out of the bathroom and went to get her phone. She called the doctor.

"Thank you for calling Presbyterian. My name is Shelby. How may I help you?"

"Hi, my name is Madeline Carter. I am a patient of Dr. Sharon Mullis. I need to schedule an appointment." Maddie said.

"Okay. I need your birthday ma'am."

"March 9th, 1980."

The line was silent for a few seconds.

"Alright Madeline, I can squeeze you in today at 2:15. I need to know what you need to see Dr. Mullis for?"

"I've been waking up sick, I've missed a period, I feel fatigue (tired), I have mood swings. I think I'm pregnant." Maddie said.

"Okay. Everything is all set. I want to ask you to be here at least 15 minutes before the appointment in case there is any additional paperwork."

"Thank you so much." Maddie said.

"You're welcome. Bye."

Maddie set the phone down on the bed and went to the bathroom to get ready. When she finished, she got into her car and drove to the doctors. She checked in and waited until her name was called.

-After Doctors-

Maddie left the doctors with tears on her face. Dr. Mullis confirmed her pregnancy. She sat in her car and sobbed for about 10 minutes. This can't be happening. She can't be pregnant with Matt's child. She just can't. Matt has a girlfriend. This will destroy them. Maddie got startled when her phone started going off.

"Hello?" Maddie answered.

"What's wrong Mads?"

"It's nothing Matt. I'm fine." Maddie said.

"Mads, I've known you since we were two. You think I don't know when your voice sounds upset?"

"I'm okay Matt."

"Val's gone with girls. Do you want to come over?"

"Sure Matt. I'll be over in a few."

Maddie hung the phone up and fixed her make up. She drove to Matt's house and went inside. Matt was playing COD again. She sat next to him.

"Hey Maddie." Matt said, leaning over and kissing her.

"Hi." Maddie said.

Matt sighed and set the controller down on the coffee table. He turned to Maddie.

"I know something is wrong. Tell me." Matt said.

Maddie didn't say anything. She played with her thumbs and tears welled in her eyes. Matt hated to see Maddie cry. It broke his heart. Ever since the first time they had sex, Matt began to fall for Maddie. His old feelings began to brew again. He has always liked Maddie, but when Val asked him out in the ninth grade, he couldn't say no. Deep down, Matt loved Maddie.

"Tell me what's wrong?" Matt said.

"I'm pregnant Matt." Maddie said.

Matt sat there. He didn't say anything. He didn't look at Maddie. He just looked straight ahead. Maddie's sobs over took the house.

"I'll leave now." Maddie said, standing up.

Matt reached out and grabbed her wrist.

"Maddie." Matt said.

"Yes Matt?" Maddie said.

"I love you." Matt said.

"Uhh, what?" Maddie asked.

"I love you Maddie. I really do." Matt said.

"But you're with Val." Maddie whispered.

"Honestly, Val and I are on the verge of breaking up." Matt said.

"Really?" Maddie said. "Is it because of me?"

"No Maddie." Matt said. "I feel like we've lost that connection. I feel it. And I know she feels it too."

"I'm sorry Matt." Maddie said.

"Don't be. Besides, I have my eye on someone else." Matt said, eying Maddie.

"Oh really?" Maddie said, laughing.

The door opened and Val walked in.

"Hi Matt. Hi Maddie." Val said, smiling at the two. "Umm, can we go talk in the kitchen Matt?"

"Yeah." Matt said.

Matt and Val went into the kitchen and Maddie sat on the couch waiting for them to come back. A few minutes later Matt and Val returned from the kitchen.

"Can I talk to you now Maddie?" Val asked.

"Sure." Maddie said.

Maddie and Val went back to the kitchen. Maddie waited for Val to say something.

"Matt told me about the affair." Val said.

"I'm so sorry Val. I understand completely if you hate me. I-"

"It's okay." Val said, cutting Maddie off.

"What?" Maddie asked.

"It's okay Maddie." Val said again. "I know this is bad to say, but I have an affair too."

"Wow." Maddie said.

Talk about some fucked up shit.

"Yeah. I knew that spark wasn't there anymore. Hell, even Michelle knew it wasn't. But I don't mind if you and Matt date. He has always loved you."

Maddie was lost for words.

"Matt also told me you're having a baby." Val said and Maddie nodded. "Oh it's is going to be so cute."

"Thank you Val." Maddie said.

"You're welcome Maddie." Val said.

"Are you girls done in here?" Matt asked. "I need to talk to Maddie now."

"Yeah, we are finished." Val said, hugging Maddie. "I'll call you later. Okay."

Maddie nodded and Val left. Matt walked up to Maddie and hugged her.

"So what do you say about becoming my girlfriend?" Matt asked.

"I think it's a yes. We are having a baby after all." Maddie said, smiling and standing on her tip toes to kiss Matt.

"I love you Maddie."

"I love you too Matt."

-18 Years Later-

"Mom!!" Jeremy yelled from down stairs.

"What?" Maddie yelled back.

"I'm leaving to go get Evelyn now."

Maddie went down stairs and smiled as Jeremy had his suit on ready to go to the senior prom with his girlfriend Jane.

"I can't believe my baby is graduating this year." Maddie said.

"They grow up to fast." Matt said. "Do you have the condom I gave you?"

"Matt!" Maddie said, smacking Matt in the arm.

"Well, don't want any unexpected children." Matt said.

"Dad. I'm not having sex with Evelyn. We want to wait until marriage." Jeremy said.

"Good answer." Maddie said, smiling.

"Mom. It's not that big of a deal." A 16-years-old girl said.

"Brooke. Sex is a big deal. Look how you two came to be." Maddie said.

"Duh mom." Brooke said, rolling her eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes Brooke. It isn't flattering." Jeremy said.

"Oh shut up." Brooke said.

"Enough." Matt said. "Your brother needs to go. Or he'll be late."

"Yeah." Jeremy said.

"Okay. Have fun, be safe." Maddie said, hugging Jeremy and kissing his cheek.

"I will." Jeremy said, hugging his mom back.

"Make sure Val takes lots of pictures." Maddie said.

"Okay mom."

"And drive the speed limit."

"Okay mom."

"Be home at 2."

"Okay mom."


"That's enough hun." Matt said, grabbing Maddie. "He's going to be late."

"Okay. Bye Jeremy."

Jeremy left and Maddie turned to Matt, hugging him.

"He grew up so fast." Maddie said, laying her head on Matt's chest.

"He's a man now hun. You have to remember that." Matt said.

"I know babe." Maddie said. "That's my baby."

"I thought I was your baby?" Brooke asked, with a pout.

"Oh you're my baby too. Come here." Maddie said, pulling Brooke into the hug.

"My beautiful girls." Matt said.

Maddie smiled. She was pretty content in her life. Two beautiful children. A wonderful husband. Nothing could get better. And all because her and Matt had an affair.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know this is really bad because of all the affairs, but it was for the purpose on the story. Hope you all enjoy!!! :)

Maddie Going To The Doctor