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Little Bit of Truth

The Long Overdue Acceptance

The following day, Noah awoke at the crack of dawn. Eliza’s head was buried in the crook of his neck and her arms were wrapped around him. She looked peaceful for once. The furrow in her brow was smoothed out and a small smile graced her lips as if whatever she was dreaming of was giving her joy. He liked the happy Eliza. He did not realize how long he was watching her until she blinked her eyes and looked up to him, brown orbs locking onto bright, unnaturally green ones.

“Were you watching me sleep?” Eliza asked in a playful voice.

“No.” Noah said although the slight blush across his face said otherwise.

“You’re blushing.”

“And you have morning breath.”

Eliza scowled at Noah before turning away to have her back face him.

“Aw Lie, don’t get mad.” He said before reaching across and pulling Eliza back to him.

Eliza responded with a huff. Noah shifted his body so he was leaning over Eliza.

“I want a smile out of you. I’m not letting you leave until you smile.”

As Noah leaned over Eliza, she was suddenly aware of his bare chest and her own thin, flimsy tank top. She was aware of how close he was, so close that his breath hit her lips. The playful air left the room and the bed. Suddenly, the air between the two was thick with something other than tension. They were aware of their breaths, in, out, in, out. Noah reached forward to brush Eliza’s hair back and his touch sent a tremor down her spine.

A knock on the door brought the two out of their reverie. Their dream-like state was broken and the previous day’s events came crashing down on Eliza. She quickly pushed Noah to the side and jumped out of bed. Surely he was repulsed being in bed with a murderer.
Eliza walked to the door and opened it to find Marianne.

“Your mother wishes for you to be ready by eleven. Wear something formal. A dress preferably.”

Eliza nodded and shut the door. She walked to her suitcase as she searched for something that would be decent. She was not in the mood to argue with her mother so she was hoping to find something that would suit her fancy. While pushing through a black dress, she realized, no matter what she wore, her mother would not be appeased.

“Lie.” Noah started.

Eliza ignored him and headed to the bathroom. She needed to be away from Noah and his touch and smoldering gaze. He clouded her senses and judgment. Eliza headed into the shower to attempt to wash her of last night’s events involving fights and her spilling the truth to Noah.

While Eliza showered, Noah dressed and headed down to find Lillian. He needed to speak to her before Eliza came out of the shower. Lillian was seated at the dining table with Michael discussing something of little importance. When Noah walked in, Lillian continued to talk as he was not there while Michael said hello.

“Mrs. Barnes, can I speak to you in private for a moment?” Noah asked hoping he would have the courage to say what he hoped to ask.

“Alright, I shall see you in the den on the right. Give me a moment.” Noah nodded and headed towards the den.

Noah found himself staring at a family portrait that hung above the fireplace. Eliza looked about four with her hair in pigtails. Next to her stood a smiling Stephen and another boy, both wearing ridiculous sailor suits. Lillian had a real smile on her face and her hair was pulled back in a bun while Michael stood behind them all, as the protector of the family.

“That’s Louis. He died.” Lillian said bitterly.

“I know. Lie told me last night.”

“Did she tell you the whole truth?”

“I dunno what the entire truth is, Mrs. Barnes but she told me what she could. That’s what I wanted to talk to you about.”

“Did she tell you that I’m a horrible mother and how she’s free from blame?”

“No, on the contrary, she believes the entire ordeal is her fault, Mrs. Barnes.”

“It is.” Lillian said matter-of-factly.

“Mrs. Barnes, she blames herself for everything.”

“As she should.”

“Mrs. Barnes, from what Eliza told me, it was failed brakes that killed your son, not her and her coffee. She calls herself a murderer. Last night she cried so hard I didn’t think she would stop. No one deserves that.”

“Noah, mind yourself. You are not part of this family and therefore, you ought to stay within your boundaries.”

“I apologize, Mrs. Barnes. I did not know a mother could be so hell-bent on hating her own daughter. Excuse me.”

“Noah, I don’t know what it is that is making you speak in this girl’s defense. However, remember her brother died because of her. You will end in no better a way. Steer clear of her; she’s as dangerous as a siren’s song.”

Noah left Lillian standing alone and for the first time, he pitied Eliza. Her own mother hated her and she was not planning on easing her hate any time soon. He understood the looks Eliza often gave him and his family at dinner. It was longing. She longed for a family like his. Quite suddenly, he was grateful for his overly helpful mother and good-natured father and annoying little sister and smart twin. He had something that many people wished they had.

He walked back to their room to find Eliza dressed in a short dress and heels. He felt his eyes pop out for a sliver of a second. She looked breathtaking.

“Lie, you look wonderful.”

Eliza turned to see Noah staring at her and blushed. “Thank you.”

“It’s a good thing that we’re supposed to be a couple because I’ll be able to get away with staring at you.”

“Alright, enough with the compliments.” Eliza said as she tried to stop her blush from darkening.

Noah showered and dressed himself in khakis and a navy blue oxford.

“My, my, someone looks smart.”

“Is that the closest I’ll ever get to you saying I’m looking attractive?”

“Alright, stop it. You’re getting ahead of yourself.”

Eliza tried to ignore the fact that she would have to face her mother soon. She did not want to be reminded of the night before.

Noah must have read her mind or seen the pained expression on her face because he reached over and held her hand.

“It’s alright, love. Nothing’s going to happen. I’m here. If you want, I’ll keep you away from your mother the entire time. As long as you stop brooding and start smiling.”

Eliza merely nodded. “No, I’m not having any of that. I want a real smile. Think of the poor oaf whose cake you threw to the ground a while ago.”

Eliza gave a small smile. Regardless of what happened, the two would never agree on who bumped into who. Perhaps it should stay that way. They would always have something to joke about. It was better to joke about the trivial things rather than dwell on the past and their own follies.

While Noah and Eliza walked to the car, their driver would be taking them, the both of them thought of the other. Noah thought of the broken girl whose hand he held. He marveled over the way it fit perfectly in his. He thought of how he was determined to make her happy. Eliza thought of the tall English boy standing next to her. She thought of how sweet and caring he was. She thought of how wonderful he was and how he was there to help her when she needed him the most.

Eliza looked up to Noah and pulled his hand. He looked down to her with questioning eyes and she tiptoed the best she could in her heels and gave him a quick kiss on his cheek.

Eliza Barnes liked Noah Evansson. Noah Evansson liked Eliza Barnes. Thankfully, it had taken them a mere two months to accept that. It would only take them another few to admit it to one another, if that.
♠ ♠ ♠
*Sorry, deleted chap by accident
Here you go. Hope you enjoy it. I'd like to thank everyone who has read this. If it weren't for you, I'd never have gotten to chapter 20. Thank you.
Is this story getting boring?
Btw, I've updated all five of my stories in less than 24 hours. Ballin'
I have a new story and I really would love for you to check it out. Deadliest Catch I really like it, hopefully you do too.
Eliza's outfit
Thank you to everyone, those who comment, those who silently read and anyone else.