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Little Bit of Truth

The Hurt

Noah was quite used to having Eliza confuse the crap out of him. She did it when she evaded the truth and when she was angry at one moment and then smiling at another. However, this was by far the most confusing Eliza had ever been. She had knocked on his door and then proceeded to kiss him, and kiss him she did.

Eliza kissed Noah with every fiber of her being and it took everything Noah had in him to push himself away from her.

“Lie, what are you doing here?”

“I… I’m sorry.” Eliza said. She then realized how stupid she had been. Had she really thought that coming to his flat and giving him a kiss would make it all better? She was not even sure what she could say to him now. She started her retreat with a look of confusion on her face but was interrupted.

“Lie, what are you doing, now? Come back here.”

“No, I shouldn’t be here. I’m… I’m going to leave.” Eliza said. “I don’t even know why I’m here. I don’t know how I got here.” She said looking at the floor.

Noah gave her a confused expression to which she answered

“I was talking to my mother. She was apologizing and she told me what you did. She told me how you lectured her and told her about my own problems. Why did you do that?” She looked up at Noah with a puzzled countenance.

“Lie…” But Noah was cut off by Eliza.

“I don’t get you Noah. I really don’t. I mean, why go out of your way to help the girl who is so obviously bonkers? I ruined your cake the first time we met and proceeded to calling you a twat. I am so messed up that I don’t think it’s possible for me to be fixed. Why would you want to be with me? And besides, men don’t like me. They cheat on me and try to steer clear of me.”



“Come in. We need to have a real talk.”

“Oh no, now I’m in trouble.”

“Lie, don’t be difficult. Just come in.”

“Fine, but if I hear anything I don’t like, I’m leaving.”

Noah merely sighed and walked Eliza into his flat. He led her to the sofa and said

“I’ll be right back.” He quickly dressed himself so he was decent and sat on an armchair across from Eliza.

“Lie, your mother told me things about you, saying you were a murderer and yet my mind didn’t change. I still felt the same. I know you’ve been hurt, Lie. I can tell from the way you carry yourself, as if you’ve had the weight of the world on your shoulders and you’ve let the world down. And now, if you’ll let me, I’ll take care of you because I love you. All I can think is I’m glad we ran into each other and my mum’s cake was ruined.”

Eliza opened her mouth to interrupt but Noah held his hand up to silence her.

“I’ll wait for you, Lie. When you’re ready, I’ll be here. When your baggage isn’t as heavy, come to me. Until then, all I can say is that I will be there for you. I’m not perfect but no one is. I promise to try my best to never hurt you. Give life a chance, Lie. You only live once.”

He looked at her with an earnest expression, begging her with his eyes to open up.
“It hurts, Noah.” Was all Eliza said.

“I know, love. I know it hurts, Eliza.”

“The people I love leave me, Noah. I loved Louis and he died. I started to like Nick and he cheated. I don’t want to try and give life a chance.”

Noah moved towards Eliza and sat next to her. Taking her hand, he placed it over his heart

“Do you feel that, Lie? You make my heart beat a kilometer a minute. I’ll love you, forever. I know I will.”

Eliza looked at Noah and felt his heartbeat. She looked at him and saw what was there for quite some time. This green-eyed boy was the one who cared. He was here for her. Through sarcastic remarks and bright smiles, his caring seeped through.

“Forever is a long time. Let’s see where we are in a month. I’m not making any promises, Noah. But I’ll give this a chance.” She told him with a smile.

Noah leaned over and placed a kiss on her lips. In Noah’s quite untidy living room, Eliza and Noah met and a promise of forever was silently made.


“Does Ivy know about this?” Eliza asked Noah referring to their intertwined hands. They had been… together for a week and had kept it to themselves. In all honesty, the feeling of giddiness that Eliza felt every time she was with him never ceased to amaze her. Who would have thought the bitter cynic would find someone?

“No, she’ll kill us when she finds out.”

“No time like the present, right?” Eliza said as they knocked on the Evansson’s door.

“Oh, by the way, Helen’s here.”

“You didn’t tell me she’d be here.”

“Don’t worry, Lie. I’m sure in a fight, you could beat her.”

“I know that.” She said. “Quite frankly, I just don’t want her to break any more of your mother’s dinnerware.

Noah laughed and placed a kiss on her cheek just as Ed opened the door. Ed merely raised his eyebrows and mouthed to his son “I told you so.”

Noah shook his head at his father’s childishness and kept walking with Eliza. A few months ago, he had come with Eliza and she had been his for the sake of a charade. But this time, she was his in truth.

“Why the smile?” Eliza asked Noah referring to the wide smile that had come across his smile.

“I’m just happy you’re here with me.”

“Don’t get so sappy. We had enough of that in your living room.”

“But Lie, you rarely get sappy. I’m going to enjoy every minute of it.”

“I hope you know that every relationship leaves the honeymoon stage at some point. The next thing is fighting.”

“Well in that case, we went backwards. Our relationship started with fighting, remember?”

“How could I forget?”

Noah leaned down and kissed her lips. “I can’t do that enough.”

“Oh really? No more for you, tonight.”

“But, Lie….” Noah was interrupted by a shrill scream from Helen and a very obnoxious fake cough from Ivy. The pair broke apart.

Helen stomped her foot and shoved past the two. Ivy gave Eliza a look that said “You’ve got some explaining to do.”

“I’ll be right back.” Eliza said as she followed Ivy into the kitchen.

“I can explain.” Eliza started.

“No need, I honestly don’t want to hear it. Do you really think I’d want an explanation for my friend and my brother’s happiness?” Ivy said.

Eliza smiled and hugged her.

“I’m so happy for you.” Ivy squealed. “Helen probably doesn’t agree though.”

“I could care less about Helen.” Eliza said rolling her eyes.

That night, at the dinner table, Helen sulked, Ivy beamed, Ed nodded his head, Luke remained aloof and Rose and the other women gushed over the “absolutely divine couple”.

That night, Noah stood at the threshold of Eliza’s flat about to say goodbye when she pulled him in and closed the door.

“You’re not leaving yet.” She said.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright, be prepared for a long yet important note.
1). One more chapter left.
2). Constructive criticism would be great. Please, I know this chapter is crap but I really wanted to post something. Tell me what I can do to improve this.
3). I will rarely update any of my stories for the next week because of ap's. AP Macro was a beast, btw.
4). I feel like the song Take Care by Drake explains this story soooo well.
5). THIS STORY IS ON PROJECT FICTION! WOW. I am so honored that this is considered good enough for a site like that. Also, i would like to thank you for this because without your encouragement i'd never have gotten this far.
6). I made a tumblr. Follow me? Tumblr
7). Comment, subscribe. I love you all.