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Little Bit of Truth

The Surprise

Surprises were fun but often left Eliza speechless, especially those that were never planned. So, one can imagine the shock going through Eliza as she stood at Ed’s doorstep with a cake addressed to Rose in her hands.

“What are you doing here dear?”

“Dad, I think that’s for me.” Noah answered from inside the house. He came to the door with a surprised look on his face. In all honesty, he doubted the feisty brunette would appear and now that she stood at his door with a large pink box in her hands, he admitted to himself that he was surprised. His surprised self looked at the American lass in front of him. She was quite short, even with her sky-high heels she only reached about 5’6”. She had long brown hair that fell to her waist in one straight, sleek swoop and brown eyes that resembled honey. She was a cute bird, he thought to himself. However, her temper and sailor’s mouth made her quite unattractive.

“I’m surprised you actually came.”

“I’m surprised you can form a proper sentence. That makes two of us.”

Noah scowled, this bird was something else. “Give me the cake so you can leave.” He told her beginning to get impatient.

“I think you should thank me first. The cake from before looks like crap when placed next to the beauty I managed to get for your mum.”

“That cake would look like crap next to anything, even your face, because somebody made me drop it.”

“When was the last time you used that comeback, when you were four?”

“Eliza dear, are you the girl that Noah has been complaining about since he got home?” Ed asked in hopes of stopping the two from entering a verbal war.

“Depends. Did he tell you the story of how he clumsily walked into an innocent girl late for work? If so, then yes, I am that girl.”

“If I do recall correctly, you were the one tapping away on your phone.” Noah added.

“If I do recall correctly, no one asked for your input, Noah.” Eliza shot back.

“So, what’s in the box?” Ed asked.

“A two-tier strawberry cream delight addressed to a forty-four year old Rose.” Eliza said proudly.

“Oh, you brought me wife’s cake? You’re too much Eliza dear. Come in so we can put it in the kitchen.”

Eliza followed Ed into the house while Noah stood at the door confused beyond belief. How did his father know the American brat? He quickly followed the two into the kitchen to hear his father say

“Eliza, you need to stay for the party. It’s quite a small gathering, only me daughter, sons and Rose.”

“Oh no, I don’t want to intrude. Besides, I doubt Noah wants me here.”

“That’s quite right. Would you look at that, something the two of us agree on.” Noah said.

“As a matter of fact, I think my boss Louis wouldn’t mind. Let me give him a call and then I’ll tell you.” She said feeling spiteful. With those words, Eliza excused herself, leaving the father and son in the kitchen.

“How do you know that bird?” Noah questioned his father.

“I dropped her off at her hotel the day she came to London. Be nice to her, she’s been through quite a lot.” Ed said and then he left the room.

“Alright, I can stay. Where’d Ed go?”

“My father went to set up the backyard. We’re surprising Mum.”

“That’s sweet. Plan on showing her your face? That would be quite the surprise.” Eliza said before walking out of the door in the kitchen that led to the backyard.

He watched the bird take off her shoes and walk barefoot in the grass. She helped his father put up balloons and a banner. They set up the table and when the time came, they put the cake in the middle of the table. Noah had to give her credit; the cake was nice, much better than the one she had ruined although he would never let her know that.

“Alright, Luke just rang me, he says he and Ivy picked up Mum and they’ll be here in about five minutes.”

So the three of them made sure everything was in place and went to hide.

“What were the odds?” thought Eliza as Noah came to stand beside her.

“This is my hiding place, leave.” Eliza told him.

“No, it’s my house, you leave.”

Quite soon, the two were shoving one another to move and how did that end? Well, it ended with a ruined surprise. Eliza pushed Noah who lost his footing, grabbed Eliza and the two fell in a heap on the grassy floor as Ivy, Luke and Rose walked into the yard.

“Surprise!” The pair on the floor yelled meekly.

The two straightened themselves and led Rose to the cake as Eliza introduced herself.

“I’m Eliza.”

“Oh dear, you’re quite a beauty. Lord only knows how Noah managed to snag someone like you.”

“We’re not…”

Eliza started when Noah wrapped an arm around her waist and said “Oh doll, there’s no denying it to my mum now is there. We fooled Dad but Mum’s an entirely different story.” while giving her a cheeky smile.

Eliza stood shocked. When did she agree to this? She was more surprised than the woman who was having a surprise birthday party in her honor. This was odd.
♠ ♠ ♠
Didn't see that coming did you?
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