Status: New story!!

If I Had a Gun, I'd Shoot a Hole Into the Sun

The beginning of the Lies.

Lennon and I had just finished smoking the whole bowl. I could feel the weed having its effect on me. Lennon was right, it did help me not care and almost forget what happened at school. It made me feel great. I felt amazing, relaxed, and kind of happy. Smiling I looked at Lennon and said,"Thanks Lenny." He laughed and asked,"Your welcome, but where did Lenny come from?" He ended his question with a chuckle. Still smiling I answered,"It's your new nick-name I'm giving you." He nodded and then said, "Then I'm going to call you Pooh." Laughing I asked,"Pooh?" He nodded and answered,"Yeah like Pooh Bear, 'cause your last name is Bare." I nodded and laughed. For the rest of te time Lenny and I hung out we listened to music and laughed. Before I left I changed back into the clothes I wore to school, used mouthwash, and sprayed some perfume on me. Lenny and I said our goodbyes and I left to go home.

When I arrived home I saw a car that was here from esterday. It was probably Frank , his wife Jamia, and his daughters. I grabbed my school bag and went inside. I was right sitting at the table eating was my mom, Frank Sr, Frank, and Jamia. Cherry and Lilly were in their play-pin playing with some soft book like things. I walked in and said,"Mom, Frank, I'm sorry I'm late, I went to hang out with Lennon after school and we lost track of time." Mom nodded and asked,"Well don't be late again please Nikki. Have you already ate?" I nodded and answered," I won't, and yeah Lennon and I ate at his house." Mom nodded and I quickly asked,"Could I go up to my room? I have some home work to finish." Mom smiled and nodded. I nodded to everyone else and headed straight to my room.

Once I got to my room I put my school bag down and turned on my stero. Soon the amazing voice of Billy Corgan filled my room. I sat on my bed and sighed. I had just lied to my mom, twice. The ironic thing is, that it didn't feel like that big of a deal. I mean I felt a little bad, but it's not like my mom has to know that I smoked weed and skipped school. I mean it would be better for the both of us if she didn't know. I mean I wouldn't get in trouble and she wouldn't have to be upset. Plus it's not like I'm going to skip school everyday. Plus I'm spending time with a friend and not constantly staying in my room. I'm being some what social so she can't complain about that. Also I don't want to stay down there while they eat. It's awkward trying to talk to Frank and his family. I mean Frank Sr.'s a nice man and I'm glad my mom married him then some other asshole, but it's just awkward. I don't really know what to talk to him about, or how I should act around him. Also Frank I don't know what to really talk to him about. You'd think that a fan getting to talk to a member of a band they like they would have lots of things they would want to talk about with him. But me, no. I mean what do I say? Also I would feel weird if he knew I was a fan. Also I miss my Dad, Step-mom, my Sisters, Fuck I miss just my Dad's side of my family.

Hour later I turned off my music and went to bed. Hopefully tomorrow will be better and Lennon and I will hang out.
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Sorry it took me awhile to update. I hope you alll liked this chapter. Thank you guys for reading.
I don't like asking, but could I get some comments? I mean I'm glad two people subscribed to me, but I kind of want to hear what you, the readers, think about this story so far. Is Nikii mary-sue-ish? Is the story line good? Are my characters well rounded? Is this cliche? I want to hear what you like and don't like of this story. Also I want to point out that yeah Nikki's a fan of MCR and her character may seem like a hypocritical fan, but it plays a major role in this story. I won't spoil but let's just say that MCR will help in the end. I won't tell you when or how but they will help Nikki some point in time.