A New Beginning

It's Hard To Say Goodbye When You Know That It's Over

“So now that we're all here, I guess we can call this meeting to order…” The representative spoke as he shut the door, all of the band members sitting uneasily in their oversized chairs along the oak table.

“I guess I never properly introduced myself; my name is Roger Posen and I have been a representative for Hopeless Records since my brother created the label in 1993,” He revealed, pacing back and forth. “And it seems like you guys are ready to be signed and we're the label for you,” Roger pitched, sitting down at the head chair.

“Well sir, we've got a couple demos if you'd like a listen…” Matt started, Roger waving his hand dismissively at the teen.

“Don't worry about it; everything I need to know about you guys I heard last month… This is your stable line-up, correct?” He questioned, Brian nodding.

“This is as concrete of a line-up as you're going to get,” Brian said as he watched as Roger began writing on the yellow-paged tablet in front of him before sliding it and his pen across the table to Matt.

“I need you to write all your legal names down and then your stage names if you're going to have them,” Roger ordered, Matt scrawling his name before passing the tablet down the line.

“Avenged Sevenfold is the name? You aren't going to change your band's name right after you sign the contract, right?” He joked, Matt shaking his head.

“Avenged Sevenfold is what it is…” Matt concluded, Zack lifting his head as he wrote his name.

“A7X for short,” The green-eyed guitarist added before continuing his writing.

“That's quite clever,” Roger admitted, nodding his head as Johnny passed the papers back to him.

“Let's see… We've got M. Shadows, Synyster Gates, Zacky Vengeance, The Rev, and Johnny Christ…” He read over the names, chuckling to himself.

“Kids these days are so creative. I was in a band once, I played the keyboard… Y'know what I called myself?” He quizzed, the teens looking at him with wide eyes full of wonder.

“My stage name was Roger...” He laughed.

“It could have been Roger Poison,” Jimmy piped up. “Since your last name is similar to it…”

“Do you call Stacy that?” Johnny teased, Jimmy smacking him in the back of the head.

“Oh so you're the James she told me about,” Roger chuckled before mock-glaring at the blue-eyed drummer sitting between Zack and Johnny.

“It's company policy to not get involved with family members of your boss, son…”

“To be honest sir,” Jimmy started, shifting uneasily in his seat. “It's a little late for that.”

Roger shook his head; “She never learns… So I guess you guys would like to sign a recording contract?”

“Fuck yes we do!” Jimmy exclaimed as Roger began to fish around in his briefcase, producing a thick stack of paperwork and laying it out on the wooden surface in front of him.

“You'll have to excuse him, he was raised by apes,” Matt reasoned about the drummer's outburst. “What he meant was that we would really like to sign to your label, sir…”

“Good, because we've got a lot of paperwork to do so I need to be sure this is something you want whole-heartedly. After that, we'll discuss touring and your album,” Roger explained, going step-by-step with them where they had to sign and initial.

The entire signing process took the group about thirty minutes, and once they were finished they remained silent while Roger gathered the signed documents and placed them in a pile once more.

“Well gentlemen, welcome to Hopeless Records. I know it doesn't have the brightest name, but I can assure you guys everything will be golden…” He returned to his seat, flipping to a new page of his tablet as he folded his hands on top of the table.

“The next thing we need to discuss is your promotion… We want you guys out immediately touring on your demos and playing any songs you have. We just need to make you known. Within the next two years we want you guys to have your first full-length album out and trust me, that won't be hard for you to do,” Roger wrote as fast as he was speaking. “Do you guys have a van?”

Matt nodded; “Yeah, my grandparents purchased us a van for our equipment…”

Roger laughed; “No, I'm talking for you guys to ride around in…”

Johnny's eyebrows furrowed in confusion; “Wait, we don't get a bus?”

Roger wiped a tear from his eye as he continued to laugh, clutching his chest as he tried to catch his breath after laughing hysterically at the bassist.

“Kid, do you have the money for a bus?”

Zack reached around Jimmy to smack Johnny; “No dumbass, we're not getting a bus.”

“Zack's right; you're just starting and you're grossly under-budgeted… But after playing a few shows, you'll be in the black instead of the red,” Roger asserted, thumbing through their paperwork.

“We'll have your tour schedule figured out by the end of the day but I know for a fact you'll be leaving on the 14th of this month,” He read off one of the sheets, looking up at the five teenagers across the table from him.

“That's a week from today,” Matt murmured, realizing that they had basically made it after everyone saying they never would.

“Is that a problem?” Roger questioned, Matt immediately shaking his head.

“No, not at all. It's just it's all happening so fast…” He confessed, his head swirling with what came next for him and Ashley.

“Don't worry Shads, it's all good,” Brian laid his hand on Matt's shoulder, patting it reassuringly. He didn't have to fret about what was going to happen to his relationship because Rae had agreed to go on the road with him, he wondered if Ashley had agreed to do the same for Matt.

“I have faith in you guys that you'll be successful… I know your first few shows will be here in California. I think you're hitting Sacramento, San Jose, and San Diego before you go on. Some cities you'll play two shows… I think in Omaha, Nebraska you'll play an early show at one venue and then head to the other one that's right up the street…”

“How long are we going to be touring?” Zack asked, Roger shrugging.

“I think you'll be booked up until next September at the earliest…”

“Jesus, that's a long time!” Jimmy exclaimed, their representative raising his hands in defense of the twenty month touring schedule.

“We've got to get you guys out there. Then when you get back you can start on your album. It's all going to work out smoothly,” Roger assured them, standing up and leaning over the table to shake their hands.

“If you don't have any more questions, you gentlemen are free to leave… We've covered all the bases. One of your first checks will be in the mail pretty soon…” Roger informed them, opening the door.

The guys left, Matt stalling at the end.

“Thanks for the opportunity, Mr. Posen,” He said, Roger patting him on the back.

“It's my pleasure, Matt. You're all very talented and I'm excited to see you go as far as you can…”


Ashley sat with her legs propped on the arm of the couch, twirling the ends of her hair around her fingers and sighing at her split ends.

Raven entered the room, laughing at her best friend before flopping down at the end beside Ashley's head, squeezing Ashley's nose and making the brunette giggle.

“I'm bored,” Ashley stated, rubbing her forehead and poking Rae in the side.

“I know, but we're more than likely not going to be bored when the guys get home because we'll have a reason to celebrate!” Rae assured her.

“Well, in the meantime, what are we going to do?” Ashley questioned, the redhead cracking a smile.

“We could gossip, I guess. What happened New Year's Eve? I barely talked to you…” Rae countered, Ashley's eyes widening.

“You wouldn't believe me if I told you,” Ashley replied, Raven raising her eyebrow in question.

“Try me…”

Ashley moved to sit up, crossing her legs; “I had a moment.”

“With Matt?” Raven shrugged, staring back at her friend with a confused look on her face. “That's not a big deal… Definitely not much to gossip about. He is your boyfriend, Ash…”

“No, with Zack.”

Rae's eyes widened her mouth gaping open slightly; “No way! Where the hell was I!?”

“I don't know, Rae, probably off with Brian somewhere…” Ashley rolled her eyes. “The thing is I don't know how I feel about the whole Zack thing… It was after I fought with Matt and I just kind of wanted to melt into the arms of the next person who was nice to me…”

“Wait… You fought with Matt? About what?”

“He didn't like the way Zack was talking to me or looking at me or something... I don't know. He was just being an asshole and I had no problem telling him that. We got into this argument and I walked off and he stormed up the stairs…”

“So what happened between you and Zack?”

“I felt like shit after fighting with Matt…I wanted to have a drink but he was holding the Jack Daniels hostage behind his back and so desperate times call for desperate measures…” She trailed off, Raven nearly on the edge of her seat.

“And he said something to me that just sent chills down my spine… I'm worried that he had such an effect on me…”

“It was probably just the alcohol,” Rae countered, Ashley shaking her head.

“I had one shot. I wasn't buzzed or anything…”

“What did he say to you?” Raven pressed, leaning her chin on her elbow.

“He said, `You want what I've got Ash, and the fact that you can't have it makes you want it more'…” She told Rae, Ashley watching as her best friend's jaw dropping.

“And you didn't take him right there? I'm sorry... But I think my jaw would have hit the floor and I would have been putty in his hands…”

“Rae, I love Matt….”

“Well, I know that, but has Matt ever said anything like that to you? What's the sexiest thing Matt has ever said to you?” Rae quizzed, Ashley feeling her cheeks getting hot

“I think it's sexy whenever he says my name in his bedroom voice…”

“No, no… Something I could also find sexy… And did you just say bedroom voice? How is that different than his normal voice?”

Ashley just raised her hands in defense; “It just is. It's deeper and raspier and I find it irresistible when he uses it…”

“I bet Zacky has a nice bedroom voice,” Rae taunted, Ashley glaring at her. “But in all seriousness Ash… What's the sexiest thing Matt has said to you?”

The brunette just shrugged; “I don't have a clue… Why? Does Brian say something sexy?”

“Everything dirty he says is sexy. The man is a sex god, I swear…”

“Yeah, didn't need to know that... And it's not nice to swear.”

“Would you go for Zack if you were single?” Rae asked the brunette who began to stare off into space, chewing on her bottom lip.

“If there ever came a time when I found myself single and I had another 'moment' with him then, sure, I'd be willing to see where it would lead to..."

“I know for a fact where that moment would lead to if you were a single girl… You would have been upstairs testing out Zack's bedroom voice…” The redhead teased, Ashley shaking her head in agony.

“Now I wish I wouldn't have told you…”

“Would have been no point to keep it hidden Ash. Gossip always has a way of coming back up on one.”

The front door clattered open, the girls jumping as Jimmy rushed inside, holding onto a bottle of champagne and a fifth of Jack Daniels.

The two girls climbed to their feet as he placed his spoils down.

“Well my two favorite honeys, I'd like to introduce you to the latest band signed to Hopeless Records!” Jimmy exclaimed as he slung his arms around Ashley and Rae's shoulders.

“Good job Jimmy, way to ruin the surprise,” Brian joked, the blue-eyed drummer releasing the two girls to let them go congratulate their boyfriends.

Ashley hesitated as she neared Matt, her heart pounding out of her chest as she felt her stomach twist into knots. He held his arms open, the brunette wrapping her arms around his neck and resting her forehead on his chest.

“We made it baby,” He whispered, kissing the top of her head.

Rae and Brian were wrapped in an embrace, engrossed in each other so much that nothing was fazing them.

“I'm gonna go call Stacy,” Jimmy announced to no one in particular, slugging Johnny in the arm as he passed him.

“I think I'll go see if Gabby feels like coming over to celebrate,” The bassist grinned, digging in his pocket to grab his cell phone, leaving the house to try to get a hold of the girl he'd met on New Year's Eve.

“I'm surrounded by fucking couples…” Zack grumbled as he stood among the teens holding each other awkwardly.

Ashley and Matt parted, the hazel-eyed singer raising his eyebrows at the guitarist as Rae and Brian broke apart too, moving to the settee.

“Zack, you've never cared before… Why start now?” Brian posed the question, Zack shaking his head dismissively.

“I don't know dude. It's just fucking depressing to see all you guys happy and with someone…” Zack admitted, Jimmy returning from making his phone call.

“Why are you looking all bummed out Zee?! We're fucking recording artists!” Jimmy rejoiced, the drummer hugging the lonely teenager.

“He's depressed because he doesn't have a girlfriend…” Matt spoke, holding Ashley's hand as he glanced between her and the green-eyed guitarist.

“Aww Zacky,” Jimmy began stroking his hair, Zack trying to wrench out of the blue-eyed teen's hold. “We'll always love you Zacky.”

“Rev, I swear to God, you make everything awkward,” Zack growled, his gaze meeting Ashley's for a few moments before she looked back to Matt.

“I love you guys too... But that doesn't take away from the fact that I'm the only guy here hitting the road single...'” Zack continued, finally escaping Jimmy's hold.

“I say we drink to our good news!” The drummer cried out, reaching for the bottle of champagne.

“Let's do shots!” Johnny suggested, entering the lounge with a smug grin on his face and a bottle of Jack in his hands that he had found in the kitchen.

“What the fuck's got you so happy?” Zack asked, glancing over at the teen.

“You mean besides the fact that I've just signed a fucking recording contract?” Johnny's grin grew wider. “Gabby's just agreed to come over…”

“Awesome, we'll finally get to meet her properly….” Rae smiled over at the teen from her place beside Brian on the settee.


Little over an hour later, the boy's quiet celebration had turned into a full blown party when Jimmy had given Stacy his approval to invite a couple of friends over. The music was playing loud and proud, the alcohol was being passed around freely and the sound of laughter was ringing out throughout the house. It was turning out to be a raging house party and as Johnny led Gabby through the crowded hallway, the dark haired teen couldn't help but wonder what she had gotten herself into.

“So, um, this is a quiet get together for you guys?” She asked, smiling when Johnny turned to look at her with a smile that could melt ice caps let alone a girl's heart.

“It wasn't supposed to be like this….” He confessed. “It kind of ended up being a `we told people who told other people' kind of a deal…”

“Oh, right…” Gabby nodded, following Johnny as he weaved his way through the lounge and into the kitchen.

“Uh, do you want a drink or are you driving?” Johnny asked her, releasing his hold on her hand to walk over to the refrigerator.

“I got a cab over so I guess I could have one….” Gabby smiled at him, watching as he pulled open the refrigerator door and looked inside.

“Um, we have beer and coke in here and that's about it….”

“We have vodka too, Johnny, don't deny the girl the good stuff….” Raven chipped in suddenly standing in front of the teen who looked at her as if she had just appeared out of thin air.

“Hey Raven….” He looked awkwardly between the red head and the girl standing behind him. “This is, uh…. Gabby… My date….”

“So, you're the chick who has had him smiling like an idiot since New Year's?” Raven offered Gabby the bottle of vodka she was clutching and smiled at her. “You know, he's a good guy… It's about time he met someone….”

“Rae…” Johnny hissed at the red head, slamming the fridge door shut after claiming a beer for himself.

“Don't look at me like that, Junior… I'm not your Mom; I haven't got any embarrassing stories about you to share with your girl….” Raven watched in delight as Johnny slumped down into an empty chair at the kitchen table and scowled at her while Gabby giggled. “Although I'm sure Bri' and the guys have a couple to share….”

“Fuck you, Matthews…” Johnny flipped her off and Rae laughed.

“Now, now, Johnny… Temper, temper…” The red head waggled a finger at him before turning her attention to his date. She was shorter than her, five three at the most but she knew from witnessing her verbally taking Zack down a peg or two at New Year's that the dark red haired teen could hold her own with the rest of them. She could certainly be good for little Johnny Boy. “You want a glass for that?”

Gabby looked confused for a moment before she noticed Raven gazing at the bottle of vodka she was holding and nodded her head; “Uh, yeah, if that's possible….”

“At Casa de Sevenfold, anything is possible….” Raven smiled, flicking her fiery red hair back over her shoulder before weaving her way through a crowd of drunken jocks and retrieving two red solo cups.

She handed one to Gabby before taking the bottle of vodka back off her and pouring herself a shot into the cup she had claimed for herself. Downing it in one smooth, quick motion she poured herself another before noticing the young girl staring at her in wide eyed disbelief.

“Trust me, honey; you want to make it around here… You need to know how to drink like one of the guys….” Raven passed the bottle of vodka back to Gabby giving her a wicked smile and a playful wink before disappearing back into the lounge.

“So, um, she seems…..” The red haired youngster wasn't entirely sure what word she was supposed to use to describe the older girl as she watched her go, sitting herself down opposite Johnny at the table.

“Insane?” Johnny asked with a grin, leaning forward and taking the bottle and cup away from his date's hand to pour the drink for her. “Trust me, she's dating Gates, she has to be mentally unstable just to keep up with him…He can drink like a mother fucker, and she can drink him under the table… I've seen it happen…”

“Oh… Right…” Gabby didn't quite know what to say to that so she just smiled, accepting the drink off Johnny when he handed the red cup back to her and almost choking when she took a sip.

“Too strong?”

“A little…” Gabby spluttered, putting the cup down and wiping at her mouth. Johnny reached over and opened the fridge, pulling out a coke and sliding it across the table towards her.

“Sorry, guess I'm so used to drinking it straight I think that everyone can take it that way…” He looked at her apologetically, frowning at her a little.

“It's okay, I'm just not used to drinking all that much….” Gabby replied and was just opening the can of coke and lifting it up to pour the brown liquid into her half cup of vodka when someone slammed into the back of her chair, knocking the can out of her hands and sending the ice cold liquid down the front of her pink sequined top and skinny fit jeans instead of where it was intended.

The next moment was a blur of motion, Gabby jumped up from her seat squealing and Johnny was on his feet almost instantly grabbing her attacker by their t-shirt and spinning them back around to face what they had done.

“Jimmy, watch where you're fucking going, man! You knocked into my date!” The bassist growled at the taller teen who didn't seem too bothered by him at all.

He batted the younger teen away, shoving him backwards and shaking his head at him; “Don't ever touch the merchandise, Johnny, you can't afford me….”

“You owe my date an apology, you jackass!” Johnny claimed angrily and Jimmy looked bored as he glanced at him and then at Gabby.

“Sorry you're here on a date with short shit,” The blue eyed male smirked. “If I was available, I'd snap you up in an instant…”

Johnny lunged at the drummer, a red mist descending over him but before his balled fist could make contact with any part of Jimmy he could get to, he felt himself being shoved away again a little more forcefully this time.

“Don't make me beat your short ass down in front of your `date', JC…” The older teen warned him with a snarl, offering Gabby a sympathetic grin as he looked at her. “Sorry about your drink…” He said before walking away to mingle with his guests.

Gabby looked helplessly at Johnny, holding her top out away from her skin the dampness making her shiver.

“Johnny, I'm soaked….” She complained as he let out a breath and turned to face her, rubbing at the back of his neck.

“Jimmy's a fucking tool,” He grumbled, Gabby looking at him uneasily.

“I need to go home; I can't stay here like this,” She reasoned, gesturing to her shirt.

“No, you can't,” Johnny agreed. “I've got a change of clothes upstairs; you can borrow my t-shirt,” He offered, his date raising her eyebrows when she saw a smirk take a place on his lips.

“Nice try, Johnny, but I am not falling for that one… I'm going home….” Gabby started, turning to walk out the door. Johnny caught a loose hold on her arm, trying to hold her in place.

“No, please… Don't…. Look, what if I ask Rae if she's got something you can borrow?” Johnny smiled, hoping to keep her around for a little bit longer.

“She's taller than me, Johnny… I doubt she'd have anything,” Gabby groaned, sighing at the state of her favorite top.

“Just please let me try and fix this… I don't want you to leave,” He admitted, frowning until she finally nodded.

“Okay…But, I'm leaving if she hasn't got anything,” She explained, gazing into the teen's caramel eyes.

“Deal….” Johnny agreed with a quick nod of his head, offering her a small smile as he held out his hand to her and silently praying that Raven wasn't going to let him down as they made their way out of the kitchen to find her.

It didn't take long to locate the red head; she was sitting on Brian's lap talking animatedly to Matt and Ashley as Brian traced lazy circles on her bare arms with his long fingers.

“Hey, um, Rae?” Johnny interrupted her conversation, the redhead glancing at him.


“Can I ask you a huge favor?” Johnny asked, Rae nodding in response.

“Whoa, what the Hell happened to you? You're supposed to drink the Coke, Gabby, not wear it, you know that, right?” Rae spoke as she took in the sight of Gabby's attire, giggling as the dark haired girl blushed.

“Jimmy knocked into her and spilt the can all over her… I was kinda hoping you could help her out with something to wear so she didn't have to go home….” Johnny explained, his voice trailing off so he couldn't reveal his desperation for Rae to help him out.

“Surely you could take her up to the spare room and help her out of those wet clothes instead, Johnny Boy?” Brian sniggered, the young boy glaring at him. “Oh, no, wait… You don't know what to do with a naked chick, do you, short ass?”

“Your Mom didn't complain…” Johnny snapped, Brian's eyes widening at the bassist.

“What the fuck, you didn't just bring my Mom into it?” Brian growled, Rae placing a gentle hand over her boyfriend's mouth.

“Guys, quit…” She shrugged out of Brian's grasp and stood up, looking at the young girl in desperate need of a change of clothes. “Come on, Gabs, let's see if we can figure something out…. Ash, you wanna come help?” Rae directed her question to the brunette beside her who just shook her head.

“I think I'm gonna sit this one out and let you work your magic…” Ashley replied, giving a worried Gabby a reassuring smile as she looked at her.

“Okay, and boys, behave while we're gone…” Raven looked pointedly at Brian and Johnny who were snarling at each other as she led Gabby towards the stairs.

“Don't worry, Rae, I'm here to act as referee….” Matt grinned and Raven shot him a sarcastic glance.

“That doesn't fill me with comfort, Matthew….” She rolled her eyes at him, disappearing out of the doorway with the small dark red haired teen who looked anxious as she followed her.

Given that Rae had changed into a blue plaid mini skirt, fishnets, knee boots and a black tight fitting shirt for the impromptu party, Ashley figured that Gabby had every right to look nervous, there was no telling what her best friend could end up giving her to wear.


“So, do you live here too?” Gabby asked as she followed Raven towards one of the bedrooms and watching as the red head stopped outside the door that was adorned with a tattered Led Zeppelin poster.

“Oh God, no… I share a Dorm with Ash…” Raven smiled as she entered the bedroom, gesturing to the teen to follow her inside. “Although I pretty much spend most of my time here with Bri' so I might as well be paying rent….” She finished with a laugh, making her way towards the closet where she had several outfits hung up already.

“Brian seems like a nice guy…” Gabby tried to make small talk as Raven started to look through her clothes. “I mean, from what I've seen of him…”

“And I bet you like what you see, huh?” Rae threw the teen a teasing look and giggled when she blushed a little.

“Oh, I… Uh…”

“Gabs, chill, I'm messing with you….” Raven reassured her, tossing a black skirt over to her and smirking as the young girl caught it. “He is hot though, I don't blame you for eye-fucking him…” She went back to looking through her clothes, searching for a top that would go with the skirt that Gabs was now looking at cautiously. “Hell, I do it all the time…”

“I didn't… I mean, I wasn't…” Gabby fumbled for words, suddenly feeling very flustered as Raven looked back at her. Whether the red head was joking or not, she didn't fancy getting on the wrong side of her and she knew that confessing to ogling her boyfriend was going to be her golden ticket to the dark side of the teen in front of her.

“Johnny really likes you….” Raven changed the subject much to Gabby's relief, pulling a black mesh top and matching vest out of the closet and holding it up to look it over in the light.

“I like him too, he's cute…” Gabby admitted, her eyes glancing around the purple walls of the bedroom.

“You do know that they're leaving, right?” Raven wanted to know, stepping towards the young girl and handing her the top she had selected.

“Johnny told me that they got signed so I assumed that they'd be going on the road at some point….” Gabby nodded, taking the top out of the older teens hands.

“They leave on the fourteenth….”

“Do you mean they're leaving on the fourteenth of this month?” The younger teen questioned her eyes wide with surprise. She had assumed that Johnny would be going away with his band soon but she hadn't realized that it could be as soon as next week.

“Yup… It's awesome, right?” Raven grinned, making her way over to the mirror to reapply some lip gloss to her already ruby red stained lips.

“Uh, sure….”

“Don't worry your pretty little head about Johnny; he's been waiting a long time for a girl as awesome as you to come along…” Raven said reassuringly, looking at Gabby's image in the mirror and noticing the worried look on the young girls pretty face. “He's not going to screw it up….”

“Well, it's not like we're dating or anything so he's free to do what he wants, really…” Gabby reasoned with a shrug of her shoulders.

“That's not what he thinks… I mean, he called you his `date' when he introduced you to me….” Rae spun around to face her, replacing the cap back on her tube of lip gloss. “I think that means that he's really into you…”

“I don't think that I could handle a long-distance relationship though…” The dark-haired teen replied honestly and Raven shrugged.

“I don't think that's an issue for Johnny, I've seen the way he looks at you…” She told her with a comforting smile. “God knows, I've sat and listened to him talk non-stop about you since New Year's….” She rolled her eyes, making Gabby giggle a little. “Maybe you should give him a shot…”

“Yeah….” Gabby nodded, still a little unsure about what she should do with regards to the situation she was in with Johnny but not wanting to let the older teen know that just yet. She looked down at the clothes in her hands and smiled up at Raven. “Well, these are great, Rae… Thanks for letting me borrow them….”

“No problem at all….” Raven grinned, heading towards the door. “I'll leave you to get changed and when you come downstairs I'll show you the right way to drink a Vodka and Coke…”

“Without a Jimmy around?”

“Exactly….” Raven nodded, stepping out into the hallway and closing the door behind her.


Brian had disappeared once Rae had left, leaving the other couple alone on the couch. Ashley hadn't moved from her spot, completely comfortable with Matt's arm around her and her body against his chest.

“Why aren't you wearing your hair down?” Matt asked Ashley, his lips kissing a trail from her neck to her shoulder while she sat in his lap.

“Because it's so much easier just to have it up and out of the way,” She replied, Matt's fingertips grasping the elastic band in her hair.

He pulled gently on her ponytail, letting her hair fall to her shoulders, smiling as Ashley grumbled.

“Matt, you're a pain,” She told him, climbing up from his lap.

“What are you doing?” He quizzed, holding onto her hand as she tried to walk into the direction of the kitchen.

“I'm going to get something to drink, Matt. I'm thirsty,” She complained, shaking his hand off of hers.

“I want a Coke!” Matt exclaimed, lacing his fingers behind his head and propping his feet up on the coffee table as she scoffed.

“Get it yourself, Sanders. I'm not your maid,” She taunted, smirking as Matt rolled his eyes.

Ashley made her way through the crowd of people, entering the kitchen and reaching for the refrigerator handle. She pulled the handle on the door, staring at the contents and trying to decide what she wanted to drink.

She was bent over, reaching for a can of Coke from the crisper drawer for her and Matt to share when she felt her boyfriend's hand moving smoothly over the curve of her hip before gently smacking her ass.

“Matt, that's a little inappropriate…”

The brunette giggled as she backed away from the refrigerator and shut the door, turning to face the person who she thought was her boyfriend. A look of horror crossed her face when she gazed into the emerald green eyes of the guitarist, her mouth gaping as he smirked at her.

"Shouldn't stick it out if you don't want it spanked..." He taunted, his tongue snaking along his bottom lip.

Her face immediately turned red as he winked at her, her eyes immediately staring at the floor.

She didn't say a word before she started to retreat to the living room, Zack catching her hand.

“Y'know, I wouldn't mind if you wanted me to spank you. I'd worship that ass,” He breathed, Ashley wrenching from his grasp as she turned the darkest shade of red imaginable. She hurried off, a hand covering her face as she made her way back towards Matt.

He shrugged as he grabbed a beer from the fridge, cracking the bottle open before he walked in the same direction she had, standing in the spot next to Brian like a wallflower. His gaze was focused across the room, Brian looking at him out of the corner of his eye.

"So when are you gonna settle down and stick to one girl, Zee?" Brian asked his fellow guitarist who was leaning against the wall, mimicking Brian's stance. Brian's gaze was fixed on Raven across the room who had just come back downstairs after hooking Johnny's date up with an emergency outfit. He lifted his beer bottle to his lips before he began to speak.

"I'm keeping my options open; you never know who could become available..." He glanced at Brian for a brief moment before continuing to look across the room. Brian followed Zack's gaze, his eyes widening when he saw that Zack's stare was transfixed on Ashley who was sitting with Matt and Raven deep in conversation.

"You're going after Matt's girl? Seriously? Do you have a death wish?" Brian looked at his friend in disbelief.

"How do you know I wasn't looking at Rae?" Zack shot back at him, Brian's eyes narrowing.

"Because, my friend, you wouldn't be fucking breathing right now if you were...."

Zack scoffed, shaking his head, his eyes still focused on the dark haired girl across the room.

"I would just beat your ass if you tried anything with Rae,” Brian stated. “But Matt will break your fucking neck...For real, dude…"

"I'm not gonna go after her while they're together dipshit...." Zack snapped, Brian's eyebrows furrowing as he watched the couple across the room. They looked perfectly happy together to him, Ashley perched on Matt's lap as his hand held on to her waist while they chatted with Rae, passing the red can of soda back and forth.

"How do you know they're breaking up?" Brian questioned, Zack taking another swig from his bottle of beer.

"I don't... But they will... Eventually," He replied, Brian crossing his arms as he tried to fathom what was going through Zack's mind.

"And then what? You're gonna ride in on your fucking white stallion and sweep her off her feet?" Brian taunted him, Zack biting his bottom lip as his eyes observed the girl who he desired to make his own even if it was just for one night.

"No... I plan on showing her a good time,” He thrust his hips forward playfully.

Brian rolled his eyes; "Yeah, Ashley's definitely not that kind of girl... Look how she is with Matt…"

Brian discreetly pointed to the brunette, her arm around still around Matt's neck as he held on to her tightly, his fingers playing with the ends of her hair as they laughed at something Rae was saying.

"Whatever…” Zack shrugged. “She's got to be a sexual deviant. She doesn't smoke, only drinks on occasion, she wears glasses and plain clothes... She's got to be awesome in the sack." He explained, Brian shaking his head.

"I'm not talking about this with you, Zack. It's completely wrong. Why would you want to fuck her anyway?” Brian asked with a tone of sarcasm.

Zack shrugged, a smile forming on his lips.

"Question is... Why wouldn't she want to fuck me?"

"Because you're an asshole who treats women like unrecyclable empties," Brian gestured to the pile of beer bottles growing in the center of the room, mostly from Jimmy and Zack.

"All the ladies love Zacky V..." The raven haired teen retorted, Brian trying not to laugh at him.

"And that's exactly why you're single…" Brian started, Zack just shrugging his shoulders and shaking his head.

"Well it's hard to choose just one to settle down with. It's just not my style. I don't see how I could ever sleep with the same person for countless nights on end..." Zack shuddered at the thought, Brian clicking his tongue at his promiscuous-minded friend.

"When you die of an untreated STD, you'll wish you would've kept your dick in your pants," Brian reminded him, Zack just smirking.

"I doubt Ashley has any STDs. She's been with Shads for how long? A STD is the least of my worries," the green-eyed guitarist explained, his voice rumbling as he continued to watch the off-limits brunette.

"You'll never sleep with her, Zack. She knows way too much about you to fall prey to any charm you think you possess, you dumb shit," Brian revealed, Zack shooting him daggers with his piercing gaze.

"So when I do fuck her, how do you want your crow?" He asked, his head tilting as the brown-eyed guitarist just shaking his head.

"Nonexistent... Because I won't be eating any crow any time soon. Ashley's too smart to get with you..." Brian continued, Zack growing angry with his band mate.

"But didn't Shads get in her pants faster than you got in Rae's?" Zack raised his eyebrow in question, knowing he struck a nerve when Brian turned to look at him.

Brian glared at Zack, the green-eyed guitarist flinching when Brian acted like he was going to hit him.

“Yeah, but she was sleeping with Matt, not with you.”

“You're denying the fact that Shadows was able to fuck his girl before you could slide on home with Rae,” Zack stated.

"Me and Rae wanted to wait..." Brian informed him, crossing his arms as Zack just chuckled darkly.

"Sounds like a fucking whiny ass excuse to not get any pussy. Seriously, are you fifteen? Why would you wait?" Zack demanded to know, Brian just trying to keep calm enough so he wouldn't explode at his band mate.

"Because fuck you, that's why we waited…" Brian stormed away from his friend, knowing their conversation wasn't going to be going anywhere intelligent.

He headed over to where Rae was sitting with Matt and Ashley, clearly in the middle of telling the hazel-eyed singer a story from her childhood with the brunette in his lap.

“Her Mom and Dad didn't allow me to stay over anymore after that….” The red head finished as he approached her, Matt laughing as he pulled Ashley closer to him and kissed her sweetly. Raven turned her head, looking at Brian with questioning eyes. “Hey, you okay?”

“Zacky's an ass…” The guitarist grumbled as Rae stood up to face him. “A grade-A fucking ass….”

“What's up?” Rae stepped towards him, circling her arms around his neck as he placed his hands on her hips.

Brian glanced at Matt and Ashley, noticing how content they seemed; “Nothing, it doesn't matter…”

“Are you sure?”

Brian offered her a smile, pressing his lips to hers; “Yeah, this is supposed to be a party, right?”

“Right…” Raven nodded, smiling back at him as he kissed her again.

“Then let's party…” He took hold of her hand, lacing their fingers together and led her off into the kitchen to get a drink.

Johnny smiled at Gabby, his eyes flickering over her face as she laughed at something he didn't really remember saying. She had that effect on him. He had known her for less than a month and yet, he felt like he knew her for a lifetime. When she was around, it was like the whole world stopped and all he could focus on was her.

“Johnny, are you listening to me?”

Her angelic voice brought him out of his trance, the bleached-blonde bassist nodding as he exhaled.

“Sorry Gabs, I was kind of spacing off,” he admitted, scratching the back of his neck.

She just giggled, grabbing his spare hand and lacing their fingers together. Her brown eyes met his in a soft gaze, her head tilting slightly as she studied his face.

“When I leave next week, what's going to happen to us?”Johnny asked quietly, his thumb smoothing over the back of her hand as he held it tightly.

“Us, Johnny?” Gabby stressed, raising her eyebrows as he smirked.

“Fine… What's going to happen to me and you?”

The dark-haired girl shrugged, pushing her hair out of her eyes and tucking her bangs behind her ear as she looked at her hand in Johnny's.

“I really like you Johnny,” she confessed, her voice small as she seemingly poured her heart out to him.

His eyes were wide as he made sure he had heard her right. He cleared his throat, squeezing her hand.

It took all of his might to not lean over and kiss her pout, to learn what his mouth would feel like against hers.

“I like you too, Gabby,” he retorted, Gabby beaming as soon as the words fell from his lips.

“So, what does it mean for us?” She wondered, Johnny grinning at her use of the same word she had questioned him for.

“I leave you here, I have something to look forward to when I get home,” Johnny reasoned, Gabby wrapping her arms around his neck as she hugged him. His hands found purchase on her hips, his face nuzzling the side of her neck.

“I know we haven't known each other that long, but I'll wait for you, Johnny….” Gabby whispered, Johnny pulling back a little to look at her.

“I've been waiting my whole life for you…” He said, closing his eyes and mentally scolding himself for saying something so corny when he noticed the amused smile playing on the pretty girl's perfect lips. “And that was as cheesy as an 80's movie soundtrack…”

Gabby reached a hand up and rested it against his cheek, moving her face so close to his that their noses were almost touching; “Don't do that…”

Johnny opened his eyes, his breath catching in his throat as he caught her intense gaze; “Don't do what?”

“Punish yourself for saying what you feel,” she smiled at him, continuing, “You never have to hide yourself from me….” She assured him, her hands sliding into his hair, her fingers tangling in his short locks.

Johnny's lips immediately covered Gabby's, the dark-haired girl letting out a soft moan as Johnny wrapped the ends of her hair around his finger. His tongue swept over her bottom lip, prodding her lips open as their kiss deepened. His hands were moving to her hips again, their tongues exploring each other's mouth as their kiss continued, their lips meshing slowly.

When they finally parted for air, Gabby couldn't help but smile, nipping at Johnny's bottom lip as he grinned.

“Why did we wait so long to do that?” Johnny asked, covering her mouth again with his. Gabby just giggled against his lips, resting her forehead against his as she wrapped her arms around his neck. She pecked his cheek, nuzzling her face into the crook of his neck.

“I tried the first night we met to kiss you,” she reminded him, “But then your asshole friend stopped me and you passed out.”

Johnny smirked, “Well, I'm sure if you would have kissed me I would have woken up.”

“Okay Sleeping Beauty,” Gabby teased, “If you don't shut up and kiss me, I'm gonna fall asleep,” she taunted, Johnny complying with a rushed kiss that stopped everything around them. All that mattered was the two teens and the warmness of their mouths as they kissed like they would never see each other again.


The days passed slowly and Ashley's decision weighed heavily on her mind the entire weekend. She knew what she was going to do was probably the best thing for the both of them. Ashley stood outside Matt's front door, knowing he was inside, probably packing his bags. He was leaving soon to go on tour for almost two years. And she was going to let him go. She had no other choice than to be completely selfless and let him follow his dreams.

She took a deep breath before twisting the handle on the door, pushing against the heavy wooden surface to open it to the inside.

“Oh, hello,” Zack greeted her with a smile as he sat propped on the lid of his suitcase, trying to zip it up.

“Hi Zacky,” her voice cracked and she immediately cleared her throat.

“Raven's here with Brian,” he continued, “And Matt's upstairs in his room.”

She nodded, “Thanks.”

As she started walking down the hall, she heard Zack's voice call after her.

“Be careful! There's no telling what Brian and Rae are doing!”

Giggling, she shook her head and started climbing up the steps. Just that short release of nerves lifted a little weight off her shoulders, but her stomach was still in knots. She feared what came next, but at the moment she was focusing all her might on not crying.

Ashley knew Matt would be able to tell she had been bawling already; her eyes were bloodshot, and her cheeks were swollen and puffy. She had cried the entire walk over. Matt had made the plan to spend time with her before they left but she knew she couldn't break his heart and not be able to walk away.

Balling her hand into a fist, she began knocking on the door of her boyfriend's bedroom.

“Come in,” she heard his voice behind the barrier, and when she opened the door she put on her best smile.

Matt looked up from his duffle bag on the floor that he was throwing clothes into, smiling back at her. She wanted to melt into a puddle just looking into his eyes, knowing the beautiful hazel color would be holding onto something different than the love showing in them now.

He stood up from his crouching position once she shut the door behind her and she leaned against the frame.

“Hey baby,” he breathed, wrapping Ashley in his arms and pulling her close to him. She locked her hands behind his back, burying her face in his neck.

“I didn't think I'd be seeing you until later,” Matt said, lifting her chin to gaze into her eyes.

“I couldn't wait,” Ashley murmured, taking a quick breath once she felt a tear escape down her face.

Frowning, he gently wiped the tear track away.

“What's the matter, Ashley?”

“Matt, you're leaving…” She stated, biting her lip.

“Well I know, but why are you crying?” He asked, cupping her face in his hands, “You were fine the other day when we found out when we were leaving…”

“I can't go, and you can't stay. That's why I'm crying,” Ashley explained, grabbing the back of his t-shirt as she stood on her tiptoes to press her lips against his.

He pushed her against the wall, his body heavy against hers as their lips melded together over and over again. He placed his hands on her hips, breaking their kiss to place his forehead against hers.

“Ash, if you asked me… I'd stay for you. Just ask…” He told her, twirling the ends of her hair between his fingertips.

“I can't ask that of you, Matt. You know me way better than that. This is something you've wanted for ever, and I can't let you give that up.” She spoke, her voice small as she clung to him tightly.

“But I want you forever… I'm gonna miss you…” Matt admitted, “But I'll be home before you know it.”

“I started missing you from the moment you said you were leaving. I don't expect you to wait for me and for you to let me keep you on a leash. Matt… This isn't going to work,” she declared, shrugging from his grip and brushing past him.

Ashley watched as realization hit Matt, his shoulders dropping and his jaw slacking as he turned and looked at her.

“Is this really happening?” He questioned, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his jeans, “You want to break up? Just like this…” He muttered, shaking his head.

“I think it's for the best. I know it hurts… but the thought of keeping you anchored down when you want to go off and become famous just kills me. You deserve happiness like that,” she pleaded.

“I'm happy when I'm with you! I want this to work Ash,” he moved to stand in front of her, grasping her hands in his, “I want that… Me and you. If it takes me staying here to make this work, I'll do it. I'd do anything for you!”

“If you'd do anything for me, then you'll go, Matthew Charles. I can't let you give up on your dreams for me… I can't be the reason you don't go. You'd hate me forever when you'd look back on what could have been…”

“I could never hate you Ashley… and I know if I leave you right now I'll hate myself for letting you go.”

“Matt, if you love someone you have to let them go…”

“But what if you're in love with someone? What then?! And what if it's not as easy as just letting them go? Ashley Marie, I'm so in love with you that I can't think straight!” He lamented, the sight of his eyes filling with tears ripping her heart from her chest, “I never expected you to give your dreams away for me, but I wanted to at least be a part of your future,” he cried, stepping away from her to sit on his bed.

She never ever wanted to see him cry, let alone be the cause of it. She sat beside him, wrapping her arms around him as she sobbed.

“Matt, I love you with all my heart…”

“Then why are you doing this to me? You're killing me,” he spoke softly, glancing at her sideways.

She shook her head, “Because I can't let you stay here and throw it all away for me… It hurts like hell, but I have to let you go Matt.”

He sighed, “It's not going to be easy just walking away from you… You mean so much to me. How does it feel to know you're everything I need?”

Ashley pressed her forehead to his, letting their lips touch again. He swung his legs carefully onto his bed, pulling her against him as he reclined against his headboard. She straddled his lap, lacing their fingers together as they deepened their kiss.

Parting for air, she started to climb off of his lap, his hand holding hers tightly as she tried to walk away.

“Don't go…” He murmured, and when she turned to look she gazed into his eyes.

Those hazel eyes she loved so much were pleading her to stay, to not walk out of the door.

“I can't stay Matty,” she breathed, shaking from his grasp and continuing to leave. She paused in the doorway, mustering enough courage to keep going. She couldn't break down right there.

Matt sat on his bed, immediately regretting not following her out of the room. He growled, picking up the glass lamp on his bedside stand, yanking the electrical cord out of the socket. He chucked it against the wall.

As Ashley descended the steps, she heard the crash from Matt's bedroom, his voice loud enough to echo through the house as he screamed “Fuck!”

“What's the ma-“ Zack started as he saw her enter the living room, Ashley waving her hand for him to stop as she left the house in a rush, beginning her walk back to her dorm.

“Ashley, stop, wait!” she heard Raven's voice call after her, the redhead rushing up to stand in front of her.

“What happened Ash? Brian and I heard Matt go off…” she started, the brunette starting to cry again.

“It's over between us, Rae. I had to let him go…” Ashley explained, trying to wipe her tears away.

“Oh…. Ash…” Rae pulled her friend into her arms, hugging her tightly. “I'll come back to the dorm after lunch.”

“Don't bother… I'll just be hiding under the covers trying to sleep away the pain I caused myself...”


“You're not coming?” Brian looked crestfallen as he sat opposite Rae in the small diner they had chosen to have lunch in that afternoon. She reached out and placed her hand over his as it rested on the table in front of them.

“Bri', you know that I would go anywhere with you but right now Ashley needs me here…” She explained, hoping that her boyfriend would somehow understand her need to stay behind and be with her best friend. “I can't leave her, not right now…”

“I understand, baby…” Brian nodded, raising his other hand and patting hers reassuringly as he offered her an understanding smile. “Don't worry about it, okay? I'll call you as soon as I can and maybe you and Ash can come visit us while we're playing one of our many shows…”

“Sure, I'd like that…” Raven smiled back at him, relieved that he understood but sad that he would still be leaving.

They stared at each other for a moment, neither wanting to be the one to start the inevitable conversation about what was going to happen next between them and then Brian's hand tightened around Raven's as he pulled her arm gently.

“Come here…” He commanded her, the gentle tone of his voice nearly reducing her to nothing but a puddle on the checked floor of the diner.

She obliged with his request, moving around to his side of the table as he scooted along the leather upholstered bench, making room for her.

“I'm gonna miss you, you know that?” Brian confessed, draping his arm across her shoulders as she snuggled into him, her head falling to his shoulder.

“I'm already missing you…” Raven replied truthfully, staring down at their entwined hands. “But you have to go and I have to stay…” She added with a sigh, raising her head up to look at him. “Just… Promise me one thing, okay?”

“I thought you never wanted me to promise you anything?” Brian looked a little taken aback by her sudden request.

“I trust you not to break them….” She whispered, her gaze meeting his and the world surrounding them disappearing.

“Then what is it? I'd do anything for you….” He smiled, pressing a kiss to the tip of her nose.

“Promise me that we'll be fine…” Raven requested, staring up at him. “That you'll come back to me…”

“Always….” Brian whispered, nodding his head. “I'm yours forever; you're not getting rid of me that easily….” He lowered his head and captured her mouth in a sweet kiss. “I'm just sorry that I'm not going to be here for your birthday…And fuck knows where I'll be for your next one…”

“That's okay; you can make it up to me when you get home…”


That night, Gabby sat in her bedroom combing out her dark red hair as she stared at her reflection in her vanity mirror. The girl looking back at her was unable to stop smiling and she had to admit that a certain boy named Johnny was to blame for that. He clouded her every thought now and as she sat there gazing into her mirror she could almost see him standing behind her, outside her French windows that led out onto her small balcony. Suddenly the image of the boy who had captured her heart in such a short space of time waved his hand at her and she dropped the pink comb with a start, slowly turning in her seat to look out of the tall windows behind her. Sure enough, there he was, standing on her balcony with the hood of his sweater pulled up over his head, covering his bleach blonde hair.

“Johnny!” She cried, standing up and walking over towards him. She opened the door, listening out for any noise that would signal her Mom and Dad was close by. “What are you doing here?” She asked him in a hushed voice.

“I, uh, just wanted to see you….” Johnny shrugged his shoulders casually as if him being on her balcony in the dark of night was completely normal.

“You couldn't have called first?” Gabby pointed out, he had caught her completely off-guard. Never in a million years would she have guessed that Johnny would one day see her in her pale pink nightshirt and white fuzzy bunny slippers, the ears flopping about as she moved her feet.

“Yeah, that probably would have been a good idea….” Johnny admitted, suddenly realizing the huge faux pas he had made. “Sorry, I should go…” He turned to climb back over the balcony but was stopped by Gabby saying his name.

“Get your butt in here, Johnny Seward….” She pulled the door all the way open and waited for him to enter, smiling at him as he did.

She watched as he looked around her room, his caramel eyes taking in every little detail about it. She turned towards her bed, letting out a little panicked gasp as she spotted her bra lying on top of the bedspread for the teenage boy to see. Hastily she grabbed it and stuffed it under her pillow just as Johnny turned his gaze away from one of her Broadway posters to focus it on her.

“Is this too much, too soon?” He asked, noticing her panicked expression and Gabby shook her head.

“No, it's just…” She cast an anxious glance towards her bedroom door, noticing that it was slightly ajar. “I'm not allowed to have boys in my room… Like, ever…”

“So…” Johnny started towards her, smiling a little as he took her into his arms. “I guess we're breaking the rules right now, huh?”

“Pretty much….” Gabby replied, nodding her head and she was sure she was going to say something else but then Johnny's moist lips were against hers and her mind went blank. They moved back towards the bed, falling down against the soft mattress as they continued to kiss.

The sensation of Johnny's warm lips against hers made Gabby feel as light as air. The way his body felt pressed against her, one of his hands gently holding her to him by her hip as the other tanged itself up in her hair, the whole experience was igniting a fire within her. She burned with desire for him but as she felt his hand slowly slide down from her hip to the hem of her nightshirt she reached out a hand and grabbed his before it could go any further.

“Whoa there, cowboy…” She whispered, breaking the kiss to smile at him as she brought his hand back up to her hip. She may have been aching for him to touch her in the places that she kept hidden but she knew that to rush into anything would be a mistake. “Slow it down, okay?”

“Sorry…” Johnny mumbled, reaching for her again. His tongue danced inside her mouth as she pulled him to her, wrapping her arms around him as he rested on top of her, trying to keep his mind on anything but the way her petite frame felt molded into his and he was doing okay until Gabby broke away from him, pressing her soft lips to his neck. Thinking about baseball and guitar chords certainly weren't helping him control his primal urges now that she was kissing a trail up to his ear, gently grazing her teeth against his skin in between kisses. The black baggy jeans he was wearing suddenly felt too tight and he shifted uncomfortably against her, letting out a soft groan.

“Are you okay?” Gabby asked, looking up at him and Johnny looked back at her, feeling a little embarrassed. He'd been in this situation before, the whole pants feeling too tight scenario, but it had never involved an actual girl being in the same room as him so he was a little unsure of what to do or say. He figured coming out with a line from the book of Zack Baker just wasn't going to cut it. Not with this girl, she was smart and beautiful and deserved a Hell of a lot more than a string of words without meaning just so that he could get what he wanted.

“Oh, I, uh…” Johnny searched for the right words to explain what was wrong with him, or right with him, whatever way you wanted to look at it.

Gabby smiled then, feeling him pressing against her open thighs, hard and heavy and straining against the denim of his jeans; “Oh, that's what's up…”

“Up is definitely the appropriate word…” Johnny chuckled softly, slowly getting to his feet and re adjusting his jeans so he felt a little more comfortable. “I've just never been up around a chick before….”

Gabby propped herself up on her elbows as she looked up at him; “Maybe you should go home and take a cold shower and I'll talk to you tomorrow?”

“Or, you know, I could stay and we could make out some more….” The bassist suggested with a hopeful look in his caramel eyes and a lazy grin but Gabby shook her head, getting to her feet.

“You and I both know that if you stayed this would go a lot further than we intended it to and I don't want to ruin anything between us, Johnny…” She told him sincerely, closing the space between them and pressing her lips to his in a sweet kiss.

“Gabby, are you still up? You have an early class tomorrow; you should get some sleep…” Her Dad called to her from down the hall and the young girl freaked.

“Ack! Go!” She pushed Johnny towards the French windows before calling back to her father. “I'm just going to bed now, Daddy….”

There was a tense silence as she listened for her father's response, letting out a breath of relief when she heard him his footsteps grow fainter as he walked away from the stairs. Turning back to Johnny, she pressed a swift kiss to his lips and pulled his hood up for him.

“Will I see you tomorrow?” She murmured and Johnny nodded, smiling as he reached for her.

“Count on it…” He told her, kissing her for one final time before slipping out of her bedroom and carefully making his way over the balcony and onto the garage roof, disappearing into the darkness as Gabby stood watching him. She wasn't sure about a lot of things, she was still young and had a lot of growing up to do but one thing she was absolutely certain about was that the boy with the black hood covering his face who had climbed up to her bedroom window in the middle of the night had stolen her heart and she had no intentions of ever trying to get it back from him.


The remainder of the week seemed to pass by slowly, especially for Matt who had done nothing but hide away in his room since Ashley broke up with him. When he did venture out, he barely acknowledged his band mates, choosing to walk around with his headphones on and music blasting. Today was the last full day that they would be spending in the house they had called home for the past year, tomorrow they would be leaving to start their promotional tour across the States and all the boys were psyched for it, well, except for Matt who was still walking around with a dark cloud looming over his head.

He brushed past his friends in the lounge; his shoulders slouched as he mumbled to himself. Brian watched as the broad shouldered teen went into the kitchen and listened as he began to dig through the freezer, turning back to face the TV screen as he strategically pressed buttons on the control pad in his hands.

“Does anyone know why the two of them broke up?” Jimmy asked, Brian glancing wearily at the drummer before shrugging as he tried to concentrate on killing his opponent in the video game he was playing.

“Rae said Ashley just told her it was a mutual decision. I call bullshit since he broke his lamp and punched a wall…” Brian concluded, shaking his head and throwing down his controller as the words `GAME OVER' flashed on the TV screen in front of him.

“I don't get it… They were great together…” Jimmy added, propping his head on his hand while he began to stare off.

“We're leaving tomorrow and Matt's fucking depressed,” Brian grumbled, Jimmy's eye lighting up as he stood up. “What a great way to start our fucking tour!”

"Dude, I'm tired of looking at his mopey ass. We need to get him so fucked up he doesn't even remember his own name let alone Ashley's...” Jimmy declared, his blue eyes sparkling with mischief as he got to his feet. “Send out the Bat signal, this is an emergency...” He slapped Brian hard on his shoulder as he grinned manically. “We're hitting Seventh Veil"

“What's `Seventh Veil'?” Johnny asked innocently as he entered the lounge, the two older teens laughing at his question.

“It's the most amazing place on this fucking Earth, little man…” Jimmy told him with a smirk, stepping away from Brian and slinging his arm around Johnny's shoulders. “Naked babes serving alcohol and dancing with other naked babes…”

“Fuck yeah! Count me in!” Johnny punched the air excitedly.

“I don't know, Rev, are you sure little Johnny Boy is ready for all that T and A?” Brian teased and Johnny scowled at him as Jimmy took a moment to consider his best friends question, playing along with the taunting.

“You're right, all that pussy might make him a little unable to control himself…” Jimmy began, bringing his hand up to ruffle the bassist's hair. “We wouldn't want him exploding and making a fool of himself now, would we?”

“Nah, I think he's better off staying here and letting the big boys play…”

“Fuck you guys, I'm going an' that's that…”

“Of course you are, short shit, you've got a girl now…” Jimmy confirmed, slapping the young teens shoulder for emphasis. “And what kind of big brothers would we be if we didn't take you to a strip joint and teach you how to respond to a naked lady…”

“I'll go tell Zee what's happening, I'm pretty sure he's up for a lap dance or two…” Brian stood up and headed up the stairs to inform the other occupant of Casa de Sevenfold of their plan.

“Hey, Matty Boy, we're going out!” Jimmy yelled into Matt, rolling his eyes as he heard the singer mutter a lame response.

“Have a nice time…”

“No, with you dumbass….” Jimmy walked into the kitchen, grinning like an idiot. “Come on; get your shit together….”

“I don't want to go anywhere, Rev…”

“And I really don't give a fuck about that… We've just signed a fucking recording contract and you're sitting around here like an abandoned puppy and I won't have it… Not anymore…” The drummer explained his fingers slowly unclipping the metal handcuffs that hung from his belt. They had been a present off Stacy and he liked to keep them around in case of emergencies, his band mate on the verge of a deep depression classed as one of those times.

“Ashley broke up with me…” Matt muttered, digging his spoon into the tub of ice cream in front of him completely oblivious to what his band mate was doing.

“You're a big boy, Shads; you'll get over it…” Jimmy replied, smiling victoriously when the metal handcuffs slipped free of his leather belt and he grasped them tightly in his hand. “Now move your ass before I have to resort to other tactics…”

“Like what? Starting a fight with me? Because you know how that's gonna end…” Matt glanced up at his friend, shooting him a warning look which probably would have been more intimidating if he didn't have a mouthful of ice cream.

“With you no doubt victorious and me bleeding from just about everywhere but that's not the tactic I was going to use…” Jimmy concluded, keeping his hands behind his back as he looked at his friend.

“Rev, just fuck off and leave me be…” Matt muttered, his tone indicating that he didn't want to be annoyed today but as he turned his back on the drummer, Jimmy stepped towards him shaking his head.

“Okay then, you've left me no choice, Sanders…” Jimmy let out a sigh; Matt throwing him a quizzical look before all at once he felt his shoulders being shoved down onto the table in front of him as the drummer swiftly grabbed his arms and pulled them behind his back.

“What the fuck, Rev?” The hazel eyed singer asked as he felt the cold steel snap around his wrists.

“It's for your own good, lover boy…” Jimmy grinned, pulling the singer up to his feet and guiding him into the lounge where the other boys stood waiting for them, erupting in laughter when they noticed Matt was handcuffed.

“Nice work, Rev, so where are we taking him?” Zack asked, pulling on his leather jacket as he looked at the blue eyed teen who glanced at Matt before grinning manically back at his other band mates.

“Strip club, motherfuckers…”


The air was heavy with the smell of smoke and alcohol. Matt was sitting at their empty table, completely ignoring the women dancing less than twenty feet away. The guys' attempt at cheering him up wasn't working at all.

He was staring at the wall of bottles behind the bartender across the room, counting the multiple colors when Brian slung his arm around his shoulders, thrusting the shot glass in front of his face. Matt immediately recognized the aroma of the tequila, his face turning away from the alcohol.

“Matt… You need to take the shot,” Brian demanded, sloshing the liquid out of the glass and splashing some of it on his friend.

Matt pushed him away, Brian stumbling back before stepping toward him again, holding the shot.

“I don't want the fucking thing, Syn… I want Ashley,” Matt snapped, Brian shaking his head and almost losing his hat before shoving the shot back towards Matt.

“This tastes better than Ashley….” He declared, frowning as he thought over his words. “Not that I've tasted Ashley but this… Just drink the fucking thing…”

“Fuck off, Gates, I said I don't want it,” The hazel-eyed singer growled as the guitarist began to climb on the table, shushing the tequila as some of it spilled.

“But it's yummy…,” Brian reasoned, trying to steady himself as he crawled toward his best friend. “And damn fucking expensive so just try it….” He continued, Matt's eyes narrowing at him.

“I said I don't want your damn fucking shot….”

“Just fucking try it…” Syn demanded, Matt's jaw squaring as Brian continued to press on.

“I swear to God, Gates, you need to get out of my face…” Matt warned, Brian completely ignoring him because of his being on the verge of inebriation.

“Take the fucking shot and I will, Matthew!” Brian commanded, shoving the shot glass into Matt's face.

“Take the shot, take the shot, take the shot…” He chanted, Matt snatching the glass away from him before putting it to his lips, tipping his head back as he swallowed the tequila.

“There! I took it! Fucking happy now?” He groaned, using his sleeve to wipe away any that had spilled on his lip.

“Ecstatic!” Brian exclaimed, grabbing onto Matt's shoulders and trying to shake his friend. “That's yummy, Syn, that's the best thing I've ever had here…” He spoke in a stupid, taunting voice a pitch or two higher than his usual tone and Matt rolled his eyes at him.

“Fuck off, Gates…” He raised his hands, gripping his friend's wrists before shoving him away with such force that Brian lost his balance and toppled backwards off the table onto a nearby empty chair, his long legs flopping about as he hung upside down on the seat.

“That's cool, bro', I don't play guitar with my neck….” Brian muttered from somewhere under the table, his brow furrowing as he spotted his baseball cap on the floor. “Hey, you're not supposed to be there…” He scolded it, picking it up and placing it back onto his head only to have it fall off a second later. “Who said you could do that?”

“Dude, I just had my first lap dance!” Johnny returned to the table, smiling so wide it looked like he'd slept with a coat hanger in his mouth overnight. He took a swig out of his bottle of beer and noticed how miserable Matt looked. “Who rained on your parade?”

“Just fuck off, Johnny, okay?” Matt glared at the teen. “I don't need your smart ass comments; I've already got Laughing Boy to deal with over there…” He gestured towards Brian who was still upside down and giggling softly to himself.

“I know what you need….” Johnny waved his hand towards a dark-haired woman dressed in nothing but a red bikini top and thong. “You need a lap dance off Maria, she's amazing…”

“No, I really don't….”

“Trust me, you do…” The teen claimed, clearly enjoying his first trip to a strip joint and wanting his friends to be having a good time too. “I'll go get her….”

“Hello Johnny's feet…” Syn giggled as Johnny walked past him and Matt sat back in his seat, letting out a heavy sigh as he shook his head.

“I'm surrounded by fucking idiots…”

Johnny beckoned the dancer to come his way, the half-naked Maria following the bassist to where Matt was sitting. A smirk was on her red-stained lips as she neared Matt, her stiletto heels clicking against the floor with every step. She stood in front of Matt, her hand resting on his knee as her fingertips grasped his chin.

“Why the long face, handsome?” Maria purred, both of her hands moving to Matt's broad chest as she pushed him back into the leather seat, her feet kicking his legs apart.

“No offense lady, but I'm not really up to anything you have to offer,” he explained as the near-naked girl sat on his lap, her finger snaking up his chest.

“But I can make you forget about all your problems…” Maria assured him, Matt shaking his head at her.

“No thanks,” he replied, gently pushing her to her feet before he stood up, passing Zack who was on his way back to their table with a drink in his hand.

Zack and Johnny gawked as Matt walked away, the stripper just shrugging. The green-eyed guitarist looked at the bassist before he quickly flopped into the empty chair, smiling when he made eye contact with the girl. He raised his eyebrows, winking at her.

“Sweet cheeks, I'm open for business,” he told her, crooking his finger for her to come his way and smiling when she did.

Over at the bar, Jimmy was in the middle of a seemingly heated debate with the bartender as Matt approached.

“What do you mean it's been declined? I just got it last fucking week…”

“I'm sorry; sir, but we can't accept it. You will need to pay for your drinks by other means….” The bartender, a young girl with bubblegum pink hair and a tight t-shirt claiming that `Your sister is hot but your Mom does that thing with her tongue', informed him.

“Hey Jimmy, is there a problem?” Matt asked him, his hand clasping on his shoulder.

“Apparently my credit card isn't good enough for this establishment…” Jimmy said heatedly, glaring pointedly at the bartender.

“You're fucking kidding me, right?” Matt questioned, his eyebrows raised.

“Nope… You got any cash on you?”

“I left my wallet at home… You brought me here against my will, remember?” Matt reminded him, the drummer's face falling.

“Fuck….” He murmured, Matt trying to think of a solution.

“What about the other guys? Won't they have cash?”

“Zee and Johnny spent what they had on lap dances, Gates and I blew ours on drinks for everyone, including your sorry ass….” Jimmy replied, shaking his head furiously.

“How much do you owe?”

“315 dollars…”

“What the Hell, Rev, how the fuck did you run up a tab that big?” Matt's eyes were wide as he stared at his friend in disbelief.

“Never mind that, we need to pay it,” Rev avoided the question, Matt throwing his hands up.

“I don't, you do,” Matt told him, the drummer scoffing.

“What the fuck ever, just help me out,” he pleaded, Matt sighing at his friend's plea.

“Hold on, I've got an idea…” Matt replied, turning to walk back to where the dark-eyed guitarist was hanging upside down on the chair his long hair falling to the floor as he smiled and laughed like a drunken fool.

“Hey Gates, you got your cell phone on you?” Matt wanted to know, Brian snorting at the singer's question.

“Why would a shoe need to use my cell phone?”

Brian began to laugh as Matt shook his head, patting down Brian's jacket. The guitarist wriggled about in his seat, nearly cackling as Matt continued to search for his phone.

“Stop, that tickles….” Brian tried to push him away but nearly fell off the chair and decided to grab onto his friends legs for assistance instead. Matt pushed him off, retrieving the phone as Brian gripped the legs of the chair, remaining upside down.

“You're a fucking ass when you're drunk….” Matt growled, searching for the number of the person he thought could help them out.

He listened as the phone rang, grumbling when it went to voicemail.

“Hey Raven, it's Matt. I really need you to come down to Seventh Veil on Cotner Avenue when you get this message, bring cash. Your boyfriend has got trashed and we need to pay the bar tab….Thanks…”


“Hold on, I've got a voice mail….” Rae spoke, pausing her conversation with Ashley to press her phone to her ear as she listened to the message. A frown crossed her as the message ended.

“You've got to be fucking kidding me….” She groaned, Ashley turning to glance at her.

“What is it?”

“That was Matt…. He's at a strip joint with Brian who has gone and got himself wasted and they need me to bail them out with the bar tab….” Raven explained, shaking her head at the thought of her boyfriend's bill.

“Are you gonna go?” Ashley asked, Raven nodding and chuckling.

“You know, I should let them suffer and allow the boss of the club to come up with unique ways for them to pay their bill but, as hot as he is, I don't think anyone deserves to see my boyfriend do a drunken strip…Trust me, it's not pretty…” Raven scrunched up her nose, remembering the last time Brian had got drunk and decided to do a strip tease for her only to fall over his jeans as he pushed them down to his ankles and smack his head against the floor, knocking himself unconscious. “Not pretty at all…”

“I think a lot of girls would pay good money to see Brian take off his clothes…” Ashley replied, Rae raising an eyebrow at the brunette.

“Ash, how many girls do you find in strip clubs? I mean, besides the ones who work there,” Raven retorted, realization hitting Ashley.

“Um, hardly any….” The brunette spoke, Raven laughing.

“Uh-huh, and how many guys do you find there?” The redhead pressed, Ashley finally getting what her best friend was saying.

“Oh, I see your point…. Yeah, you should probably go help him out.” Ashley admitted.

“You're coming with me,” Rae ordered, Ashley shaking her head vigorously.

“But, Rae….” She whined.

“Come on, I'll need back up,” her roommate reasoned, Ashley crossing her arms over her chest.

“But Matt is there….” Ashley let her nervousness show, Rae just laughing at her as she pulled on her jacket and grabbed her car keys.

“You can't avoid the guy forever, Ash…. Come on; don't make me drag you…” She threatened, Ashley finally caving in.

“Okay, let me get my shoes….”

When Raven and Ashley arrived at Seventh Veil, they didn't have to look far to find the boys that they had come to rescue. The small group of teens over in the far corner of the strip club was making enough noise to immediately draw the attention of the two girls. Rae nudged Ashley when she spotted them, pointing to where they were and shaking her head as she noticed Brian was currently upside down on a chair, looking confused as to why his baseball cap wouldn't stay on his head every time he put it on.

“Gates, what the fuck are you doing?” The red head asked as she approached her boyfriend, Ashley following behind suppressing her laughter.

“Hey, I know those legs…” Brian smiled, his brown eyes fixed on Raven's bare legs as she stood before him. His gaze wandered upwards, past the hem of her red plaid skirt and all the way up her body until it settled on her face. “Oh, hey, baby…” Brian grinned stupidly at her; placing his baseball cap on again. “I'm so good to see you…” His face dropped when his hat fell off again and Ashley had to walk away, unable to contain her laughter any longer. The drunken teen watched her walk off before looking back up at Raven who looked less than impressed with him, her hands resting on her hips. “Why are you upside down?

“I'm not, jackass, you are…” Raven rolled her eyes at him as Brian looked back at her in confusion.

“Am I?”

“Yes…” She stepped towards him, picking his cap up off the floor before grabbing his hand and helping him to sit upright in the chair. “You're also wasted…”

“Am not…” The guitarist shook his head once he was the right way up in his seat and pointed at himself. “I'm as judged as a sober….”

“Really?” Raven raised her eyebrows at him as she held up her left hand, showing him three fingers. “How many fingers am I holding up?”

Brian took a moment to count them, pointing at her fingers as he muttered under his breath before announcing his conclusion with a silly grin; “Six…. And I look incredibly hot from where you're standing….”

“You look like a drunken idiot who needs to go home and sober up…”

“Are you suggesting that we go home?” Brian wiggled his eyebrows as he smirked at her and Raven let out a breath, shaking her head at him.

“I'm suggesting that I go pay your tab at the bar and then we go get you some coffee….”

“Party pooper….” Syn grumbled childishly, pulling a face at her as he allowed her to pull him to his feet.

“Come on; let's get you home and get some caffeine into you before you pass out completely….” Raven wrapped an arm around her boyfriend's waist as he slung an arm around her shoulders and she half dragged him over to where Jimmy was waiting for them at the bar with Ashley.


“Hey Zee, can I ask you a serious question?” Johnny asked, joining his band mate at a quiet table in front of a dark haired girl dressed in a red, white and blue lingerie set and matching top hat pole-dancing.

“Dude, I am way too fucked up right now to be serious about anything other than getting pussy…” Zack replied, winking at the pole dancer when she looked over at him.

“Well, that's okay, because that's what I want to ask you about… Sort of…” Johnny trailed off, suddenly feeling awkward about asking for advice from the resident manwhore.

“Things are going well with the gorgeous Gabby then?” Zack asked in a bored tone, Johnny missing the obvious hint that Zack didn't really care as he replied.

“I don't know, I mean, I think so…” Johnny tried to piece together his words, Zack shaking his head at the teenager.

“How far have you got with her?” He pressed, hoping the teen would give him a straight answer.

“What do you mean?” Johnny wanted to know, his eyebrows raised in confusion as a look of frustration flashed across Zack's face for a moment before his face fell when a laugh slipped past his pierced lips.

“How far have you got?” Zack reiterated his previous question, knowing if Johnny couldn't answer now that there was no obvious hope for the bassist. “What base are you at? Have you got down and dirty with her yet?”

“Oh, well… Uh… I…. Um… We….” Johnny stammered, his face getting hotter as Zacky chuckled again.

“Man, you haven't done anything with her, have you?” He asked, shaking his head and turning his attention back to the dancing girl.

“I've kissed her….” Johnny suddenly declared grabbing Zack's attention again.

The green eyed guitarist scoffed as he rolled his eyes and waved his hand dismissively; “Kids in kindergarten kiss, Johnny… It's the stuff you do while you're kissing her that lets her know that you're a man not a boy….”

“Well… How do I get to, um, that?”

“Honestly? Whatever it fucking takes, man…”

“You mean, like, lie to her?”

“No, not exactly…. Just tell her what she wants to hear. A chick wants you to tell her she's beautiful, not `hot'… She wants you to call her `baby' and make her feel like she's the only girl in the world that matters to you…”

“If that works then why haven't you got a girl, Zee? All the years I've known you, I've never seen you stay with the same girl for more than a week….”

“I'm just not ready to settle yet…” The guitarist's eyes caught a glimpse of Ashley as she stood chatting to Jimmy and Brian at the bar while Rae was negotiating payment of their tab with the bartender. “It's not the right time for me to tie myself down to one chick…”

“That just sounds to me like you're too chicken shit to ever be committed to one girl…” Johnny pushed his chair back and stood up, looking down at Zack. “And that you're trying to get me to fuck things up with Gabs…”

“Hey, you're the one who asked for my fucking advice….” The raven-haired teen shrugged, raising his glass of whatever he was drinking to his lips as he looked up at Johnny. “If you're doubting my techniques then go ask one of the others but you know as well as I do that I'm the only one out of the five of us that is getting the most pussy around here….”

“What about Gates? He's always at it with Rae and still manages to maintain a relationship with her…”

“Okay, let me ask you something….” Zack leaned forward in his seat, looking up at the teen with a challenging gaze. “How many times do you think he's got laid this week? No, wait, let me rephrase that… How many times have you got laid this week?”

“Well, I'm with Gabby now and I've kinda just told you how that's going so…” Johnny flopped back down into the seat opposite his friend, staring off at the dancing beauty on the small stage in front of them.

“Exactly!” Zack slapped a hand down against the smooth surface of the table enthusiastically, making his band mate glance at him. “While you're trying to get to the next base with your new honey and Gates is having the fucking love affair of the century with Rae, I'm out scoring with chicks left, right and center…” He claimed with a smug grin. “Do you know how many times I've got laid this week? It's crawling close to thirty and I'm not including the hummer I got off the chick I met at the pool hall last night….”

“Man, how the fuck do you do it?!” Johnny asked, exasperated.

“Watch and learn, little grasshopper, watch and learn….” Zack grinned, turning towards the pole dancer and flashing her one of his most charming smiles as he beckoned her over to him with his finger. “Hey baby…” He said as she came closer to him, arching an eyebrow at her as he fixed her with a seductive stare. “How you doin'?”

“Buy me a drink and maybe we can go somewhere private….” The brunette practically purred, bringing herself as close to Zack as she could get without actually being on top of him, her fingers tilting his chin up.

Johnny watched in a mixture of disbelief and admiration, his caramel eyes wide as his friend smirked at the stripper and raised his eyebrows at her.

“What time do you get off?” Zack asked her, reaching a hand up to touch the pretty girls face and she smiled back at him, biting down on her bottom lip.

“Four hours from now….” She replied, pulling the star spangled top hat off her head and placing it on top of Zacky's mane of black hair. “Maybe you could wait around and take me home?”

“Maybe I could, sweetheart…” Zack grinned before the girl straightened up, winking at him before walking off working her hips like she was double-jointed.

“You're a fucking God, man!” Johnny stated with nothing but admiration in his voice as he raised his hand for a high-five and smiling when Zack's hand connected with it.

“It's a gift, what can I say?” The guitarist grinned, shrugging his shoulders.

“Hey, Dumb and Dumber, we're leaving….” Raven yelled over to them and the boys turned to see her heading towards the exit, Brian in the middle of her and Jimmy as they hauled him out of the strip club.

“You know, it's a good job she's hot….” Zack muttered, finishing his drink and slapping Johnny on the back as they followed their friends out into the street.


The hazel-eyed singer was leaving the bathroom, debating whether or not to just split and walk home when his eyes met his ex-girlfriend's across the room. She averted her gaze as she began walking towards him, Matt silently hoping Ashley was going to speak to him, to take him back because he wanted to be able to call her `his' again.

Matt pulled his lip ring into his mouth with his teeth, watching as Ashley brushed past him to leave the club. He followed behind her as they began to head for the door, reaching out trying to catch a hold of her.

They were just outside the building, the neon lights blinking around them as Matt tried to muster his voice as the rest of his friends neared the car, Ashley behind the pack.

“Ash?” he spoke, her name falling from his lips making her stop in her tracks.

She turned to look at him, their gazes meeting and it seemed like everything going on around her stopped; all the noise and commotion ceased as she looked into his eyes.

“I'm not good at this… and I'm not used to havi-“

"Stop." Ashley commanded, Matt's eyes widening at her tone. She moved her hand, wiping her sleeve across his face and removing the sparkling dust from his cheek that had caught her eye.

"I can't take you seriously when you've got glitter on your face..."

He cracked a smile, Ashley smiling back at him when he moved his hands and grasped hers, lacing their fingers together as he stepped closer to her.

“Will you hear me out?” He asked, Ashley nodding as he held her gaze.

“I'm not gonna ask for you to take me back, I respect your decision....” his voice trailed off as he bit his lip, taking a deep breath when he felt his stomach start to twist into knots as he looked deeper into Ashley's eyes.

"One more night, Ash, that's all I want. That's all I'll ever ask of you. One more night so I can have you fall asleep in my arms...“ He pleaded, Ashley astonished at his desperate tone.

“That's what I'll miss the most, you know? The way you snuggle up to me in your sleep, the way you move against me when you wake. If I had known that there was going to be a last time that you'd ever wake up in my arms… I would have stayed asleep forever..." he told her, Ashley beginning to feel her cheeks heat up, the butterflies floating around in her stomach making her tremble beneath his gaze.

She let go of his hands, Matt's initial reaction was to frown and take it as a sign of rejection. Ashley wrapped her arms around his neck, standing on her tiptoes to reach up and kiss him, Matt's arms snaking around her waist as their lips melded together. She felt weak at the knees when they parted, her eyelids fluttering open.

“Yes,” she breathed against his lips, smiling during their next kiss.

Rae observed the two teens standing across the parking lot completely engrossed in each other, the two who had ended their relationship a few days before.

Her eyebrows furrowed at the sight, knowing they weren't together anymore but understanding that no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't stop loving each other.

“Are you guys coming?!” Raven yelled across the lot, the teens reluctantly parting and continuing in the same direction as before.


Matt grabbed Ashley's hand as they entered the house, immediately leading her up the stairs.

“What's the rush, Shads!?” Brian called after them, Matt flipping him off as they climbed the steps.

They hurried to Matt's room, their lips meeting as soon as the door closed behind them. Ashley's hand fumbled along the wall as she searched for the light switch, flicking it on so they wouldn't be in the dark.

“I had something planned in the event you would say yes,” he confessed, gesturing to the many candles along his bedside table.

She smiled as he moved toward the arrangement, pulling a lighter out of his pocket to ignite the candles.

“You can hit the light now,” he suggested, Ashley flipping the switch again.

The room was illuminated by the candlelight, Ashley gravitating into Matt's arms as he stepped closer to her.

He moved the hair away from her neck, kissing her skin and making her swoon. She tangled her fingers in his short dark hair as he stepped forward, Ashley tumbling onto the bed behind her and Matt landing softly on top of her, their lips meeting over and over again.

She reached for the hem of his shirt, pulling the black material up and off of him. Her hands moved along his torso, his muscles rippling beneath his skin at her touch.

“I can't believe you're leaving…” she murmured, her hands cupping his face as he lowered his lips to hers.

“Shhh,” he whispered, “It's all about tonight. I'm gonna love you like tomorrow doesn't exist,” he assured her, his hands slipping underneath her top, Ashley sitting up so he could remove her shirt.

His lips trailed from her mouth along her jaw, his hands exploring her body like it was the first time they had ever touched.

Her hands moved to his belt, removing the strap from the buckle before her fingers popped his button, sliding his zipper down its grooves.

Matt shimmied from his jeans and boxers, tossing them aside and straddling between her legs. His fingers glided down her body, and he aided in removing her jeans and panties when he reached the edge of her bottoms.

His weight against her was comforting, Ashley knowing she would miss the way their bodies just seemed to fit together perfectly.

She nudged on his shoulders, Matt rolling onto his back. Ashley settled with her legs on either side of his body, grinding her body against his. He moaned as he gripped her hips, his eyes half-lidded as she leaned down and their lips brushed.

“Are you ready for me?” she asked, reaching behind her to stroke his flesh, inching herself backwards.

“Always,” he whispered as she lowered herself onto his length, gasping at the feeling of him entering her.

She rocked her hips against his when she was comfortable, signaling that she was ready to move. He lifted her hips, sliding her back down as he thrust upward, Ashley steadying herself by placing her hands against his chest.

“Matt…” she moaned his name as she closed her eyes, her hands moving to his biceps as she bounced on him, her breathing shaky.

“Right here,” Matt murmured, his fingertips digging into her skin firm enough to leave small bruises.

She continued to call his name, her voice increasingly louder as he continued to thrust inside of her, her eyes shut tightly as her body was racked with waves of pleasure.

A raspy growl wrestled from Matt's throat as he watched Ashley surrender to her climax, her walls tightening around his charging length as she bit her bottom lip and dragged her nails down his chest.

He flipped her over, pinning her beneath him. She wrapped her legs around his waist as his hips continued to move, his body balanced over hers as he held himself up with his hands above her shoulders.

Their tongues tangled their kiss slow and tender at complete odds with Matt's thrusts. His breathing was heavy as he continued thrusting, Ashley having a hard time clutching to the hard planes of muscle on his back due to the slick sweat produced by the heat between their bodies.

“I'm gonna come,” Ashley breathed in a low voice, Matt nodding as his hips moved harder against hers, “Come with me…” She demanded, Matt moaning in his throat as one of their hands met, their fingers lacing together against the sheets besides their bodies.

Their cries were loud and together as they spiraled toward their ends; Matt's thrusting stalling when he moaned a final time, his hips pressed infinitely close to hers as he came, his body falling limp on top of hers when he was completely spent.

When her breathing finally evened out, Ashley couldn't help but beam at the feeling of Matt's weight against her body, their limbs still tangled together as their position shifted and he pulled the sheet over them.

She laid her head on his chest, listening to his heart beating incredibly fast as he struggled to catch his breath, his hand moving to wipe the sweat off his forehead.

“Wow…” he uttered, his fingers tangling in her hair as she placed a kiss to his skin, lifting her head to look at him.

Their eyes met, a smile perched on Matt's lips as Ashley crawled closer to him, her face hovering over his.

“I love how one of the most badass guys I know has the most adorable smile in the world,” she teased as she poked his dimple. He chuckled at her, his eyes trained on her hand as she followed the lines of colored ink on his arm.

Matt's fingertips traced up and down the length of her arm, his throat clearing before he started to speak.

“You know, it's not too late for you to come with me…” Matt's voice trailed off as he gazed at her, Ashley's eyes shining playfully in the candle light.

“Well, I already came twice but if you're up for another round,” she smirked, Matt chuckling at her.

“I meant it's not too late for you to come on the road with me, smartass,” he replied, Ashley covering his lips with hers.

“Matty, you know that I love you… but my decision still stands,” she whispered, Matt letting out a sigh of defeat as he twirled her hair between his fingers.

“One day I was really bored in your dorm room when you went to take a shower, so I pulled a novel off your bookshelf and thumbed through the pages. I found something that really stuck with me…” Matt started, Ashley tilting her head at him.

“Words, I'm guessing…” she murmured, her hand cupping his face as her thumb stroked along his bottom lip.

“It was one of those sappy romance novels by that Sparks guy… I think it was the same book you read that you said Rae bought you and it made you cry,” he continued, Ashley nodding at him.

“The Notebook?”

“Yeah that's it! Anyway, there was a quote in there that said `You can't live your life for other people. You've got to do what's right for you, even if it hurts some people you love',” he recited the line, Ashley's eyes filling with tears.

“Ash, I love you because that's what you're doing. You're doing what you want and as much as it hurts me to leave you, I know I'm doing the right thing because it's what you want. I only ever wanted to make you happy. I don't want to be the guy who breaks your heart,” he explained, sitting up and pulling Ashley closer to him, resting his forehead against hers.

“I hate to be the girl who is breaking your heart,” Ashley replied, Matt shaking his head.

“At first you did, but then I realized just because we'll be apart doesn't mean I have to stop loving you,” he rejoined, the brunette's tears slipping out of her eyes.

“Matt, you're making me cry,” she whispered as she wiped her tears away, Matt kissing her cheek.

“I never meant to, Ash. I never wanted you to ever cry because of me,” he lamented, his fingers tilting her chin up, their lips meeting in an unhurried kiss.

She maneuvered herself to sit in his lap, her legs wrapping around his waist as she dragged the sheet with her, the cotton fabric concealing their revealed skin.

“Matty,” she whispered as he kissed her neck, his hazel eyes meeting hers and causing her to melt into his grasp.

“You're the only one who will ever be able to call me that, I hope you know that,” he professed, Ashley smiling at him.

“I think that's the way it has to be,” she kissed his cheek, his face turning so their lips could meet.

“I meant what I said ages ago. I never want to stop kissing you,” Matt informed her as his hands moved to her hips.

“And I never want to stop loving you Matt. You're perfect for me.”

“I love you, Ash,” he lilted as his hands slid to her back, laying her down on the mattress.

“Show me how much you love me Matty,” she begged, her voice filled with ardent rapture as their gazes met, his hazel eyes glistening in the candle light.

He dove in for the next kiss, Ashley silently hoping the sun would never rise and signal that Matt would have to leave. He was hers for the night, and tomorrow was going to come too soon.

“So, you're leaving in the morning…” Raven said quietly, watching from across the room as Brian pulled off his top and threw it to the floor, smoothing his hair back away from his face with his hand as he turned to look at her. He looked remarkably sober for someone who had been so intoxicated just an hour or two ago, the two mugs of coffee she had forced him to drink was obviously working better than she thought it would.

“Yup…” He grinned, stretching out his arms in front of himself and clasping his hands together, cracking his knuckles before allowing them to drop back down to his side. “It only seems like yesterday that we signed for Hopeless and now we're packing up our shit and getting ready to hit the road….”

“It's gone too fast…” Raven complained, a frown forming on her lips as her mouth twisted with the agony she felt welling up inside of her. The agony of having to watch him drive away from her tomorrow, not knowing when she would be able to see him again.

“I'll be back sooner than you think…” Brian reassured her, taking the few steps needed to fill the space between them and before she knew it she was in the safety of his arms. His mouth came down hard against hers, his tongue swiping across her lips requesting entrance which she granted as her arms circled around his neck. He tasted of cigarettes and strong coffee, and it was a taste she savored, a taste she could happily have in her mouth for the rest of her life. “But, until then, how about I give you something to remember me by?” He suggested with a lazy smile and a suggestive glance that left her breathless.

“I hardly think that I'm going to forget you anytime soon, Syn….” Raven confessed, her voice no louder than a raspy whisper as he pushed her back against his bedroom wall, his hands fumbling with the studded belt wrapped around her waist as hers expertly unfastened his jeans.

“Just in case you do…” He whispered against her lips, pinning her against the wall as he thrust his tongue inside her mouth again, kissing her hard while his hands made quick work of removing the silk panties hidden underneath her skirt. “I never… Want you… To forget me….” He spoke between kisses, those magic fingers of his dancing lightly between her velvet folds.

“Can't…” She let out a breathy moan as he pushed deeper into her.

“I want you…” Brian tilted his head to the side, deepening the kiss as she hooked her fingers into the waistband of his jeans and boxers pushing them down off his hips simultaneously. “I need you…” His fingers left her wanting more as he moved them and gripped her ass, pulling her closer to him.

Breathless from his kisses, Raven wound her legs around his waist; “I always need you, Syn…”

His erection pressed between her open thighs, not entering her but hitting her right where she needed him to be. She moaned once more, gripping his shoulders and digging her nails making him release a little groan of pleasure.

“Harder…” He demanded and she dug her nails into his flesh further, knowing that he wanted her to leave her mark on him. “Harder, baby…” He requested his voice no more than a low animalistic growl and she obliged, scraping her nails across his soft skin as hard and as roughly as she could all the while arching herself forward, pressing herself against his hardened length.

“Now….” The red head moaned softly, her body aching for him to fill her entirely. “I need you, now…” She had never wanted him so badly, had never wanted to drown in him as much as she did now.

“I wanna hear you beg….” Syn whispered, nipping at her chin with his teeth moving down along her neck. “I want to hear it from your wicked mouth, baby… Tell me how much you want it…”

Her skin stung from the nips he was giving her but the kisses he placed over them made them worth it, driving her into a heated frenzy; “I want it… I want you… Only you….”

“You're fucking amazing…” Brian licked and sucked along her collarbone in a way that made her ache for her even more than she thought possible.

“I'm yours…”

"Mine…” He grinned wickedly, his teeth grazing against her flesh. “All fucking mine…” He claimed as she kneaded at his back, scratching at his skin, desperate to have him, to have all of him.

The hard tip of him pressed against her as she arched her hips, urging him on as one of her hands cupped his jaw bringing his gaze up to meet hers.

“I love you…” She told him, all the emotion she felt for him at that very moment shining there in her blue eyes for him to see. Love, want, need, it was all there. “And I don't want to wait anymore… Take me….”

“Are you sure?” Brian breathed, brushing his lips against hers and nipping at her bottom lip.

“I want it all tonight, Bri', give me everything you've got and more…” Raven replied firmly, going crazy with desire for him. “We don't have tomorrow so take me now or I'll take you” She told him in a heated flurry of words, her fingers tangling themselves up in his dark locks as she gripped his hips tighter between her thighs bringing him tantalizing closer to her core, his shallow pants filling her ears.

“I fucking love you…” He growled and without warning he jerked her forward, slamming himself inside her and a cry of relief spilled from the red head beauty's mouth.

“I love you…” She claimed as he thrust into her, over and over again their gaze never breaking.

“Say it again…” He demanded his tempo increasing and his thrusts becoming harder as she gripped his shoulders as tight as she could, her nails clawing at his skin leaving bright red marks in their wake.

“I love you… I always will…” Raven promised him breathlessly, her mind numb to everything but the pleasure she was experiencing right at that very moment.

He scraped his teeth against the tender skin of her throat, one of his hands moving up her back to tangle in her hair before his lips crashed against hers, melding them together in a passionate kiss. A kiss that made her tremble, a kiss that touched her very soul. In that moment, she erupted, the flames of her ecstasy consuming her as her entire body shuddered against his. She screamed out his name, clinging to him as she rode out the waves of her climax, feeling him tense up inside of her. Within moments he too was shuddering, his muscles tensing as he erupted, spilling into her as his lips found hers once more.

“Mine…” He breathed, gently lowering her to the floor but making sure to keep her close against him. His lips grazed against her forehead, one of his hands cupping her face, the other gripping her hip as he slipped out of her.

“Yours…” She smiled, allowing her head to fall forward and rest against his chest. “Always…”

The following morning arrived with a sky full of heavy dark clouds, the threat of imminent rain hanging in the air as the members of the Sevenfold house got their preparations for the trip ahead of them underway.

Johnny had been ordered to return home by his mother who was determined to give him a proper send-off, coming out to the house to wave him off and he had made the short trip back to his parents' house in the early hours of the morning to try and convince her not to go ahead with it. The other boys gave him a hard enough time as it was; he didn't need his Mom giving them more ammunition. He also needed to swing by Gabby's and say goodbye to her, as hard as it was going to be it had to be done.

Zacky had been locked in his bedroom since late last night, packing away his belongings knowing that Matt's parents had given the tenancy of the house over to the girls and that his room would probably be one that Ashley chose to claim as her own given that she had just broken up with Matt and that there was no way in Hell that she was ever going to be able to live in Jimmy's room. He wasn't even sure how his friend survived in that room at times and he sure as Hell wasn't sure about his own survival spending days on end living with the drummer inside a tightly packed transit van.

The drummer himself, however, was in a particularly joyous mood, laughing and singing as he rushed around the house making sure that he had everything he would need and making a point to stop and knock loudly against Matt's bedroom door every now and again, cackling like a loon every time the hazel-eyed singer yelled at him for interrupting his time alone with Ashley.

Raven had woken up way too early that morning, the sounds of Johnny grumbling as he left, Zacky shifting furniture around in his room and Jimmy's manic laughter all combining into one annoying alarm clock. She had turned over to find that Brian was also awake, staring at her as he lay beside her fully clothed and looking as if he had the weight of the world on his shoulders. Neither one of them had uttered a word; they just lay there for the briefest of moments staring into each other's eyes before their lips finally met in a kiss that would signify the start of their last couple of hours together. That kiss, and several others, was the only thing they had shared that morning and now she found herself standing by the van that belonged to the five boys, wishing that she could rewind time and spend those last few moments alone with him doing something other than help him check that he had packed all of his equipment.

“Well, that's the last of it!” Brian announced as he loaded the last box of equipment into the back of the band's van. He turned to look at Rae who was watching him with sadness in her eyes as she leaned against the side of the vehicle looking up at the grey sky. “Hey, you okay?” he asked her in concern, closing the back door to the white van and walking up to her. He hated seeing her upset and it killed him even more to know that this time she was upset because of something he was doing.

“This is really happening, isn't it? You're really leaving….” She sighed. “Two days before my birthday and you're leaving town…”

“It's not too late to change your mind, you know…” Brian pointed out, wrapping his arms around her slender waist and pulling her to him. “You can still come with me…” He breathed, a frown forming on his thin lips as he watched her shake her head forlornly.

“I can't, Bri', you know that…. Ash needs me right now, I can't abandon her….” The red head told him and Brian brushed his lips against hers.

“It's okay, I understand….” He soothed her, placing another tender kiss against her mouth before pulling back from her slightly. “Don't worry about it, okay? We'll be fine…”

“How can you possibly know that?”

“Because, Raven Louise Matthews… You are the only girl for me….” He grinned as he took his hands away from her for a second to untie the black rope chain from around his neck. His long fingers played with the black plectrum that hung dead centre on the rope for a moment before he looked up at Raven who was watching him in confusion. “I got this plec off my Dad with my first ever guitar when I was a kid, it's kinda been my lucky charm….” He paused as he looked into her blue eyes. “I want you to keep it for me while I'm away….”

“You want me to look after your lucky charm?” Raven enquired, watching as he nodded. “But, if it's so damn lucky, won't you need it?”

“Knowing that I have you to come home to makes me feel like the luckiest guy on earth….” Brian confessed. “Turn around…” He commanded her gently and the red head obliged, spinning around on her heels so that her back was now facing him. Brian looped his arms around her, holding the necklace out in front of them both. “You may need to move your hair out of the way…” He whispered into her ear and Rae felt a shiver of pleasure run down her spine as his hot breath rushed against her earlobe.

Gripping her hair in her hand and pulling it aside, Raven waited patiently as Brian placed his necklace around her neck and fastened it at the back before placing a tender kiss beneath it. She spun back around to face him and he raised a hand to adjust the shiny black plec against her skin.

“It looks good on you…”

“This is amazing, Bri'…” Raven threw her arms around her boyfriend in a hug, kissing his cheek. “I am NEVER taking it off…. EVER….” She grinned as he grabbed hold of her waist, pulling her to him once more.

“I'm glad you like it…” Brian purred and Raven snuggled herself into him, nuzzling at his neck and breathing in his scent. “Call it a temporary birthday gift…”

"This is the best birthday present I've ever had, temporary or not…” She whispered, closing her eyes to allow herself to imprint the moment into her memory. “I'll keep it safe, Bri', I promise…”

“I'll keep you safe…. I promise…..” Brian whispered back to her, kissing her shoulder as his hands ran through her hair before raising his head to capture her lips in a kiss.

“How long have we got until you have to leave?” She asked against his mouth, her hands grabbing greedy handfuls of his hoodie as their kiss deepened.

“Half an hour….”

“Hmmm, not long enough but I suppose we could still have a little fun….” Raven wrapped her hand around his before tugging him towards the back of the van, opening the door and hopping into the crowded back of it, pulling him in with her.

“Rae, what are you up to?” Brian asked, Raven choosing to push him back against the luggage stacked in the van instead of using her words to answer him.

“We don't have time for anything more but that doesn't mean you can't leave satisfied….” She said, her arms wrapping around him as she pulled him to her for a soul-searching kiss.

His tongue dueled with hers, his fingers gliding up the back of her shirt and tracing small circles on the skin he found there as hers found the cold metal of his belt buckle and expertly released it from his jeans.

“One of the guys could catch us….” Brian reminded her and Raven shrugged, her fingers swiftly undoing the buttons on his jeans before hooking into the waistband of them and pushing them down to his knees.

“Then let's give them something to be jealous about….” She smirked at him, pressing a kiss to his lips before slowly edging down his body not stopping until her mouth hovered over his swollen shaft.

Her blue eyes glittered with the playfulness that Brian loved as she looked up at him for a moment before her mouth swallowed him.

He gripped the edging of the amplifier he was resting against as his hips shot forward a little, his body reacting to her touch without him needing to do anything about it. He closed his eyes, his grip on the amplifier relaxing as he let out a breath. He moved his hands to her head, his fingers tangling in her scarlet locks as her mouth rode him up and down, her tongue sweeping over the tip of him, her fingers wrapping around the base and pumping rhythmically.

“Jesus fucking Christ, Rae!” Brian panted, biting down on his bottom lip as he felt that familiar tension begin to rise in him and she pumped harder, licking her tongue up and down the full length of him before sucking again. It drove him crazy, he felt dizzy with desire, so aware of their surroundings but uncaring at the same time. He moaned and it was a sound of pleasure, true unadulterated pleasure.

Saying her name in quick short breaths he unintentionally came into her mouth, an explosion of colors lighting up the darkness behind his eyes as his whole body shuddered with the aftermath of his sweet release.

Raven pulled away from him, discreetly wiping at her mouth and swallowing as she rose up to face him, smiling in contentment as she watched him open his beautiful brown eyes and look at her in complete satisfaction.

“Baby, that was….” Brian was at a loss for words as he studied her expression, smiling when he noticed that she seemed well and truly satisfied with herself. “Oh, I see you're proud of that little moment then….”

“Yup….” Raven helped him pull up his clothes, which was something she had never thought she would find herself doing, and grinned at him. “It seems that you enjoyed it too…”

His mouth twitched; “Maybe…”

“You're a bad liar, Brain Elwin….” She giggled, stepping into his arms and resting her head against his shoulder as he held her close and stroked a hand through her hair.

“I could never lie to you….” He replied softly, placing a kiss against her soft mane of fiery hair. “Especially about stuff like that….” He pulled back to look into her eyes, a complete look of adoration in his own. “That was amazing, you're amazing….” He kissed her, slow and sweet. “And it sucks that I have to leave you here….”

“No pun intended, huh, Gates?” Raven teased him and he closed his eyes, shaking his head and laughing lightly at his own choice of words as he pulled her close to his chest once more.

“Trust you to point that out…”

“I want to give you something…” Rae suddenly announced, her fingers tracing the outline of the tribal pattern on his hoodie as she looked up at him.

“Baby, I think you already did that….” Brian chuckled earning himself a slap against his chest.

“No, something else….” Rae continued. “Come back into the house with me….” She beckoned, earning a half-hearted sigh from Brian as she tried to drag him with her.

“As much as I would love that, we don't have time….” He told her, Raven turning to face him as she realized what he meant.

“I wasn't thinking of that! Can't you just get your mind out of the gutter, just this once?” She questioned watching as a playful smirk appeared on her boyfriend's lips.

“With you around that's hardly likely…” He reminded her, Rae just shaking her head at him.

“Forget it; I'll be back in a minute….” Rae stated with a sigh, Brian's eyebrows furrowing as he watched the red head open the back of the van.

“Where are you going?” He asked, Rae waving her hand at him dismissively.

“Just get your pants fastened so the guys don't find out what just happened and I'll be back in a minute….” She explained, heading in the direction of the house with her mind on retrieving her age-old stuffed animal.

When she reached the house, she headed straight up the stairs ignoring the argument that was occurring between Jimmy and whoever he was on the phone too in the lounge. She figured it was probably Stacy considering the drummer had told her not to come by to see them off as he didn't handle `goodbye's' all that well. Turning towards Brian's bedroom, she opened the door and made her way over to her pile of bags in the corner, smiling when she saw her beloved stuffed tiger sitting there. She picked him up, her fingers plucking at the white tufts of fur by his tattered ears and for a brief moment she had second thoughts about what she was about to do but then she realized that as silly as it seemed she could trust Brian with this. Clutching the stuffed animal close to her chest and heading back down the stairs, she walked past the lounge just in time to hear the end of Jimmy's phone conversation and the words `fuck' and `off' spill from the drummer's mouth in frustration. Deciding it was best not to ask, she continued on her way out of the house, making her way back to the van with Tigger safely tucked in her arms.

“Here…” She held the tiger out to her boyfriend who was slouched against the side of the van enjoying a smoke as he waited for her.

“What?” Brian looked back at her, clearly puzzled by her actions.

“Take him before I change my mind….” She ordered him, Brian confused as he took a hold of the stuffed animal Rae had loved since she was a small child.

“You're giving me your toy cat?” He asked, Raven crossing her arms over her chest as she rolled her eyes at him.

“It's not a cat, Brian; it's clearly a tiger….” Raven explained, Brian stifling a laugh.

“Cat. Tiger. Same thing…” The dark-haired teen shrugged. “Why do you want me to have him?” He wanted to know as he lifted the `tiger' to his eye-level, staring into the glassy eyes of the stuffed animal as he threw down the butt of his cigarette to the gravel of the driveway.

“I've had Tigger since forever and he's been everywhere with me, it's never felt like home without him but…..” She spoke in a light tone, trying to hold back any tears with a sharp intake of breath before she continued with her little speech. “I want you to take him on the road with you. Home is where the heart is and my heart is with you so Tigger deserves to be there too….”

“You know, I never took you for a sentimental sap, Raven Louise….” Brian teased, Raven smiling at him as she reached for his hand, lacing their fingers together as she gazed into his deep brown eyes.

“Just say you'll look after him and kiss me….” She urged him, shaking his hand a little and he smiled at her, pulling her to him in a hug.

“I'll look after him….” Brian promised, burying his face into her fiery mane savoring the moment alone with her knowing that it would be their last one for a while. “And I'll bring him back to you….” He said as he pulled back to look at her, their eyes meeting for a moment before their lips did the same, locking the love-struck teens in an embrace that neither of them wanted to end.


Matt walked beside Ashley as they headed out of the house, hand in hand with their fingers weaved together.

“Last night was incredible,” she uttered, Matt smiling for the first time that morning. “It made me feel better about us,” Ashley continued, Matt glancing at her sideways.

“We don't have us right now, Ash,” Matt murmured as they reached the curb, the brunette averting her gaze when they turned to face each other.

“But there's always going to be a part of my heart that belongs to you, Ash. There's always gonna be that chapter of you and me,” Matt told her, Ashley biting her lip.

“Let's hope we can keep writing that chapter when you get back,” Ashley whispered, starting to feel the saltwater tears prick her eyelids. She held his jacket in her arms, pushing the material to his chest.

“I wanted to give this back to you…”

He waved his hand dismissively at her, “Keep it Ash. It gives me a reason to see you again.”

She smiled at his crooked grin, his hands cupping her cheeks as his thumbs swiped her tears off her skin. Their lips met in a tender kiss, Ashley's arms wrapping around Matt's neck as she dropped his jacket, clutching to him tightly.

“Promise me something?” He requested as they parted, Ashley nodding and kissing him again.

“I don't care if we both move on… but whatever happens I want to be your last,” he whispered, gazing into her eyes and resting his forehead against hers.

“In a heartbeat, Matty,” she assured him, meshing their lips together once more.

Rae and Brian made their presence known, their hands intertwined as they neared where Matt and Ashley were standing. Zack, Jimmy, and Johnny had finally appeared, carrying what they had packed out to the white van they would be calling home for the length of the tour.

Jimmy pulled both girls to his chest, kissing the top of their heads.

“I'm going to miss you guys so much!” the eccentric drummer exclaimed, his blue eyes glancing between the two of them.

“We'll miss you too,” Rae assured him, Ashley nodding in agreement.

“Yeah Rev, we're going to miss you.”

Jimmy broke their group hug before bounding towards the van, Johnny hugging the two of them separately.

“Bye girls, take care of Gabby for me!” He told the two of them, grinning wildly before joining Jimmy inside the white van.

“Bye JC,” the two roommates said in unison, waving to the bassist.

Zack's goodbye came next, the raven-haired teen pulling Rae into a short hug.

“Bye Zee,” she spoke as he broke their embrace, a slight smirk on his face as his arms wrapped around Ashley. She was reluctant to return the hug. When she did, his hand ended up on her lower back, gently squeezing her ass as she moved out of his embrace.

“Goodbye Zack,” Ashley pushed him off, the apples of her cheeks dusted with a light pink that remained as unnoticeable as his inappropriate grope.

Brian hugged Ashley for a short bit, ruffling her hair and telling her to look out for Rae.

Matt pulled Raven into a tight hug, the redhead returning the gesture and patting the hazel-eyed singer on the back.

“Take care of my girl for me, I'm coming back for her…” he asserted as they broke their embrace, Matt glancing at Ashley before moving to wrap her in hug.

“I love you, Ash, don't forget it,” he told her, punctuating each word with a soft kiss as his hands rested on her hips.

“It's not goodbye, y'know?” He whispered into her ear as she buried her face into the soft cotton of his hoodie, “It's just see you later…”

As their embrace ended, he kissed her forehead, his voice quiet as he began to talk again.

“There's something for you upstairs…” he revealed as he dropped the house keys into her hand, the brunette's eyes widening as he moved away, climbing into the open van door. She walked over to the window, tapping on the glass and signaling for him to roll it down. He obliged, Ashley grabbing his face and kissing him one last time, trying to memorize his taste and the way his lips felt against hers.

He grinned when their kiss ended, Ashley stepping away and murmuring “I love you Matty.” She spoke, her voice quaking as she began to feel the pain of goodbye.

Matt nodded, saying it back to her.

Everyone had said their sufficient goodbyes, heart strings being plucked at as the two roommates watched their boys drive off down the road, waving until they couldn't see the tail lights of the white van.

Ashley dangled the keys in her hand, Rae nudging her out of her daze.

“Let's head back inside,” Rae suggested, gesturing with her head toward the house.

They followed the path back into the house they would now be calling home thanks to the generosity of Matt's parents.

“So that's it? No more MASH?” Rae questioned the brunette as they stood on the porch, her arm draped over her shoulders.

“MASH?” Ashley's eyebrows furrowed, Raven cracking a smile at the look on her best friend's face.

“Yeah, you know… Matt and Ashley. I was totally shipping you guys! I was gonna get a t-shirt and everything,” Rae confessed.

“I think the RIAN ship is gonna sail a lot longer,” Ashley admitted, the redhead shaking her head.

“Never say never, Ash. I saw you two last night in the parking lot, and this morning out here. You guys are still crazy about each other and you're both idiots if you don't see it. You guys will get back together some day.”

“Yeah, maybe, but until then I'm shipping RIAN…” Ashley retorted, Rae cocking an eyebrow at her as they entered the house.

“RIAN? Seriously? That's the best you can come up with?” Rae demanded to know, Ashley nodding at her.

“C'mon Ash! Be a little more creative- that's just his name without the `B'!”

Ashley brushed past Rae and ascended the steps, hurrying into Matt's room to find whatever he left for her. Confused when she found nothing out of place, she began to open the drawers of his dressers, pausing when she reached the drawer she had claimed as hers. She sat on the carpet as she pulled the shoebox out of the drawer, lifting the lid to find a picture frame face down. Ashley turned the wooden frame in her hands, smiling when she saw the picture of her and Matt, their faces pressed against each other as they made funny faces.

Attached to the bottom of the box was a leaflet of paper, Ashley lifting the note from the box to read what was written in Matt's handwriting.

Her eyes scanned the paper, the smile on her lips widening as she read the words out loud.

“We come to love by not finding the perfect person but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.”

She left his room, shutting the door behind her as she carried her picture and note with her.

As she walked down the stairs, she heard Rae call her name from the kitchen. Ashley followed the sound of her best friend's voice, joining her by sitting across from her at the kitchen table.

Rae sat with her feet kicked up on the table, her fingertips pulling at the black guitar plectrum on the leather strap around her neck.

Ashley placed the picture frame on the seat beside her, mimicking Rae's relaxed position by sitting back in the wooden chair.

Rae grinned mischievously, her blue eyes shining as she began to speak.

"So, my hard-rocking amigo, what do you wanna do now?”