
Chapter One

She fell to her knees and the tears soaked her face. After a minute he sat down next to the girl and collected her into his arms. She cried into his chest. So much had happened to the two in the last day. No one could relate to the pain they felt. No one knew the heart break that the two shared. They lost him. The one person that made sure they were safe from all harm. He would always check under the bed for monsters. He tucked them in to bed every night and sang them their lullaby. He was their best friend, hell he was their guardian angel. Now that he was gone it was as if the world stopped. It was almost impossible to go to sleep knowing that when they wake up that he wasn’t going to be there. Just knowing that they were never going to see his smile, hear is laugh, or his voice shattered their world.

Zoe Taylor Sanders never thought she would be moving back to California. She missed everything about the state, the beach, the sun, the people, and the memories. She was tired of Maryland ever since she first moved. Her parents thought Cali was bad for her and her siblings. Going back to her hometown was going to be a challenge. Forgetting Maryland and re creating her life back in Cali was frightening. If it wasn’t for Jackson she would not be here.

Jackson watched his sister as she slept on the plane. He was wide awake. The last time he saw Matt was in eight months ago in October. That was when everything changed. After everything that happened in October. Zoe changed the most. She broke rules, never slept, got sick constantly, and became an introvert. Jackson was deeply worried about his twin. As she slept on his shoulder he looked at her. Her eyes had dark circles under them. Her pale skin was a sickly looking pale instead of her healthy skin. She would get shaky easily. She rarely smiled or laughed. She was tired constantly. When someone other than him would touch her she would flinch. Her body was weak and broken. She was dying before his eyes. Seeing her this way made him sick to his stomach. Jackson was praying that Huntington was going to help him save his sister before she was gone for good, just like Mikey.

Jackson waited anxiously for the plane to land. He nudged Zoe with his elbow when it did. She gave him a grunt and muttered some curse words under her breath. Jackson laughed and apologized. He turned his phone back on and called Matt.

“Hello?” a voice said on the other side of the phone

“Hey Matty its Jack, we just landed. Where do you want us to meet you man?”

“I am at the gate already. We can meet there than get your bags.”

“Sounds good, see you in ten.” Jackson felt his stomach tighten from anxiety

“Alright bye kid.” He laughed and hung up.

Jackson grabbed his duffle bag and looked at Zoe. Who was staring out the window. He sighed and picked up her journal and messenger bag. She didn’t move at all.

“Come on sis, it is going to be okay.” He whispered patting her shoulder. Jackson found himself saying that a lot in the last month. He had a hard time believing it himself but he knew that it would be eventually.

“Pinky promise?” Zoe asked not even looking at him

“Pinky swear” He said latching his large pinky into her tiny one. She looked up and her green eyes looked into his. She searched and knew that he would not lie to her.

“Let’s go meet Matt.” She said standing up and grabbing her bag from him walked of the plan.

As they walked of Zoe felt her heart pounding, she knew she had nothing to worry about. Matt had always been the father figure in their life. He always looked out for the two. He never said a harsh word to them or yelled at them. The thing Zoe was worried about was living with a group of people. Matt did not live alone. He never told them how many roommates he had but he told them there would be enough room for them.

They didn’t have to search for Matt. He was a tall guy, had tattoos all over his arms. He had his head shaved into a Mohawk and wore aviators everywhere. He didn’t really fit into a crowd. Yet for some reason they didn’t see him.

Zoe felt herself being pulled into a bear hug. The man laughed as he hugged her. He held on for a good minute then hugged her twin in the same manner. They all smiled at each other and walked down to baggage claim. Matt was taking to Jackson about learning guitar.

“Why didn’t you teach your poor brother guitar or something else that you play?” He asked Zoe

“He never asked.” She replied simply. Matt looked at Jackson and saw him nod.

“I didn’t want her to teach me. She did teach herself after all. She is amazing Matt. You need to hear her play and sing.” Jackson said in awe. He laughed when he saw she was blushing. He knew she hated people hearing her play and sing. She was shy and always had been. That wasn’t new.

She shook her head and grabbed their suitcase that came by.

“You only have one?” Matt asked shocked

“Yeah, we didn’t really have time to pack. Mom kind of threw some shit out and yelled leave.” Jackson muttered.

“She wanted me to leave not you. But you have to be near me at all times so that’s why there is one bag with some of our cloths” Zoe finished.

“What happened?” Matt said looking at the two with sympathy

“I got in trouble with some things and mom was tired of my depressive and introvert ass, so she finally kicked me out.” Zoe said shrugging. “I am sorry if this is hard on you Matt. You were always a father figure to us and when we called you we never expected you to just take us in.”

“Why wouldn’t I? You both are such amazing kids and I love you two. I would travel the world to help you.” He said patting her back. “Ready to go home?”

“As ready as I will ever be” Jackson said.

They walked to Matt’s SUV. Jackson hopped in the passenger seat and Zoe slid into the back. She was still a little tired. Matt pulled out of the Airport and started driving to their new home. He and Jackson talked for the whole ride there. Zoe drifted off to sleep. She felt herself being lifted into someone’s arms and cracked her eyes open to see that Jackson was on the other side of her so it must be Matt carrying her. She closed her eyes again and let sleep take her.

“WELCOME BACK MATTHEW!!” A man yelled. He was tall and lanky. His hair was messy and fell into his blue eyes. He was bouncing on the balls of his feet.

“Jimmy be quit for once in your life!” Another man whisper yelled at the first man. He had a softer voice. He was shorter than the first man. He had brown hair that was spiked up and chocolate brown eyes.

“Sorry” Jimmy muttered stalking off

“I am going to put her up in your room Brian, is that okay?” Matt asked his friend.

“Yeah sure, my room is the most comfortable.” He said shrugging. “I can put her in there. Go take care of mister pout for me.” He took the sleeping girl out of Matt’s arms. Jackson followed Matt outside.

Brian put the girl in his bed and tucked her under the blankets. He kissed her forehead and turned the lights of. Shutting the door he went back down stairs.

Jimmy went up to Jackson and picked him up and hugged him. Jackson looked scared at first but embraced the hug. Matt laughed watching this scene. Jackson was pretty short for his age and Jimmy was a giant compared to him.

Brian reappeared and shook his head at Jimmy. Zacky came outside after awhile and smiled and introduced himself.

“I thought you said there were two of them?” Johnny asked appearing out of no where

“I took her up stairs, she was asleep.” Brian explained.

“What is your twins name mini?” Jimmy looked at Jackson

“Zoe Taylor” He looked at Jimmy “Matt can I talk to you about something?”

“Whatever you can talk to me about, you can tell the guys Jackson” Matt said looking at his best friends.

“O-okay, here goes nothing” Jackson muttered under his breath.