
Chater Two

Jackson’s POV

I had to talk to Matt about my worries of my sister. He said I could talk to any of the guys about anything. I knew talking about Mikey and Zoe was going to be hard on me. I sighed and looked at Matt.

“Ever since the accident Zoe hasn’t gotten much sleep. She can’t fall asleep because she is scared of the nightmares she is having.”

“What are they about?” Jimmy asked.

“I don’t’ know. She will wake up and talk then go back to sleep. She sleep talks a lot. When she wakes up in the morning and she doesn’t remember what we talked about then I know she was sleep talking.” I explained.

“Does she sleep walk?” Johnny asked looking more curious than the others

“Nope, she hasn’t done that in ten years. One time Mikey caught her downstairs eating icecream in her sleep. It was funny.”

“What else is wrong? You still look worried so there has to be more.” Brian said looking at me.

“ She isn’t eating right. She is getting sick constantly.” Matt frowned at that.

“We can make sure she eats more” Jimmy said smiling.

“She isn’t starving herself, she can’t physically eat. It has to do with the lack of sleep and the depression.” Matt chimed in. They all looked at him. “I know her; she wouldn’t starve herself just cause. There is another reason.”

“He is right, that is why she isn’t eating. I never found out what drove her to not eating but
she can’t.” I muttered.

“What else is there?” Zacky asked looking confused

“ Her skin is unhealthy chalky looking. Her eyes are a dull green instead of the bright green they once were. She has stopped singing and playing guitar and piano. She at least still is writing. Mom was disgusted with her because she started to cut. When we were thrown out of the house I made her promise to stop. There is still a chance she might not have. She always keeps promises but I think it’s hard for her this time because it is a habit now. I know she cries about Mikey. I hear her in her sleep. She cries when she is awake and thinks that no one can hear her. I am at a loss of ideas on how to help”

“She will get better on her own probably:” Johnny said looking at Matt

“Maybe but she might not” Brian said sighing. He ran his hands through his hair.

“I am seeing her die in front of me and I have no idea what to do. If I lost her I don’t think I would be able to live Matt.” I said tearing up.

They all were looking at me like I told them their dogs died. I can’t believe they all cared so much and they just met us. Brian was the one that looked the most upset. I don’t know why because what Matt told me was that Brian was mean to everyone outside the group. Matt was worried that he would ignore us both and make it awarded. So why did he care so much about my sister?

“It is all going to be okay. She will get better. You want to know why I know that.” Brian asked me. His chocolate eyes staring into my hazel ones. When I shook my head he continued. “She has you and now us now. We will always be here for both of you it does not matter what time or what it is about. We will not lose her. We already love you both. You guys are both incredible from what we have heard from Matt. You have only been here for a day and we are already protective of you both. She is strong and so are you Jack. I know it”

“I’m going to go make some dinner okay? Do you want to go wake Zoe up?” Matt asked me

“No, let her sleep a little while longer. She needs it” I muttered. Jimmy let go of me and they all went inside. I sat there looking out at the beach. The waves always seemed to calm me down. I loved going to the beach when I was younger and just sit on the sand and watch the water.

Jimmy came back out with a beer and water. He flopped down and handed me the water and smiled softly. I gave him a small one back. We just sat there for awhile in silence. They just stared out at the ocean.

“You have to live on.” Jimmy said breaking the silence. “Mikey would want that kid.”


I went in went in with Matt and Zacky. We all grabbed a beer and went into the den. I had a feeling Matt wanted to talk to us so that we all could sort it out in our heads.

“She played guitar.” He muttered before taking a sip.

“Why did she stop?” Zacky asked him

“She only learned because she played piano before and Mikey told her that her songs and voice would sound great with a guitar. She taught herself but Mikey bought her the guitar she has. It was to painful after she lost him to continue playing so she stopped.” He sighed “Damn shame.”

“Why?” I asked this time

“She was great, I dare say she was better than the two of you fools put together” He laughed. “But do not tell her I told you guys. She will be pissed with me. Find out for yourselves if you want to talk about it with her.”

“Maybe if we get her to play again she might get better.” I suggested

“Maybe, I say for now she should try herself then if that doesn’t work we will step in.” Zacky chimed in.

“How long do you think that will take?” Matt asked looking at him with his eyebrow raised.

“No idea. I mean you told us she is tough and that before Mikey she was depressed.”

“Yeah she was, something happened but no one knows what. I don’t know even if I will ever see the old Zoe.” Matt sighed.

“You never know Matt; she could make a full recovery.” I gave him a reassuring smile

“Maybe man, all I know is that I need to help her anyway I can. At least she doesn’t have school. I feel bad that Jackson will.”

“Wait if they are twins how come she doesn’t have to go to school?” Zacky asked.

“She graduated early. She is supposed to be a junior this year but she got all her credits over the last two summers. I have no fucking idea how but she did.” Matt said. The way he talked about her it sounded as if he was her father and not her cousin. He loved her as if she was her own kid. He acted that way to both of them and Mikey.

“Are you going to adopt them?” I asked after a few minutes of silence. He was talking about adopting the two of them before the Mikey accident. He was thinking about letting them come here before all that shit. But his mom told him that they were fine. No one knew what happened after the visits. Personally I hated their mother. She was a fake. The way Jackson described Zoe made me think that something else made her like this.

“Yes, I am planning on it. I do not want that bitch changing her mind and trying to take them back.” He said.

I nodded and went to the kitchen. I looked out the window and saw Johnny on the porch. Jimmy was talking to Jackson on the beach. Jackson was laughing and Jimmy was goofing of. That is the thing about Jimmy he knows how to take care of people. If you are sad he can cheer you up. If you are mad he knows how to calm you down. If you need to talk he knows how to listen to you. I think that is why I talk to him more than any of the other guys. I mean we all have are strong points. Johnny can make you laugh at silly shit. Zacky can cook and he will join in a fist fight with you. Matt can play Xbox and he has the biggest heart next to
Jimmy. Me? I can protect them and I am the one that takes care of them all. Well we all take care of each other really. Come to think of it we always take turns.

I remember one time when we were in high school and Matt found out about his uncle leaving. He only told Jimmy and I because he told us the most about his family. I had met his cousins twice. He was so mad that we had to drive him home and calm him down the rest of the day. That only involved Jack Daniels and video games.

He always cared so much about them. It made me want to protect them. Maybe that’s why I already care about them. Something about the way he described them it made me know
that they would fit in with us.

Matt told me that Zoe would stay in one of our rooms and Jackson was going to sleep in Jimmy’s room. Matt said that she might choose mine just because she has already slept in it. And for some reason I was fine with that.