Status: Luv you Rose! Fur Immer Unt Immer, Amour!

The Fantasy of You

When I got my first girlfriend!

So, my Sophomore year in high school '09-'10...

That's when I met the first bi-girl at the high school.

Her name was Lisa S.

She was short,
She was blonde,
A little slutty (by what most ppls say and what I've come to think of her since then),
And doesn't have too great a sense of MORALS.

She and I started dating one day,
When we were in lunch,
And that also started up when I began cutting.

Lisa showed me what to do,
How to be safe about it,
To go across my arm about half way down,
Or down my arm if I was off a vein.

I actually got pretty damn good at it.
It was my only way of getting stress under control at the time.

She was all that I gave a fuck about.

My grades even suffered for it.

When dad started asking me why they were suffering SO badly,
He asked why I was punishing myself and my future,
And I pulled my sleeves up and told him:
Because...I punish myself before hand to keep the guilt back!

My scars were already mostly faded,
So he said they were only scratches...


I'm in my junior year now,
As I write this,
And I can STILL see them!!!!

Lisa was always wrapped up in her feelings for this guy named Triston...
That's all the bitch talked about!!!!!!

Finally, her sister Tina got all up in my face about me dating Lisa.
During lunch, I waited for Lisa.
I headed to the bathroom, wanting to splash some water on my face and chill a bit.

I heard them talking and heard my name mentioned.

I just sat on the table by the entry way.
(when you walk in, first there's a table to put ur stuff on if you wish, then a barrier, then the sinks, then the stalls).

They were talking about that morning,
About how 'fucking stupid I was' to date Lisa.

She walked out w/ Tina and some girl named Mikayla.
I used to be really good pals w/ Mikayla,
And even pissed off her sis by trying to figure out why Liz looked so familiar...and found out I had mistaken her for Mikayla,
But this was just too much.

They looked at me,
I looked at them,
Took off Lisa's sweater,
and asked "You want your sweater back, I guess".

She said yes,
Gave me mine,
And I threw hers at her.

I ran off,
well...I walked off,
Rather pissed,
And just started bawling when Triston came up and asked what I seemed so stressed about.

I told him.

I couldn't even wear my sweater,
Because it smelled of the bitches scent!
I make some of my memories by peoples' scent.
I wanted to forget hers for FOREVER!

He lent me his,
Of which I STILL have,
And I thanked him.

Since then,
She and I hardly talk.

That's how I got my NEXT gf...