Status: Luv you Rose! Fur Immer Unt Immer, Amour!

The Fantasy of You

Meet My Second Gf and my first two finaces...her and Zion

K.J. was still trying to get me and Lisa together.

She succeeded, once, and it lasted less than the 3 weeks of the first try!

February of 2011:
Then, one day after school, K.J. and I talked on the phone. You see, she'd just come out that day in Health Class and we all (in our circle of pals anyways) were trying to make sure she knew we supported her. She knew I was bisexual, as I was still half and half back then, and so she had no problem talking to me about it was more than that...

She got quiet...
I asked her if she was okay.
She said I never asked her who her crush was.
I asked.
She asked, "Well, who am I talking to?"

I tried to piece it together, my blonde brain working on over drive ^,.,~, and then it hit me.
she practically started to freak! She wasn't sure yet if I was okay w/ it or pissed.

I told her it was okay, but I didn't really know what to say.

That was kinda the last that was said in that convo.

The next day, we were dating.

That lasted till bout October of 2011.

I was then still with my bf, Zion, of whom K.J had hooked meh up with while we were still together. We are all k with open relationships...but that took a nasty fall when I had a misunderstanding a couple of weeks before my birthday (Dec 8).

I had thought Zion had split w/ me cuz of him getting pissed at me for a fight K.J and I had.

So, heartbroken and not wanting to be alone, I started dating Triston again.

K.J told a friend of hers and Zions, he told Zion, and Zion went off the wall.

He HADN'T split w/ me, but did then!

I felt horrible...
I felt like a dumb ass...
But the damage was done.

On my birthday,
Though I didn't know till the 9th,
Zion killed himself.

He had been going through a hard time as it was.

His six year old sis, Laura, had died to cancer in April.
He had lost me.
He was in the army.
His new duchey bf was a MAJOR asshole and betrayed him when Zion turned down his proposal.
He had too much going in his life against him...

I still blame myself,
But no matter how much I want him to come back...
He's gone....

Then..I met Sarah...