Status: Luv you Rose! Fur Immer Unt Immer, Amour!

The Fantasy of You

My 4th gf, fiance, and hopefully the only one I'll ever look for ever again!

So, over Christmas break of 2011, Rose {Raelynn} and I started to chat on Mibba.

It was all innocent as could be!

Then, idk who asked who but, we started dating.

I was so psyched to date her!

She's beautiful,
she's kind,
She's Wiccan,
She's gay (not bi, but GAY!!! ^.^),
She's smart,
She's honest,
She's not one to fill my head with needless bullshit,
And she's MINE!

Then, on 1/22/12, SHE PROPOSED!!!!!!!!

I had wanted to ask her for about a week prior, but had just gotten out of a relationship.
I didn't want to rush it.
I didn't want to rush her, either!
I loved (& LOVE) her,
So I was ready to wait.

Then, she asked.

I was geeking out all day!

Today, 1/23/12, I've been going through the WORST moodswings of my life!

It's hard to go through this,
Be all happy,
Then have reality of life hit me.
Ppls @ school,
Bullysome Homophobes,
And not to mention my KNIFE!

I started to cut again last night,
But it was for something COMPLETELY off topic.

It was something stupid as hell!

Dad had been teasing me ALL evening long!
He knew I was on my time (i had just gotten off, actually, which is when MY temper flares),
Knew that I have anger issues,
Am very 'testy' when I'm on,
And can't take a fucking joke when I am.

I couldn't sleep,
So I put a P on my leg before bed.
It reminded me of Pink's 'Fuckin Perfect' music video.

So...I guess that's it for now....