Status: Luv you Rose! Fur Immer Unt Immer, Amour!

The Fantasy of You

Disturbing Weekend's Disturbing Discovery...

So, I have some...interesting news...

I'm a hermaphrodite.

I found out this weekend, obviously, 1/27-1/29.

It was weird how I found out...

I was doing some research to figure out why I've been having the bladder issues I've had since I was eight years old.

When I did, this was one of the possible reasons.

When I saw that, my first reaction was "Well, seeing as I CLEARLY don't have a dick...I KNOW that's not it..."

But, as I read on, I found out something interesting...

Not all hermaphrodites have them facing 'outward', if you get my drift.
If you don't,
Basically...some have them facing up and in, instead of down and out.

Yeah...that's me.

It explains a few things...


This isn't something I have an issue with,
But it's also not something I would've expected to find!

I don't really feel comfortable explaining how I found out FOR SURE but, if you want to know or have any advice on how to react and deal, you can message me...
♠ ♠ ♠
This is NOT a joke...
I really AM!