Status: might become a chapter story...

All In Your Head


She heard the familiar voices once again and they, as always, kept her from sleep.

‘They don’t love you… You’re worthless… Nothing to them…’ they whispered as she turned onto her side, curling into herself. Her hands came up to tightly press against her ears in an attempt to block out the noise.“Shut up,” she mumbled, not wanting to alert anyone, afraid of what her punishment would be. But they persisted, getting louder and louder the more she tried to silence them.

‘Mommy and Daddy hate you… You’re a freak… A nuisance… They forgot about you the second they set foot out the door…’ “You’re lying. They love me,” she said, seeming to be reassuring her herself more than actually speaking to the voices. They laughed.

‘Freak… worthless… ugly… disgusting…’ they taunted as she started chanting to herself. “You’re not real. You’re not real. You’re not real.” She was starting to forget to keep quiet, trying to be heard over the insults.

‘Of course, they hate you…’ the voices told her as she started rocking back and forth, still repeating the words she heard from the doctors everyday: “They’re not real. They’re all in your head, Rayne." ‘You killed your own sister… Picked up that knife and plunged it into poor Lily’s heart…’ She could almost hear the smile in the voices’ words.

“SHUT UP! You made me do it! It’s your fault!” she screamed and almost instantly heard running in the hallway. But she didn’t care. Let them come. All that mattered was quieting the voices, which had started screaming insults, overpowering her voice. She barely acknowledged her door bursting open as four, white-uniformed men barged in. She was still screaming as they held her thrashing limbs down.

There was the unmistakable stinging pain in her arm that she knew to be a needle piercing her skin and then the burning sensation of a sedative shooting into her veins. But she gladly accepted the pain as the voices, and everything else, was fading away, not caring that she would be punished in the morning.

In that moment, though, she succumbed to the black, falling into a deep, and much needed, slumber.
♠ ♠ ♠
So.. this may or may not become a chapter story. It all depends on what YOU think, so leave me some love (or hate) in the comments.