Status: In Progress.


02. Truth be Told, I Miss You.

The plane landed, and I walked off into Heathrow Airport searching for a familiar face. I knew someone should be here to pick me up, probably my aunt and Taylor.

“Kara!” someone shouted, and I turned to see my Aunt Mary running across the room to give me a hug. I ran forward and wrapped my arms around her.

“Auntie Mary! I missed you!” I exclaimed before pulling back to see her smiling at me. We walked to the baggage claim together, making small talk about school, the weather, just the usual things, really. We picked up our bags and walked to the car.

“So, Aunt Mary, where’s Taylor?” I asked, feeling slightly disappointed that my cousin didn’t want to greet me at the airport. It had been two years since I'd seen her, and she honestly couldn't even come to pick me up?

“Oh, sweetie, her boyfriend just came back from a trip around the country. He’s been gone for months now, and he just came back today. She felt guilty about not coming to see you, but I insisted that she should spend time with him. They've really missed each other a lot,” she said, looking sympathetically at me. I nodded my head in understanding. Taylor deserved to spend time with her boyfriend.

I took a nap for the rest of the long car ride. I woke up to my aunt shaking my shoulder gently.

“Wake up, sweetie. We’re home now,” she said. My eyes fluttered open, and I grabbed my bags and walked into the house, only to be tackled.

“KARA, I’VE MISSED YOU!” Taylor was on top of me, crushing my ribs from the tight hug, and squealing excitedly.

“Taylor!” I screeched, hugging her back.

“Well, isn’t this so sweet?” a voice said behind us. I stood up, as Taylor kicked my bags to the side.

A boy with brown hair and bright blue eyes was grinning at us. Taylor walked over to him and grabbed his arm and returned his grin. She cuddled into him slightly, and smiled up at him.

“Kara, this is my boyfriend, Louis!” she exclaimed, giggling a little bit.

“Hey Louis,” I said, walking over and giving him a hug. He seemed nice enough.

“So, what’s up with the mystery boyfriend, Taylor? Never seemed to mention anything about him to me,” I joked and plopped down onto the couch.

“Well, we just started dating before he left for the tour, and I wanted to surprise you!” Taylor said, cuddling up to Louis even more. The two of them were so adorable. Louis chuckled at her explanation. He didn’t seem awkward around me, or stiff. He was just like Taylor, I could tell. He was great with people, and not shy at all.

“Louis, don’t you get too comfortable. You still have to go through the full cousin inspection. I have to make sure you’re good enough for my favorite cousin,” I said, smiling at Taylor as she groaned loudly. We all started to laugh at Taylor’s overdramatic reaction.

I heard the front door open and close, and the hallway filled with voices.

“D’ya think she’s here yet? I wanna meet her!” I heard a thick Irish accent say.

“Well, there’s luggage on the floor, so I’ll say she’s probably here,” another person said.

“Then let’s go meet her. Taylor said she’d be cool,” someone else said.

I craned my neck towards Taylor and gave her a suspicious look. Why did it sound like an army of teenage boys entered the house? The footsteps and voices stopped. I turned around and saw four boys standing in the doorway.

One was a bit shorter than the rest, and had blonde hair. Another looked absolutely gorgeous, and had his hair styled in a quiff. The other had a friendly grin and curly light brown hair. But it was the last one who I locked eyes with. He had a shy smile, and adorable dimples. His brown curls looked messy, but perfect. His shining green eyes were trained on me. I slowly rose to my feet, and moved towards him, since he seemed to be frozen to the spot.

“Harry. It’s you,” I said simply.