Status: Finished!



I look around once again. Dressed in silver heels, a forest green dress, and a white shawl, I feel more conspicuous than a white rabbit among black mice. Yet I sit here, drinking this stupid, non-alcoholic drink, wasting away my time. Why am I here? Take a wild guess. That’s right. Stupid, conceited, Prince Danibouro. He begged and pleaded.... Psych. More like ordered. And what am I but a bodyguard?

I’m already 25 years old. My life is practically over. Being in my field means death could come around any corner. Shouldn’t I be living my life?

Sadly, I’m stuck here.
With this obstinate, annoying prat.
As a liege.
That I work undercover for.

Slowly, the anger builds, the annoyance stacks, and the frustration tops everything off. I smile. Smirk. That’s closer to the truth. I smirk.

It’s time.

Full of valor, I walk confidently to where he dances with that tramp.


It’s a statement with more power than an exclamation. He looks over in confusion and annoyance.

“It’s time.”

The tramp looks over at me. “This is his party! It’s not time to leave yet, right?”

Dani shake’s his head.

“That’s not what she means.”

I turn to her and give her a genuine smile smirk.

“Oh, honey. Sorry for the confusion.” Rolling my eyes, I turn to him. “Well, it’s either her, or me. Your best friend, or the female you met roughly a fortnight ago...”

Dani looks crestfallen, and I almost feel bad for him. Almost.

“Alice, you and her are different-”

I laugh.

“Yes, Dani, we are quite different. One of us is a professional who kills people for a living and can protect you throughout your life, while the other is a skank who will only lead to more trouble than she’s worth. One of us is a dishrag, the other a princess.”

“Alice, don’t leave like this. At least give me a little time...!”

This time, it isn’t so much a laugh as an exclamation of disbelief without words.

“Time! 2 years wasn’t enough! No, Dani, you have a choice to make. And you better make it fast. Cause I’m not coming back.”

The look on his face is priceless. He actually thought I’d give in to giving him more time?! Preposterous!

I turn, suddenly fed up with everything. As I walk away, I can hear him explaining to the female clinging to his arm.

“She... she won’t come back if I don’t stop her now. She’s just that kind of person. She’s forcing me to make a choice. You, or her? Someone I’ve known for a little while, or someone I’ve known almost my whole life... The woman I’m in love with, or my best friend?”

I want to laugh and cry at the same time, so I choose to do neither. I continue walking, at a calm, leisurely, determined pace.

There is something I see in you.
It might kill me.
I want it to be true.

I laugh at the words that have been in my head for 2 years now. Guess they out to change, huh?

Something more like:
There is something I saw in you.
It might have killed me.
I wanted it to be true.
..... It wasn’t.

Dani suddenly gasps, but I don’t look back. I can imagine his toned arm stretching towards my back. I open the large oak doors just as he calls out:

“Alice, wait! Please!”

I smile....
♠ ♠ ♠
Guess you could say I'm leaving it on a cliffhanger.
Personally, I love the ending.

However, if you want me to have Alice make a choice, feel free to leave a comment. :D

I <3 comments.

Wasn't the best thing ever, and I probably could have done better, but here it is, my entry for iwearconverse's contest of Songs.