I Found a Reason

Chapter 1

I Found A Reason™ ♥ Tim Tebow

Chapter 1

A/N: For those of you who haven't read my previous stories, chapters like this in italics are flashbacks.

“Oh my God,” I whispered to Madeline. She wasn't necessarily my best friend, but she was more or less my only real friend and confidant on Nease High's cheer squad, where I belonged yet I didn't. Everyday I lived a lie, pretending to like all these stuck up people, acting like them, when really, inside, I knew I wasn't like them. Honestly, I didn't really know who I was, because I never got the chance to figure that out, stuck in a scene everyday that was slowly starting to affect me as a person. But I really had no choice; I saw what they did to kids different than them, to the ones they didn't like. Madeline was just as plastic as the rest of them, but at least she wasn't mean and cruel, a witch with a b in her pocket if you catch my drift.

“Who's the new quarterback?” I licked my lips suggestively. I may not have been like the rest of them—I had my own kind of “bad” rep from previous years, before I became a “popular” cheerleader, but I was never one of those that went after every guy on every team and bragged about it—but I knew when I liked what I saw. And this new quarterback—let's just say none of the other guys I saw on a daily basis in this school

I knew Madeline would have the first scoop. “He doesn't even go here,” she said in her standard prep-I'm-all-that voice, and I frowned. Dang. No eye candy throughout the day after all then.

“What's his name?” I asked, since she so blatantly left out that most important little tidbit.

“Tim, I think. Something like that. I've never seen him play, and he's in our grade. But rumor has it he might be starting.”

“Impressive. Either they think the team's gonna suck, or he's a freaking beast. Honestly, who cares. I mean dang.”

Madeline pulled a nail file out of her large Coach bag and began filing, not even glancing at me. “Even if he's not going to school here, we should totally go 'welcome' him...” She may have been ditzy, but I knew she'd catch my innuendo.

“Don't waste your time,” she said, blowing bits she'd just filed off her nails. “He's obvs one of those people too good for any of us lowlifes here,” she said almost bitterly. I knew why; I resented those types too. Just because we were public school kids didn't make us any worse off than private or charter or even homeschool kids.
Especially those homeschool kids.

“He's like this homeschooled farm boy, and before you ask how or why he's playing for Nease, apparently there's some law here that lets homeschooled kids play for any school in the district they live or something. I heard him and his mom even had to move off their farm just so he could play here. And I also heard that like his parents are like these really strict missionaries—who make all their kids homeschool, like really? Not to mention he has like 10 siblings.”

The thing about Madeline: she could just talk forever, using the exact same key phrases; 'like', 'I heard that', 'rumor has it' were just a few of her favorites. Classic gossip.

“And I also heard that he's like 'saving himself for marriage'. So again, good luck with that.”

I didn't mention anything about my saving myself too; all these girls—heck, everyone in the school—had this preconceived notion that all the cheer squad had Done It at one point in their life (especially with the guys on the various sports teams, within Nease or otherwise). Again, just another way I was living a lie in this place. I also didn't mention the fact that the way my love life was going—aka NONEXISTANT. Oh, there were plenty of 'suitors' you could say, but all the guys in this school were Class A stuck up jerks, and I was one of the only girls, popular or otherwise, that would not put up with it—there was no need for me to even try to save myself for marriage. Maybe an innocent boy was just what I needed; I had to see for myself if what she said about him being 'stuck up' and 'too good for us' was true. And if it wasn't...

Instead I just fluffed up my ponytail with my fingers—the best I could, since the Florida heat was absolutely sweltering and my whole entire body was just sweat, including my now flat and sopping wet hair that was completely stuck to my neck—and said, “Well, we can be 'celibate' together,” so suggestively that she finally glanced up at me from her manicure and snorted.

Cheerleading definitely had its perks. I mean, I hated it, I hated the yelling and dancing and flexing and jumping and being so freaking
cheerful all the time, and if it were up to me I'd be hanging with the theatre and band geeks all the time instead of the populars. But I what I loved was music and acting—obviously I had great experience in being someone I'm not, I did it all day every day—so in order for me to take lessons and go to auditions I had to be my mother's perfect robot; I had to dress like she wanted, act like she wanted, participate in all the school activities she wanted me to. One of the things encompassed in those activities was joining Nease's cheer squad, no complaints. It meant I didn't get to try out for any of the school plays because I was too busy with after school practice and learning dance routines, it meant I didn't get to be a part of the school band because they were having recitals while I was cheering on the sidelines at every football game.

But as I said, it has its perks, aka getting to stare at hot sweaty muscular dudes tackle each other in those tight form-fitting uniforms...

I looked back at Madeline to say, “Thanks for the dish, Mads”—yes, I actually
talked like them too—but she was already turned around talking and nasal-laughing with other clonies, so I just shrugged to myself.

I walked down the field to introduce myself to our new quarterback—I squinted at the back of his jersey from far on the field—Tebow, number 5.

Maybe I was saving myself for marriage. But that didn't mean I wasn't a perfect tease. I was, after all, a cheerleader, more fake than all the others because I hated my standing, but a cheerleader none the less, and I was confident I could snag even the most angelic Christian boy like Tebow #5.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you guys for being so excited for my Tebow fics! I hope this one lives up to your expectations, and the second one is coming soon!

To read the character profiles, check it at quizazz: http://www.quizazz.com/story.php/1380173/I-Found-A-Reason-Tim-Tebow/
