Status: People Die...People F*...So Why Shouldn't They?!

Sexual Desperation Anyone?

Chapter 4 Ah, to be Young and in Love…

Duncan moaned a little, ran his hands along Danny’s back, clawing lightly.

Danny moaned at him, pulling Duncan's boxers down, revealing his hard ass cock. Duncan pulled down Danny’s underwear, bringing her closer up, and they both blushed.
“You ready?” Duncan asked.
Danny took in a deep breath, smiled, and nodded.
Duncan, still holding her by the waist, pulled her down onto him.
“Damn…” Duncan said, still pulling her down onto him.
“What?” Danny asked.
“Tight? Yeh…I know…” Danny smiled.

“How do you…O.O…you mean you…” Duncan began, suddenly getting what she was saying.
“Yeh…is that weird?” Danny asked, hoping she hadn’t creeped him out.
“Who do you do it to?” Duncan asked.
Danny just blushed, smiled, and winked at him.
“ME?” Duncan asked, getting a little harder.

Danny nodded, her face a deep red.
Duncan rolled her over, putting her down on the bed, pinning her by her arms, still in.
“Then let me give you something to think about when you do…” Duncan said, looking her up before he gave her something she’d never forget.
Danny took a deep breath.
Duncan made no bones about it when he slammed into her; over and over and over, causing her to moan.

Then, as he angled to his left, Duncan watched as Danny slammed her head back into the pillows, arching herself up, in a sudden hot flash.
“You okay, baby?!” Duncan asked, suddenly worried and no longer slamming into her.
“Do-o-o-n’t stop!” Danny suddenly begged, squeezing her legs against him.