Time Is Nothing

'We've got company,'

Jezebell watched through the car window as her eyes blurred at the sight. Her mind kept on running in circles, there was nothing she could do, and it killed her inside.

"We're here,"

She simply nodded and got lost in her thoughts.

She thought about why they were even moving, why move because of her sake? And why had they moved next to a Gigantic house that made theirs look tiny?

Jezebell decided to get out of the car and inspect her new home. Just as she was about to walk up to the porch, her mother spoke up.

"Jezy, go and say hello to our new neighbors," her mother gave her a stern frown and pointed to the house that could possibly be holding hundreds of people inside.

She walked around the trees, barely absorbing the sight of the beautiful house. As she reached the front door, she took a deep breath and hoped that there was a girl that opened the door. As she held her hand up to knock, the door opened.

"Hello, I don't believe I ordered any light snacks," although Jezebell was astounded by the man stood in front of her, she couldn't help but feel a thrill of fear overwhelm her.

"Excuse me?"

"Ignore my brother, he's just a little-" another man pushed him away, though he looked relatively older. She was taken aback at the overall beauty that this man held. "Hungry... Why are you here?"

"Sorry for even trying to be neighborly," Jezebell frowned and turned to walk away, but as she was walking away, she was grabbed by the wrist and she felt as if she was being drained of her blood, to her dismay, she was.

As much as she tried to get out of his grasp, he wouldn't shift, until the other brother came to the rescue, yet again.

"STEFAN! YOU'RE GOING TO DRAIN HER!" he ripped him from her lifeless arm and flung him against the tree, which was well over meters away.

"What the hell is going on?!" she managed to scream, but collapsed into someones arms.

Damon carried Jezebells limp body into his house and lay her down, when he did, he caressed her face and suddenly he felt a rush of anger flow through him, he returned to where he left Stefan and held him up against the tree by his neck.

"You know who she is! Why did you do that?" he added more force and a smirk grew on Stefans lips.

"Her blood tastes better than anyone I've ever fed on," Damon added yet again more force, "She doesn't know you anyway, you compelled her,"

"I can make her remember just as easily,"

"Which will make her also remember just what you did, brother,"

Damon put even more force on Stefans neck, so he was barely breathing.

"Looks like we've got company," Damon turned to see Jezebell walking through their front door, and Elena walking towards the two brothers.

"Damon, do not tell me this is who I think it is," Elena had a threatening tone to her voice, Damon looked to the side of him and back to Stefan.

"That's not who you think it is,"

"Jezebell Adams, nice to meet you too," Jezebell walked over to Elena, held her hand out and they shook hands, "I'm going to go home now, I'll see you some other time, Damon, is it?"

Damon's non beating heart dropped as he remembered she didn't have a clue who he was, so he simply nodded.

"See you at school, Jez," Stefan taunted and Jezebell took in a sharp breath along with shooting a frown at Stefan, wondering why he called her that, since only Mike called her that, Since only mike could call her that.