Time Is Nothing

'A little too forward,'

Jezebell woke up early so she wouldn't be late for her first day at her new school, that's the last thing she needed. She could be late any other day, just not her first. She did her usual routine, and walked downstairs to find everybody already awake.

"Good morning," her mother chirped.

"Morning," Jezebell mumbled back. And then there was a knock on the door, "I'll get it!"

She flung the door open and there stood Stefan, the one who she remembered too well.

"Hello, Jez.. Can I come in?"

"No, what do you want?" she was still cautious, and was ready to slam the door whenever needed.

"To take you to school, I hope you don't mind,"

"Well, I do. So if you don't mind," she ushered him away.

"See you at school then,"

When she shut the door, she leaned her back against it and squeezed her eyes shut.


Jezebell walked through the corridors, being flung around everywhere, trying to find her locker. Lucky for her, it was right next to Stefans.

"Oh, hi Jez! Who'd have thought I'd see you here? And next to my locker, lucky you."

"Back off Stefan. Come on Jezebell," Elena walked towards the two, and dragged Jezebell away, Into the girls toilets.

"Do you remember anything about Stefan and Damon?"

"Yes, they are my neighbors," Jezebell was beginning to become confused.

"You're going to have to try to remember Damon, Not what he did, just remember," Elena then walked out of the toilet, leaving Jezebell more confused than she was before.

She decided there was no use staying in school. Finding out who Damon was, was far more important to her than finding the radius of a circle.

She walked up the Driveway, to the large house standing before her. When she reached the front door, she took a deep breath and knocked, for the door to push open. She frowned and walked down the corridor.

"Damon?" she regretted skipping school.

She almost screamed when she saw him strapped to a chair with a poker stick through him. Jezebell rushed to him and held his head up.

"Damon, Damon! Come on, wake up!" his head slowly rose and she let out a breath of relief.

"Get, it, out, of me," Jezebell still had her hands on his cheeks.

"What? Damon, I can't,"

"Just do it," She slowly put her hand on the stick and pulled it out of him.

Jezebell slowly backed away and sat down on the sofa, watching him rip himself out of the chair.

"How the hell aren't you dead?"

"That's awfully kind of you to ask, But you don't need to know," he walked away.

"Damon, I know what you are," he stopped dead in his tracks and turned towards her.

"Then tell me, say it out loud, might feel more real that way," he began circling her like a vulture.

"You're, a vampire,"

"And what do vampires eat?" Damon started to eye her and she didn't even flinch.

"You won't hurt me, I know you won't,"

"How can you be so sure?" This made Damon furious.

"Because we have a connection, even if you can't see it," that's when his expression softened, "I want you to take me to the 80's disco, if that isn't a little too forward,"

"I'd love to."