The Neighbor Girl

Chapter Two


On my way home I thought of what he said, 'Why would I stare at you?' That stung, why didn't he like me? What would it get to make him like me, the way I liked him? Pushing a pale lock of hair out of the way, I dreamed of what his full lips would feel like against mine.

I plopped down to eat dinner, corn, gross. I started fingering the scar on my neck absentmindedly. I still remember the knife, I shivered and pushed the thought as far into the recesses of my mind as I could. The worst day of my life would not be forgotten that easily. His cruel face still played through my mind as I began to chew on the yucky yellow pellets.



The school bell rang and people started heading to their classes reluctantly. Nikki was walking next to me, on our way to the same homeroom. Suddenly she tripped and just as she was about to smash into the cold tile, a very muscular arm grabbed her around the waist, hauling her to her feet.

Nikki righted herself and looked into Landon's cold blue eyes. "Are you okay?" He questioned, faking sincerity. But I knew what I saw, a blue jean clad leg pushed out in front of her, intentionally. The though of him doing that just to touch her sent anger swirling through my chest.

Nikki looked appalled, like she was about to punch him in the face. "You tripped me!" She looked disgusted and I couldn't keep myself from smiling. She was fuming at him. I'm so glad she wasn't about to fall deep into his calculating blue eyes, the way every other girl, and a few guys, did.

A flicker of worry passed over his face. "I did no such thing!" Landon yelled, jumping into defensive mode, just like his football position.

"Yes, you did. Why would you do that?" Nikki's voice did that thing it always does when she's mad, turn eerily calm, with a hint of edge to it.

"Um, I have a reason." Landon's stray puppy dog persona took over, trying to look as innocent as humanly possible, but I saw the look in his eyes.

"Well, let's hear it then." Nikki demanded, her bossy personality replacing the calm, now her voice was just edge. I knew if I was in Landon's place right now, I would be scared of her.

"I did it to gets your attention. I'm sorry." He didn't look sorry, not at all. And I knew it was because he wasn't, he was the guy that was used to getting whatever he wanted from whomever he wanted it from.

I was worried she was going to fall for his BS, thank goodness she didn't. "You think you can just do that?" Nikki was pissed, "That is not the way to a girls heart. Try asking me out, or trying to woo me, don't almost hurt me!" She had a point.

Nikki wrapped her small arms around one of mine and dragged me down the hall to our classroom. Tyler stood there looking like a little boy being chastised for knocking his sister to he ground. He'd probably never been told off before, he's used to people practically bowing down and kissing his feet. It reminded me of a video we watched in social studies of people worshiping their dictator, in a most unhealthy way.

God, it felt so good to see Nikki turn down that jerk, he was such a creep. I knew he only want Nikki for one thing, and I couldn't bare to see her fall for his crap. Then suddenly, after daydreaming for awhile, I felt Nikki's warmth seep into me in a most pleasant way.

Her arms felt so good wrapped around mine, she was leaning into me and her body heat radiated around the two of us and I couldn't help but think about how this was how things should be. Her mere touch sent electricity through me and I felt like flying.



I can't believe I have my arms around him! I don't even care what that jerk Landon did, all that matters is that I have Jamie. His arm was tense and I was worried he was going to shake me loose, tell me to leave him alone. But he didn't and that's all that mattered.

Even if he doesn't like me what's the big deal? I'll just pretend I wanted to scare Landon off. It's not like Jamie has to know that his mere touch makes my heart flutter, or that it's hard to breath whenever he studies me with his kind brown eyes. Or that I would give up all the Converse shoes in the world just to feel him love me. And trust me, Converse are a big deal to me.

We reached the room and stepped in right as the last bell rang.
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I know, It's kind of a bland chapter, but please hang in there. So I hope you all like it, I've been putting off posting and I'll try to be better, I promise.

~Me <3