Status: Whenever I Get Around To It

I Said to This End Don't Hurt Your Best Friend

Would You Ever Dance With Me Like That?

"This is a bad idea."
"No it's not. Calm down luv."

You looked at yourself in the mirror and sighed.

"Yea look beautiful Rose."

Josh kissed your neck then lifted your necklaces in his hands.

"Do you ever take these off?"

You said making sure to pop the 'p' as Josh rolled his eyes.

"I'm gonna guess Sam gave 'em ta yea."

You said popping the 'p' again.

"Yea ridiculous luv."

You smiled then stood on your tip toes and kissed Josh. He kissed back then moved away from you cupping your face.

"Let's go before Madaline has a propa fit."

You pouted then Josh kissed you.

"Now come on."

Josh pulled you out of his flat and walked you to his car. The whole ride to the restaurant music played quietly as you played with your necklaces. You looked at them then sighed remembering how you got them and all the emotions you felt. The key was for you 19 birthday, a horrible birthday at that. On that day you got layed off,lost your favorite sweater,got your phone stolen and ripped your favorite pair of skinny jeans and this was all before the surprise party your old best friend Janice threw for you. You walked into your flat in tears as everyone yelled "SURPRISE" which made you cry even more and run into your room. You quickly took off your ripped pants and threw them in a trash can and layed on your bed and cried. When you heard the door open you ignored it and kept crying. When you found out it was Sam you hugged him and he held you as you cried for what felt like forever. Once you calmed down he wiped your tears and he listened to you vent about what had happened. Him being the good friend he was offered you a job working merch with Lloyd on the upcoming tour and you accepted. Then he gave you a little box with a red bow. Once you opened it and saw it was the necklace you saw in a shop while you drag Sam out with you you smiled then tears started falling again. You hugged Sam as he laughed at you for crying. The tooth necklace was on your 21st birthday that was slightly better then the 19th one. Thankfully there was no surprise party but Joyce,Rachel and Madaline took you out to some club to celebrate you being 21 and all that. Sam and the gang was out on tour which made you sad but you still enjoyed yourself. When you got home later that night you saw Sam sitting on your bed which made you so much happier. You ran over and hugged him knocking him onto his back. He gave you a similar box as the first one he gave you just this one had a yellow bow. When you saw the necklace you hugged him again and kissed his cheek. Ever since you only ever take them off to shower and maybe for a doctors appointment if it's really needed. They weren't the coolest necklaces or pieces of jewelry you owned but they meant the most and you didn't plan on taking them off anytime soon.


You looked over at Josh and he smirked at you.

"We're here."

You got out of the car and Josh met you on the sidewalk and took your hand in his.

"If this date fing goes horrible I'll have Max call and make it seem like some kind of band emergency so we'll have to leave."
"You're the best."
"I know"

You smirked then leaned up and pecked Josh's lips before you both walked inside the restaurant. You quickly found Madaline and Sam and Josh pulled you over to the table.

"Sorry we're late."
"It's okay."

You sat across from Sam and in between Madaline and Josh. You squeezed Josh's hand as you looked at the menu.

"So I 'ear yea leavin' on tour soon Josh."
"Yeah. In two days actually."
"That's excitin'. Where yea goin'?"
"Oh, fun."

You stopped yourself from rolling your eyes as Josh squeezed your hand which made you smile.

"Wat yea gonna do while Josh is 'way?"

You looked up at Madaline then shrugged.

"Mope around the flat,crying myself to sleep counting down the days until Josh comes back."

Sam rolled his eyes as he smirked at your sarcasm and Josh tried not to laugh as Madaline nodded.

"We should hang out while our boys are gone."

The rest of the dinner was thankfully not as horrible as you thought it would be. Madaline was being pleasant to you as was Sam to Josh. Once everyone was done eating on ready to leave Madaline pulled you into a hug and kissed your cheek.

"I'll call yea so we can make plans."

She smiled then Sam walked over and hugged you.

"I betta see yea before I leave."
"Which is when?"
"A week from when Josh leaves."
"Okay. I will see you then."

Sam smiled then kissed your cheek and left with Madaline. Josh grabbed your hand and pulled you to his car.

"It wasn't that bad."

You smiled then looked out the window as Josh drove back to his flat. You only had two more days with Josh and you had no idea what to do, or how you would act when he was gone. Better yet how you would act with Sam leaving. With a sigh you looked forward and saw Josh pulling up to his flat. You both got out and walked hand in hand to his flat.

"Are yea tired luv?"

Josh looked at you then kissed you. You kissed back and pulled away with a smile.

"Let's go lay down yea?"
"Okay. But let me change first."

Josh smiled then you walked into his room with him and stole a pair of his boxers and a shirt before going to his bathroom and changing. When you walked out you saw Josh laying in his bed watching Let The Right One In. You climbed into bed with him and cuddled up to him.

"I thought you didn't like horror movies?"
"I don't."
"Then why are you watching this?"
"I was hoping yea would feel bad for me and give me a sympathy hand job."

You smacked his chest as he laughed and you shook your head.

"Such a man."
"Sorry luv."

You stood up from the bed and put on American History X before climbing back into bed with Josh. You ended up falling asleep after Derek got home thinking about Sam and Josh leaving. You honestly had no idea what you were going to do.
♠ ♠ ♠
Rose's Outfit

thank you for reading and subscribing :)
this is more of a filler. but i like it
please comment and let me know what you think....should i keep writing or should i just delete this story?

check out my James Cassells story :)