Status: Whenever I Get Around To It

I Said to This End Don't Hurt Your Best Friend

Would You Ever Dance With Me Like That?

You layed in bed wide awake after Josh left not being able to sleep since he woke you up to say goodbye. After laying in Josh's bed for a good two hours and not getting any sleep you stood up and got dressed in yesterday's clothes and left his flat. Without even thinking you got in a taxi and took off to were you normally go when you can't sleep. Once the cab stopped you paid the driver and climbed out. Not sure if this was a good idea or not, you walked inside the flat throwing off your shoes before walking into the bedroom.

"Way yea doin?"
"I can't sleep."

Dan rolled his eyes before covering them as he layed on his back. He moved over and you climbed in next to him.

"I'm gonna kill yea when I wake up."
"That's fine."

You turned on your side and closed your eyes as you heard Dan sigh. When you felt his face on your shoulder you smiled and leaned against him.

"Let's not make 'his a habit yea?"
"Can't make that promise."

Dan smirked then kissed your cheek.

"Go ta sleep luv."

You nodded then put your arms around Dan's middle and felt yourself slowly fall sleep.

Once you finally woke up you noticed Dan wasn't next to you anymore which didn't surprise you. When you stood up you walked out of his room and saw Dan and Tom talking in the kitchen.

"Oh, the twins talking."

They both looked at you and smiled.

"Mornin' sleepeh head"

Tom said to you in a mock baby voice which made you smirk as you leaned back into the couch.

"Sam's propa pissed."
"Why now?"
"I dunno."

You sighed then got up and grabbed your phone and put on your shoes before leaving. Once you got to Sam's flat you walked inside and saw stuff was all over the place and Sam was no where to be found.


When you didn't hear anything you walked around looking in every room finally finding him outside.

"She left."

You didn't quiet understand was being said so you sat next to him and grabbed his hand.

"What happened?"
"Madaline left."
"She left because she said I'm in luv wif yea."

You looked at Sam confused as he looked forward with a very upset look on his face.

"Is that way everything is thrown around your flat?"

You put your head on Sam's shoulder and gave his hand a squeeze.

"Come on tour wif meh."

You took your head of Sam's shoulder and looked at him confused.

"Come on tour wif meh. Like old times."

Sam said finally looking at you.

"I don't know Sam..."
"Please Roseh. I realleh need meh best friend."

You looked at Sam and the sad look on his face made you want to cry, you couldn't say no to him.


You nodded then Sam hugged you.

"You're the best Roseh."
"I know. Now let's go clean your flat."

You and Sam stood up and went into his flat and started cleaning and picking up things.

"Who are you touring with?"
"Bring Me The Horizon,Deez Nuts,Parkway Drive and While She Sleeps."

You dropped the bag you had and turned to Sam who looked up confused.

"While She Sleeps?"
"You tell me this now."
"If I knew you were touring with While She Sleeps I wouldn't be with Josh."
"Lawrence Taylor is a god Samuel."
"Are yea on drugs."
"You know I don't do drugs Sam."

He walked over and felt your forehead which earned a push from you.

"I'm joking Sam. Jesus."
"I'm tellin' Josh by the way."
"You wouldn't."

Sam smirked and you glared at him which only made him smile.

"Didn't Josh take yea ta a While She Sleeps show?"
"Yeah and I just sat quietly while they talked."
"As yea should."

You threw the remote at Sam and it hit his face perfectly which made you laugh and Sam pissed off.

"Yea gonna get it."
"I'm so scared."

Sam lunged at you which made you move and start to run away from him around his flat. When he finally caught you he grabbed you and you both fell on the couch with him on top of you. You both laughed then you looked up at Sam who was looking at you with a smile.

"We should get back to cleaning."

Sam got off of you and pulled you off the couch then slowly let go of your hand which made your insides go crazy.

"Do yea want ta go get somefing ta eat after 'his?"

You both quickly got back to cleaning and it was done before you knew it. Once you were done Sam laced his fingers with yours and walked with you down to a random burger place.

"When do you leave again?"
"In six days."

You groaned then threw your head down dramatically on the table. Sam ruffled your hair then kicked you.

"Stop bein' so dramatic."

You sat up and leaned back in the seat as you looked at your hands.

"I want another tattoo."
"Of wat?"
"Not sure just yet."

Sam rolled his eyes as you thought of what you could possibly get. Not that you had a lot of tattoos to begin with, you had the skull and lyrics,the dark mark,boba fett's helmet on your ankle, and roses on your armpit.

"Wat yea finkin' 'bout?"
"Don't rush anehfing Roseh."
"Thanks mum."

Sam rolled his eyes then you felt your phone vibrate in your back pocket. You pulled it out and saw Josh texted you which made you smile.

Josh:We're here...finally. Did you get the gift I left for you?
Rose:No? What gift?
Josh:Go to my flat and it's on the kitchen counter.
Rose:I will after I eat and Sam drops me off.
Josh:Your with Sam? You're suppose to be mopping at my flat missing me.
Rose:I'm sorry. I'm a horrible girlfriend :'(
Josh:I'll say.

You smiled then texted back. After you looked up at Sam and saw him looking miserable which made your heart hurt. As much as you disliked Madaline Sam really cared about her and you knew when they broke up he would be crushed like he is right now. You grabbed his hand and rubbed your thumb on the top of it.

"It'll be okay Sam I Am. We'll eat then go home and listen to that shit you call music."

Sam smiled then looked up at you.

"I'm not in the mood for Coldplay or Blink."
"Well there is a god."

Sam threw a fry (chip) at you then smiled.

"I don't underastand why yea don't like 'em."
"They are awful Samuel."
"Yea just a drama queen."
"That I am."

Sam smiled then you both ate and made small talk. You felt like you haven't been like this with Sam in a while and you loved that he was back to normal.

"Are yea gonna tell Josh yea comin' on tour wif us?"
"Probably should."
"I would."

You shrugged then quickly texted Josh before setting your phone on the table.

"Do yea want ta go ta yea flat and pack or.."
"Nah. I'll save it for last minute like always."

Sam shook his head with a smile which made you smile, you loved Sam's smile.

"I'm really glad your coming on tour wif us Rose."
"Yeah yeah."

Sam grabbed your hand then looked at you.

"I realleh mean it Roseh."
"I know Sam."

He kissed your hand then let your hands fall back on the table. You bit the inside of your lip as your stomach did flips in your stomach. Sure you and Sam have held hands before, he's kissed your hands,your cheeks even your neck once by accendient by you always get butterflies whenever he does.

"Yea okah luv?"

You looked up at Sam and smiled.

"Yeah. It's just nice being around you again."
"Wat does that mean?"
"We haven't really hung out like this, just the two of us in a while."

You smiled then looked at your phone to see Josh texted back.

Josh:I don't really have a say love. Have fun.

You texted back then put your phone down now feeling guilty for agreeing to go.
♠ ♠ ♠
Rose's Outfit
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