Status: Whenever I Get Around To It

I Said to This End Don't Hurt Your Best Friend

I Don't Want Your Love

"Wakey wakey princess."
"Fuck off."

Tom chuckled then pulled Rosie up and kissed her cheek.

"We're here, well we've been here for an hour."
"And you're just now waking me up?"
"Sam said ta let yea sleep."

Rosie rolled her eyes then yawned and stretched her arms over her head.

"Who's all here?"
"Joy. How bad is my hair?"

Tom pulled Rosie out of the van and over to Sam who was talking to Winston from Parkway Drive.

" 'ere yea go."
" 'fanks."

Sam put his arm around Rosie's shoulders as she gave Winston a small smile.

"You must be Rosie."
"Indeed I am."
"Nice to meet you. I'm Winston."

Rosie smiled and shook Winston's hand before she was pulled off by Dan. Sam watched as Dan pushed Rosie into talking to Lawrance from While She Sleeps and Sam couldn't help but feel jealous even if she was dating Josh.

"You like 'er?"
"She's my best mate."
"So is my girlfriend."
"She has a boyfriend."
"I'm sure you can change that mate."

Winston smiled then walked away from Sam as he watched Rosie smile at something Lawrance had said to her. He sighed then pulled his beanie farther down on his head before walking over to Oli and Nicholls.

"Yea brought Josh's bird."
"Rosieh. How'd yea convince 'er ta come wif yea?"
"I just asked."
"Ah, got 'er wrapped 'round yea finger aye?"
"Seems a bit friendleh."

The three looked over and saw her with a big smile on her face as she pushed Lawrance's shoulder.

"Well we're gonna go ta a club to celebrate the first day of tour."
"We don't play the first show til tomorroa."
"Yea...might as well do it taday so weh can sleep off the hangova."

Sam shook his head then looked back over to Rosie.

"Don't tell Rosieh but we've got a surprise for 'er."
"Like wat?"
"We can't tell yea that."

Sam rolled his eyes as the two smirked.

"Just tell 'er ta dress nice. Like she's goin' ta a party at meh house."
"Just do it."
"Cheers mate."

The two walked away and Dan walked over to Sam.

"Wat do yea 'fink the surprise is?"
"Somethin' stupid."
"Eh maybeh."

Rosie looked over at the two and smiled which made the two smile and Dan waved.

"Also...if yea like 'er. Just tell 'er."
"It's very obvious."
"I don't like her like that."
"Sure you do. We all do."

Sam glared which made Dan smirk.

"Gotcha mate. Just tell her before she gets too into this relationship with Josh."
"She doesn't see me like that."
"You never know."

Sam looked at his friend as Dan smirked looking at Rosie.

"Are yea tryin' to tell me somefing?"

Sam sighed then looked at Rosie as she talked to Aaron of While She Sleeps while they watched Elliot and Lawrance skateboard.

"Yea know she's not just one of the guys. She's got feelin' and such."
"I know that Dan."
"She doesn't 'fink yea do."
"And she tells you these things?"

When Aaron started skateboarding Rosie walked over to the two and smiled.

"What are you two talking about?"
"Oli invited us ta go out. And he wants yea ta dress and I quote 'Like she's goin' ta a parteh at meh house.' if that means anything to you."

Rosie smiled then nodded before turning to watch the small group skateboard.

"Do you know where we're going?"
"Damn. Oh, well."

Sam looked at Rosie then sighed, he really needed to not like his best friend the way he does.
♠ ♠ ♠
Rose's Outfit
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check out my Matt Godfrey story :)