Status: Whenever I Get Around To It

I Said to This End Don't Hurt Your Best Friend

But I Think It's Serious This Time

"So tell me again wat 'appened?"
"For the twentieth time....I heard Sam on the phone and he said something that really hurt and instead of asking him about it I just left."
"Then go back?"

You looked at Nico then down at the coffee that you were holding.

"I honestly don't want to."

You looked at Joyce then at Nico.

"I like Sam."
"No duh."
"No, more than a friend."
"But you're wif Josh?"
"I know."

Before either of the friends could reply the doors opened making all three of the friends look up.

"Aye Josh."

You smiled at your boyfriend as he sat next to you on the couch and kissed your cheek.

"I missed you."
"I missed you too."

Josh smiled a goofy smile then pressed his lips against yours making your stomach drop and your heart beat faster. You really liked Josh but he wasn't Sam. When Josh pulled away he got up and ordered a coffee while Joyce looked at you with a sympatric smile, which you returned. Once Josh got his coffee you and him left the shop holding hands as you both walked down the street.

"Why'd yea leave earleh?"
"Got home sick."

Josh nodded then took a drink of his coffee.

"I'm glad yea came back."
"Oh, yeah?"
"Yea. I missed yea."

Rose smiled then looked at the street and saw a couple across the street that looked extremely happy. Rose frowned then looked forward to see another happy couple walk by her and Josh. The thing that bothered Rose the most about both couple was that the guy was blonde and the girl had red hair.

"You okaeh?"
"Yeah. Still a bit jetlagged."
"Do you want to go to your flat?"
"No it's fine."

Josh looked at her then nodded as the two kept walking with their fingers locked together. Rose looked down at their hands then up at Josh felling very guilty about how much she wished it was Sam she was with. Josh looked down at Rose with a smile then leaned down and pecked her lips.

"When does Sam get back?"
"Like two weeks."

Josh nodded then looked forward leaving Rose slightly confused why Josh even asked that.

"Where are we going?"
"To see Max."

Rose looked forward as they walked to the train to get to where they needed to go the quickest. The ride on the train was quiet and so was the cab ride to Max's house. Once the couple got to Max's door Josh grabbed Rose's hand and walked inside without knocking to be met with loud music and loads of people. Rose stayed close behind Josh making sure she didn't lose him (not that it would be easy to lose him or anything).

"About bloodeh time mate."

Josh rolled his eyes at Max then Max greeted Rose with a kiss on the cheek.

"Aye Roseh."
"Hi Maxi."
"Yea doin' well?"

Max nodded with a smile then she was greeted by blondie who lifted her off the ground in a hug.

"Aye Rose."
"Not quite blonde now am I?"
"Not really but you'll still be blondie to me."

Dan rolled his eyes and put Rose down.

"Do yea want a drink?"

Dan and Rose walked into the kitchen and got her a drink while they made small talk.

"How was tour?"
"How so?"
"I don't know. It was just was."
"Was it weird because of Josh goin' down?"
"No. I think that was the best part."
"What was weird?"

Rose looked at Dan and he just smirked.

"Yea betta figure shit out Rose."

Rose sighed then took a drink.

"Yes Daniel?"
"Do you really like Josh?"
"Yes Dan."
"It's complicated Dan."
"Well just don't hurt Josh."
"I won't."

Dan smiled then hugged Rose.

"What's goin' on?"

Dan and Rose moved away from each other to see Josh and Max.

"Dan's just being a girl."

Josh and Max nodded making Dan roll his eyes.

"Fuck off."

Rose smiled then Josh pulled Rose against him and kissed her temple. After a few strong drinks Josh and Rose were dancing to random rap music and it was getting pretty raunchy. Rose smiled and leaned up pressing her lips against Josh, which made him smirk and kiss back. The kiss quickly became heated but was cut short by someone bumping into them. Rose pulled away and saw a familiar looking blonde all over some random guy. Rose got a better look at the blonde and saw that it was...

♠ ♠ ♠
Rose's Outfit

So sorry it took so long to post this! i've been really behind on updating and i apologize for that! but this chapter goes out to snakeybridesmaid
Thank you to everyone who reads,comments and subscribes to my stories! i'm going to try to update more often but i'm really stuck on my James Cassellsstory.
Writers block is a bitch!!

check out my Matt Godfrey && James Cassellsstory :)