Status: Whenever I Get Around To It

I Said to This End Don't Hurt Your Best Friend

Like All The Girls And Boys In School

"I look like a slut."
"No you don't."

You rolled your eyes at Joyce as you looked in the mirror at your appearance. Josh should be here in fifteen minutes and you were still deciding if you should wear what you're wearing.

"I'm gonna freeze to death."
"No you won't. Stop bein' so dramatic Rose."

You groaned then walked over to your bed and sat down.

"What if I fuck this up?"
"Yea won't. Stop finkin' 'bout Sam."
"I'm not."

Joyce rolled her eyes then pulled you into the kitchen were Rachel was.

"Rachel 'ow does Rose look?"

You rolled your eyes then the front door opened and Sam walked in.

"Wat yea wearin' that for?"
"She's goin' out."
"Yea but we're not goin' anehwhere that she'd need ta dress like that."
"I'm not going out with you anymore Sam."
"She's goin' out wif someone who doesn't called 'er a bitch for no reason."
"Joyce fuck off."

Sam pulled you away from the two girls and by the door.

"Why yea dressed like that Roseh?"
"I'm going out."
"Wif who?"
"Don't worry about it Sam."
"I will worreh 'bout it Rose. Yea my best friend."
"Do you normally yell and accuse your best friends of things?"
"I'm sorreh Roseh okay."

Before you could say anything you heard a knock at the door. You moved away from Sam to open the door and saw Josh standing there.


You looked at Sam then back at Josh.

"I'm gonna grab my phone. I'll be right back."
"No rush."

You let Josh in then you walked past Sam to get your phone. You grabbed your phone, some money and your id then left your room and saw Sam staring at you looking pissed off.


You grabbed Josh's hand and left your flat without a second look or word to Sam.

"Did I interrupt somefing?"
"No. You came at the perfect time."

Josh smiled then opened the door of his car for you. You smiled back then climbed in and sat feeling extremely nervous.

"I hope yea don't mind but I'm takin' yea to one of Oli's partehs."
"That's fine."

Josh smiled at you then drove away from your flat and you couldn't help but feel horrible. You wanted nothing more then to text Sam and apologize but you weren't going to be the first one to apologize this time. Not when you have no idea what you should be sorry for.

"So, tell meh 'bout yeaself Roseh."
"What do you want to know?"
"I dunno."

You smiled then looked at him before looking forward.

"Well...I'm Rose. I'm 21. Born in Los Angeles, California. Raised in Phoenix Arizona. I moved to Brighton when I was 18 with my old best friend. I love music. My favorite color is turquoise. I watch Disney movies all the time. I work at a coffee shop a few blokes away from my flat and now I'm rambling."
"No. Yea fine."

You smiled at Josh then looked at your hands.

"How'd yea meet Sam?"
"He came into this coffee place I worked at ages ago and we just became good friends."
"Bet he's propa pissed yea wif meh."
"It's not really up to him."

Josh smiled then focused back on the road. Once he pulled up to Oli's house you both got out and Josh grabbed your hand and lead you into the party. As Josh greeted a bunch of people you stood back and just smiled.

"Do yea want a drink luv?"

Josh smiled then walked to the kitchen while you stood in the main room feeling awkward.

"Fanceh seein' yea 'ere."

You looked up and saw Oli standing with a smug look on his face.

"Hey Oli."
"Yea quite shy when yea not drunk."
"Yea don't 'memba do yea."
" 'fraid not."
"Well yea had a few ta maneh and told Sam's bird off."
"What did I say?"
"Yea told 'er she was a propa cunt and she needed ta stop fuckin' wif yea best mate and yea. Quite fisteh."

You stood shocked at what Oli just told you. Now you felt like a total asshole for yelling at Sam when you were really in the wrong.

"I was shocked when I 'eard yea mehself. Glad Sam wasn't 'round."

When Josh walked back over he handed you a drink and you smiled before taking a drink.

"Yea brought the fireh cracka?"

Oli smirked at you then hit Josh's shoulder before walking away.

"Did I miss somefin'?"

Josh looked at you for a second before he was distracted by Max and Chris walking over and starting a conversation. After spending a good couple hours at Oli's place Josh offered to take you home before he got to drunk too.

"I hope yea had a good time."
"I did."

Josh smiled as he walked you to the door of you flat holding your hand. When you got to the door you turned and looked at Josh with a smile on your face.

"Maybe we can do this 'gain?"
"I'd like that."

Josh smiled then leaned forward and pecked your lips. He moved away and let go of your hand with a smile.

"See yea 'round luv."
"Night Josh."

He winked at you before walking to his car and you went inside with a big smile on your face.

"Wat happened?"

You looked at Rachel and just smiled. That's all you could do was smile.

"I hope he sucked yea dick."

You looked at Joyce and just walked past her into your room.

"Did he kiss yea?"

You nodded then Joyce smiled and sat on your bed.

" 'ow was it?"

You nodded then sat next to her.

"It was sweet. It wasn't ruff or forced. It was soft and perfect."
"Awh I'm gonna heave."
"Don't you have a boyfriend to get home to?"
"Indeed I do."

When Joyce left your phone went off making you pull it out of your front pocket and you saw it was Josh.

Josh:I had fun. See you tomorrow?

Then you put your phone on the charger and quickly changed for bed feeling extremely happy.
♠ ♠ ♠
Rose's Outfit
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check out my James Cassells story :)