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Waiting for My Sun to Shine


"You can't be serious." Hallie looked at her boss as he gave her a package with an assignment.

"I'm dead serious." Ethan Scott, assistant to the CEO of Epic Records, told her. "In fact, when I called to speak to the Manager, he was more than delighted. Most managers of an independent label rarely agree to these terms."

Hallie Brock was the assistant to the assistant at Epic Records located in New York City. She graduated with a business degree at the prestigious Harvard University and wasted no time in pursuing her dream of working at a record label. Although, she wasn't completely satisfied with the position she received at Epic, she was grateful nonetheless. She was aware of the thousands of applications vying for her position and if she ever forgot, her boss was there to remind her on a daily basis.

"When do I leave?" Hallie sighed as she took a seat at her desk. Ethan pointed to the fine print on the paper listing the instructions. She looked closely and saw that the date read, January 13, 2012. Hallie nearly jumped out of her seat. "That's tomorrow!"

"Well, I suggest you go home and start packing now." Ethan told her as he headed to this office.

"Who's replacing me?" She questioned.

"One of the temp's... I think his name is Jason." Ethan answered nonchalantly.

"Great." Hallie pulled her coat on and grabbed all the things she thought she needed to take with her. As soon as she walked out of her tiny office, a young gentleman that roughly looked around the same age as her walked in. He wore a pale blue dress shirt rolled up to his elbows and the name tag attached to his shirt read Jason. Hallie shook her head at Ethan before walking out. "You wasted no time."

"Don't take it personal. It's not like I'm firing you. You're just being relocated for a month. I've had to do the same thing many times before when I had your job." Ethan smiled. "Anyways, you should be excited you're going home, how many years has it been?"

"Too long." She answered before walking out to the elevators. Hallie could hear Ethan bellowing out to her, his voice echoed around the entire floor.

"Have a safe flight back to Arizona!"