Status: Send some comments and tell me what you think so far!

Waiting for My Sun to Shine

August 31, 2007.

"Should we tell them when we pick them up or wait?" Kennedy asked as John drove to the Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport.

Kennedy, John, Jared, Eric, and Tim had finished their first year at ASU while Hallie, Lily, Kadi, Garrett, and Pat graduated from Mountain Pointe High School. As a graduation gift, the girls spent their entire summer in Europe, it was something Hallie, Lily, and Kadi had begged their parents for since their freshman year. Hours after their high school graduation ceremony, the girls were off to the airport. Now, three days before University started up again, Kennedy, John, and Jared were on their way to the airport to pick up the girls.

The boys weren't wasting away their summer either. While the girls were exploring countries such as France, Greece, Spain, Portugal, and Italy. John, Kennedy, Jared, Garrett, and Pat formed their band The Maine, and in the middle of summer they made the choice not to return to ASU once they found out Fearless Records was interested in them. Now, Kennedy and Jared had the difficult job of telling their girlfriends they wouldn't be home as much once they sign to their record label.

Kennedy didn't worry too much about how his sister would take it because Hallie was accepted to Harvard University, and as soon as he picked her up from the airport, he would be bringing her back in less than seventy-two hours. For John, he didn't really care where or when he would be telling the girls. He was just so thrilled about signing to a record label, making music, and touring different states; not even his on again/off again girlfriend was going to stand in the way of his dream.

"I guess, maybe at the going away party for Hallie, tomorrow?" John suggested. Kennedy agreed and in minutes they were at the airport. They followed Jared, who was driving in front of them, to the parking lot. Once they stepped out, all three boys walked inside to the arrivals section. "What time are they getting out?"

"Any minute now." Kennedy checked his phone. John was only there because his truck had more room for both Lily and Hallie's suitcases, while Jared only had room for Kadi's luggage. In fact he was anxiously waiting to meet up with Ashley, he just wanted to be in and out of the airport as fast as possible.

"I see them!" Jared got excited once he caught a glimpse of his girlfriend. All three girls walked out of the doors laughing. Kennedy and Jared both walked towards them as John stayed behind. He was left staring at the girl in the middle of Kadi and Lily.

"Is that- No, it can't be." He said more to himself. John stood from a distance in shock, he watched as Kennedy and Jared embraced both their girlfriends with a kiss and afterwards Kennedy hugged the girl in the middle. John's jaw dropped. "Holy shit."

He couldn't believe that the girl in between both Lily and Kadi, was Hallie. Her dark brown hair was let down and long as ever in loose waves. As John remembered, before Europe, it was always pulled back and in a bun or pony-tail. Hallie was wearing short-shorts and a fitted v-neck t-shirt that showed off her slender legs and never before seen curves. Her skin wasn't pale like he had remembered; it was a beautiful golden tan. She was wearing make-up as well, but not too much and John liked that it made the colour of her hazel eyes pop out more.

"JOHNO!" Hallie ran over to him. He still couldn't believe that the girl running into his arms was once a girl he referred to as 'just a friend', or as 'Kennedy's younger sister'. "How are you?!"

"Good!" John smiled once he looked at her closely. He wanted to say more, but couldn't find it in him to speak, for the first time in his life Hallie made him speechless.

"Come on, let's get you girls home." Kennedy rolled his girlfriend's suitcase passed them as did Jared. John took Hallie's luggage as well and all six of them walked to the parking lot.

Jared took Kadi's things and packed it all in his car and the two drove off. John and Kennedy lifted all of Lily and Hallie's suitcases and put it in the back of the truck easily. Then, all four of them squished themselves together, with Hallie next to John, and off they went dropping off Lily first and then stopping off at the Brock's home soon after.

"Home sweet home." Hallie breathed. Kennedy got out of the truck first and she slid out after him. John couldn't help but check out Hallie from behind, he watched her walk up the path to her home and he exhaled slowly.

"A little help..." He snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Kennedy. He quickly took off his seat belt and hurried to the back to help Kennedy out with the bags. They took all of Hallie's things inside and once again John fell into a daze watching her in the kitchen as she snacked on strawberries while talking to her mom. Her lips were perched as she took slow bites, then all of a sudden Kennedy blocked his view. "You staying for dinner?"

"Yeah." John did not hesitate on the offer, even forgetting his plans with Ashley.


Throughout dinner with the Brock's, John was mesmerized by Hallie's transformation. Every hair flick and every smile was flirtatious, even her laugh sounded sweeter. Hallie blossomed over three months and she finally felt confident in her own skin. She was teasing John without even noticing it. All this time John had her attention, but now the tables have turned and Hallie was unaware that her new look had any impact on him at all.

"Well, I better start on laundry." Hallie got up from the table after eating and headed up the stairs. John and Kennedy went into the living room and started watching a movie. In the back of his head he knew Hallie was moving to Massachusetts and he was happy for her, but he couldn't help but wonder what could transpire if she went to ASU instead and if he didn't join The Maine.

"I'm gonna say bye to Hallie." He told Kennedy after the movie was over. Walking up the stairs John could hear music playing out of Hallie's room. He knocked on the door and there she was lying on her stomach on the ground with her feet swaying to the melody of the music. John smiled to himself; even with her new look Hallie was still the same at heart, she always got distracted with music. "I thought you were doing laundry?"

"Found something better to do." She smiled and sat up. "You like Death Cab For Cutie?"

"Haven't really listened to any of their stuff. I'm more of a Blink 182, Taking Back Sunday, Starting Line, kind of guy." He admitted, sitting down next to her.

"You have to listen to their album Transatlanticism. It's all I listened to in Europe." She jumped up with so much enthusiasm, closing her bedroom door and turning off the lights. The sun was setting and her whole room was in shades of orange, yellow, and purple. She then went to her laptop and switched the song to track number seven.

"What's the song called?" He asked, but she hushed him and laid flat on her back as the song started.

"Close your eyes, listen, and fall in love." She whispered in an almost seductive tone.

So, John did as she told him to do. He laid on his back right beside her, and closed his eyes. He could feel Hallie's fingers slightly touching his, it gave him chills as the music filled the entire room. He opened his eyes for a moment and watched Hallie mouth along to the words. The shades of colours lit up her face and John swallowed hard as the eight minute song continued.

"I need you so much closer,
I need you so much closer,
I need you so much closer...

"Shit..." John whispered to himself, as he watched her.

He had no idea if the Death Cab song was making him feel more connected to her, but it definitely added to his now budding crush. Once the song was over Hallie slowly opened her eyes and she turned to look at John who was already staring back at her. She smiled. John nor Hallie moved a muscle, they both stayed as is, lying on the floor as the rest of the album continued to play. John took in all her features as Hallie continued to stare softly into his green eyes.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" She hoped that after playing him her favourite track, he would appreciate and love the band as much as she did. John, who still had his eyes locked with hers, gave Hallie a crooked smile before responding.
