All You Need Is Love


I sat in the chair next to Kara’s bed and let Temperance have the fold out bed on the other side. I watched as the two girls, I adore more than anything, slept the night away. And as for me, I was to worried to sleep. Even though the doctors said that they have found nothing wrong I was still a mess. This little girl was the light of my world. She made everyday so much brighter than before. My wife wouldn’t be the same without her either. I couldn’t let anything happen to either one.

I watched as Temperance slept so peacefully. I remembered meeting her for the first time. Way before My Chemical Romance was even a though. When I was in art school. We had the same Graphic Design class. She was a typical art student, but so much more into painting and charcoal drawings. I would watch her every so often. No even paying attention to the teacher, she would sit a sketch the whole period. Art was a passion that ran through her veins. So much more than me.

I never did have to guts to go up and talk to her. She was always so beautiful, her brown hair always was pulled up in a lose bun. She wore floral print skirts, and crazy shirts with wild designs on them. She spoke with a thick Jersey accent as well. Then one day, as I made my way to the study room in our collage, she was there. And extremely flustered with what she was drawing out. She was using charcoal and had it smudged all over her face and hands.

I watched her for a moment or two, until I picked up my courage and made my way over to her. She was drawing a prorate of what looked like a woman being sucked into the sea. I opened my mouth and began to talk to her. We spent the rest of the day walking around campus and talking with coffee in our hands. She graduated that next month. And I left to go on tour with the band.

We didn’t see each other for three years. But as soon as I saw her at an art convention we picked up like we hadn’t been apart.

After we go married we decided we wanted to have a baby. But it wasn’t that easy. We found out that Temp would have issues carrying our baby. But we didn’t let that change out situation. I told her no matter what we would get through this, it took us two years till she got pregnant. She made it to the sixth month and had a lot of complications and ended up losing our, what we found out was our son. It made her fall into a spiraling depression. And I had to be on the road soon with My Chem. By the time I got back she was back to normal, she got a job as a designer for local shops in New York and was happy again.

A few months later we found out she was pregnant again. And then came Kara. No problems what-so-ever with her. We decided we would do everything we could to help protect our daughter. Nothing was going to hurt her ever.

Seeing my wife be as happy as she could be with our daughter made everything that was wrong in the world seem right. She loved that little girl so much. She would sit for hours and sketch drawings of me and Kara. Our house has her drawing hung up all over the place, along with a few of mine.

As thought flooded my brain I didn’t realize that Kara has woke up and the sun was no shinning in the room.
“Daddy?’ she said with a groggy voice. I smiled and turned to her.
“Hey sunshine, how’d you sleep?” I asked as she rubbed her eyes.
“I slept fine. Can we go home?”
“Not yet sugar. Soon though.”
“Kay… can I watch cartoons?” she gave me a huge smile.

I laughed and grabbed the remote and put some cartoons on for her. I got up and walked over to Temperance and placed a kiss on her forehead. Her eyes opened up and she smiled up at me. She sat up and looked at me with tired eyes.
“Did you get any sleep Gee?”
“No, I just stayed up to make sure things were going fine. Watched a bit of TV.” I sat down on the arm of the recliner.
“Why don’t you head home and get some rest. I’ll call and let you know if they need to keep her another night.”
“Are you sure… I mean I don’t want to leave..” I mumbled and looked over at my daughter, completely engrossed in her show.
“How about this, you go home, get a bit of rest, invite the boys over for a bit. Then you can stay here with Kara for a bit while I go home and get a shower and some sleep as well.”

I looked down at her and nodded. I did need sleep. “Yeah that’s fine. I’ll see you around 5ish?”
“That’s perfect Gerard.”

I leaded down and gave her a kiss and walked over to Kara.
“Hey Beautiful, whatcha watching” I asked as I sat down on the end of her bed.
“Yo Gaba Gaba. Daddy can you take this off? It’s itchy..” Kara whined as she messed with her IV.
“No darlin’ that’s so you can get better. Hey look at me.” I said and brought her face up to mine.
“Daddy’s gonna leave for a bit, be good for mommy and the doctors okay?”
“Are you gonna come back?”
“Don’t I always?”

She smiled and sat herself back onto the bed. I reached over and gave her a hug. I kissed her on the cheek and made my way out of the hospital.