Status: still writing

The Era of the Wolves


Her black hair was hidden by the hood she was wearing. Her eyes were a thing of beauty, the color of gold. The snow was falling in this cold month of December. She only wore blue jeans, a plain black t-shirt, and a light purple jacket. The accusations of her being completely mental were never assumed as soon as they met her eyes. Those golden orbs of lusciousness and compassion could burn a hole through any unworthy soul. Her name was Shadow. She never knew her parents even though everyone in this god forsaken town talks about how a rival gang of wolves came and killed off her parents. She doesn’t really pay much attention to the towns’ people. Mostly she is rouge and doesn’t speak to many people or wolves for that matter. She was only two years old when her parents were killed by these wolves and she swore that she will avenge their death.

Blade and Lilly, Shadows parents were murdered on the 21st of June. The rival pack of wolves came in from the north and went straight towards the alpha’s home. Their wolf forms were fierce and their teeth would rip apart one another in seconds if they got the right hold on them. Shadow was in her room in a little playpen that her father had bought her. Blade was a male of good nature but dangerous when he wanted to be. Blade had the black hair that was pasted down to his only daughter. His eyes were green though like the summer grass, they would gleam in the sunlight. His wolf was very strong and built for speed. Lilly was a very swift and soft killer. She could move like the wind and take in a move and send a counter to it. Lilly had light blonde hair like the color of the sun. Her eyes the same color of her hair, that luscious gold that Shadow inherited. Lilly fought her hardest but was over taken by a strong male wolf. The snap of her neck was enough to run chills up people’s spins. Blade just lost his mate, the love of his life. The tearing at his heart was almost too horrible to bear but then he thought of his daughter and fought till his last breath. He got so many wounds it was impossible for him to heal. He crawled over to his wife’s body and died in that instant.

Little Shadow didn’t have any sense of what had happened. She was handed to her legal guardian which was the pack beta Star. She has only known Star as her “mother”. Star didn’t have a mate so therefore there was no father figure in her life. Shadow started shifting when she was about thirteen and she was now eighteen and away from her “mother” and was living on her own. She had no mate yet but people said she would never find one because of the loathing in her heart or wolves and humans. She shrugged all of this off and lived in her old house with no one around, it was content to her. She didn’t need anyone else. She was fine on her own. She had a job at the small bakeshop in this little rundown town of Silver Moon. This was where she was going on this December day.
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Just the prologue so comment :)