Loser Like Me

Chapter 1

Loser Like Me™ {A Shane Dawson Love Story}

Chapter 1

I didn’t expect the video to get so many views. In fact, I didn’t really expect ANYONE to watch; my vlogs rarely got many views, which I knew would change one I finally landed a role and got famous, but I never imagined before then...

The video was just for fun. I think it was the title, mostly, that attracted the viewers at first. That came to me in the middle of the night one night when I couldn’t sleep and was watching videos on YouTube. The sketch took a little longer to come to me.

I wasn’t aware of how big it actually was until my best friend, Chey, who also helped with and starred in the video, called me one morning while I was still half-asleep.

"Have you been on YouTube lately?" she asked. Something was wrong with her voice; it sounded strange.

"Not logged on my account, no. Why?" I yawned groggily and set up in bed.

"I think you’d better get on." Her voice reminded me of how Garcia’s on Criminal Minds gets when she’s freaked out, kind of quiet.

"Chey..." She said nothing. I sighed and leaned over to the side of my bed to get my laptop. After I took it out of the case, I reached down into the crack between the bed and the wall to plug it in; my battery was broken so it didn’t work without the plug.

Once it was completely booted up, I pulled up Google Chrome (I hated Internet Explorer with a passion, especially for watching videos) and headed straight to YouTube. I didn’t have my contacts in, so the computer screen was a blur, but Chey was never this quiet, so I assumed it was urgent even if I couldn't see. I logged into my account; I always avoided my inbox, but I briefly squinted at my subscription feed. Shane Dawson, my favorite YouTuber of all time, had a new video up on his iPhone channel. I'd watch it ASAP.

"Now what?" I asked Chey.

"Look at the video."

I didn't have to ask which video she was talking about.

I went to my channel and absentmindedly clicked on my brainchild, the video entitled "MY CRAZY DATE WITH SHANE DAWSON?!!!"

I scrolled slightly to what Shane Dawson calls the "crotch bar", squinted at it...and almost fell off my bed.

"1,124,560 VIEWS????!!!!" I screamed.

"That was my ear," Chai said, annoyed. Hey, she was the one who woke me up at 10 in the morning. Payback, honey. "But that was basically my reaction too. Can you believe it? We're like YouTube famous! People are talking about us! We both have an even better chance at getting cast in movies now!" Chey and I were both aspiring actors. We moved from the good old state of Texas after we graduated (I got my Associate's degree first) to LA so we could pursue our true passion. Chey wanted New York, as in Broadway, which I had no problem with. But all the famous people who could get us jobs were in LA, so that's where we went. My mom basically disowned me. She wanted me to have a "real job" where I would actually "make money", so when I decided to pursue acting and music she told me never come home again. Whatever. At least Chey's family was very supportive of her, and they were like my family now.

"Hold that thought," I told her. Shane had a new video out; my excitement would have to wait. I didn't bother putting my contacts in since it was one of his iPhone videos and hoped I wasn't missing anything like the dares he and his friends do. I wondered if it was possible that he had seen my video. It wasn't, but still...

"Uh, Chey?" Now I was the one who sounded freaked.


"Go to Shane's channel. The shane one. The iPhone one."

"Yeah, I get it," she said. "Just a second."

I waited for her to watch the video.

"Oh. My. GOD!!! Darce, THE Shane Dawson mentioned you--us--in his video!! Oh my God!"

I was still too shocked to say anything. Or even move. I was immobile.