Loser Like Me

Chapter 2

Loser Like Me™ {A Shane Dawson Love Story}

Chapter 2

"Hey, guys," Shane Dawson said. "Obviously I’m driving. Through Hollywood." He somehow maneuvered the iPhone to show a view out his window. Then he turned the camera back on himself. "I usually don’t do this, but I just wanted to point out this super fucking awesome video." That boy’s foul mouth. "It’s called ‘MY CRAZY DATE WITH SHANE DAWSON?!!!’ I’ll post a link later. Anyway, this girl–"here he added an annotation with my channel name, wildncrazydarcy–"does an effing dead on impression of my characters. So go support her and leave her a comment telling her I sent you!!"
He paused as he obviously made a turn. "And as for our crazy first date..." he winked. "Hit me up for part 2."

I still couldn’t believe him. Was he serious? Did he really want to make a part 2 video with me? There HAD been plenty of comments on my video about how we should do a collab, but still!

This was my thousandth time watching this video (I swear, 99% of the views were from me), and I finally got my excitement in check enough to call my boyfriend and tell him I’d soon be on the big screen with him. His stupid fangirls thought I was only using him for fame, which was not true. I loved Eli. We had been friends for at least a year before I finally gave in and we started dating. We broke up once because a) my past was haunting me too much for him, and b) he was in Germany filming and the distance did nothing to mend us. We started talking again though, when I was having yet ANOTHER family crisis, and we just...picked up right where we left off when we got back together about a month ago.

Now he was in London filming (he wasn’t even THAT famous yet, but this was his second starring movie. Hey, I didn’t live in Hollywood for nothing) a new action flick, something with ninjas and pirates. Eli had that baby face that most teen heartthrobs have nowadays. He had clear blue eyes that were especially beautiful on screen, and light brown hair in what is now known as the ‘Bieber’ style, although Eli had it way before Bieber was even big, and technically it’s called ‘emo’ hair, but anyway. Eli’s not exactly scrawny, but he’s not that built either. He’s four months younger than me; I always said dating younger guy made me feel like a pedophile, but all dating older guys had gotten me was heartbreak and scars–in the emotional and literal sense. Yeah, my ex before Eli beat me senseless when I wouldn’t have sex with him. And he cheated on me for a girl who would give up everything. He was supposedly a very devout Jew, but that didn’t stop him. At first when I told him I was saving myself for marriage, he was all for it, but obviously sex was all he wanted. Chey was the only one who knew he beat me, because he never hit my face. For all the acting I’ve done to cover things up in my life, I already deserve an Oscar. After him I swore I’d only date a Christian guy, but then I met Eli–who also happens to be Jewish, though not nearly as religious–and that vow was thrown out the window. I’m still saving myself though, no matter how much I love a guy.

I was just about to press the dial button when one of my three roommates, Aiden, who was also my bandmate and other best friend, burst into my room. "WHAT IS ALL THIS SCREAMING AND SHOUTING THAT IS INTERRUPTING MY BEAUTY SLEEP??"

I snorted. "Love you, too, Aid."

You might be thinking doesn’t your boyfriend have a problem with you living with 3 guys?? If he does, he can’t say anything. Eli knows I have daddy issues therefore I tend to hang out with boys a lot more than girls. Most of my few friends are guys. Plus, these particular 3 guys are absolutely my brothers.

"I’m waiting for a freaking good explanation," Aiden continued.

"You know my latest video, the Shane Dawson one, it has over a million views and now Shane Dawson himself wants to do a sequel with me!"

Aiden’s kohl-rimmed yet smudged eyes widened. "Freaking good explanation."

He walked over to sit on my bed. I turned to face him. "I just have no idea how to contact him. I mean, I could do a video response, which of course I’m already going to, but I could tweet him, but then how would he know it’s for sure me–?"

"Uh, Darce." Aiden held up my iPod touch; he’d just pressed the home button but noticed a notification before he even unlocked it. "Looks like you don’t have to."

I rushed over to his side and grabbed my iPod. The notification said: Email from shanedawson@yahoo.com:
Hey, wildncrazydarcy, this is Shane Dawson...
♠ ♠ ♠
I know Shane's address, but I COMPLETELY made up that email address, so please DON'T try to contact it xp