Clan of Blood

Life light

I remember when I was just a little girl and whenever it would rain I would run outside and spin around in circles until I fell in the mud. Then my dad would swoop me up into his arms and say "don't get to close to the red tree forest or the monsters will get you" I would always laugh thinking he was just kidding. Those were the good old days, before we moved to New Jersey off the coast. My parents got an offer they could not pass up after great uncle Ben tragically died a few months ago.

Everything is different now. I'm all grown up and finishing my last year of high school at backwater school for talented young adults. The one good thing about the move was that the house was right on the beach, but it was surrounded by an enormous forest that had only one way in and one way out. Which meant the little town of Mabalene would be doomed if the bridge went out for more than a week.

As I was sitting on the beach a chilly breeze swept over me and I shivered fall was coming fast this year, and I wasted my whole summer sitting on the beach and dreaming of my life after high school was over. I didn't get very far with that of course. I ran my fingers through the soft worm sand and sighed. "Amanda?" I turned my head and saw my mom yelling for me. I got up and went over to her. "I'm going out and Elizabeth keeps calling the house, she wants to hang out with you sometime." I made a sour face. Elizabeth tried too hard to be a friend; she was more like a nagging little sidekick that always goes threw a checklist of things before letting the superhero go save the world.

But my mom liked her so that meant I had to too. Plus most of my other friends weren't really my friends either, I was too smart, or to cool, or to funny, or too much of everything for them. If I was quiet they thought I was upset when I'm really lost in thought, or just remembering my dad. If I got good grades, they want to copy my work so they don't get grounded by their parents. When they come to my house, they try on all my clothes (I'm a very acceserable person) and they ask me if they can have them. But when I actually try to be friends with them they are too busy or hanging out with their real friends. When they fight with each other, I'm always somehow dragged into it and stuck in the middle. "I guess we can have a movie night or something." I mumbled. She smiled and we walked back up to the house.

I sat for a little while longer until Heather, Anthony and Vicky came running down and jumped into the water screaming and laughing. I got up and joined them, the waves crashed on us as we dived under over them. My day got slightly brighter, but the sun coming out might have had something to do with that too. Before I knew it the fun was over and they all went out shopping tonight, while I wasw stuck here by myself.

It was already 9:15 and Elizabeth wasn't here, no surprise. I pulled out a few movies to watch and threw a mound of pillows and blankets on the couch. I was standing by the microwave putting the instant popcorn in when the doorbell rang, giving me the heads up that in 5 seconds the door would be busted down with an outrageous girl with pig pjs ready to party until I fell over dead. With no astonishment Elizabeth poked her head into the kitchen and waved, I gave her a look like 'why are you waving' but I waved back awkwardly. She ran over to me and started blabbing about boys who she thought were cute, and about how school was starting soon, and she was so excited to get away from this town after this year.

The microwave finally beeped witch saved me from answering if I thought bobby kingfred or Luke mendes is cuter, witch in my opinion nether are all that special. Their personalities were as white as computer paper and even though they were on the football team it didn't make them any less of a jerk. "Oh look at that the popcorn is done!" I proclaimed excitedly. I took the bag and booked it to the living room. Then jumped on my side of the couch and pulled a big fuzzy warm blanket over me. She picked out one of the moves I pulled out and popped it in the DVD player. "Twilight" I grumbled. If there was one thing I didn't believe in it was vampires, especially the ones that fall in love with depressed ugly teenagers and they drive mini vans. I curled up into a little ball then fell asleep within the first few minutes of the movie and dreamed that I was far, far away from here.

The sun was setting on the beach, and as it inched farther and farther away I felt more and more terrified. As if as soon as it was completely dark something awful was going to happen. The feeling deepened as the seconds past, and my heart began to race with panic. As the sky faded dark and no light was in sight I started to run back to the house but I couldn't find it. It was so dark that I couldn't even see my hand in front of my face. I began to call out for help while spinning around franticly looking for a shred of light to guide my way but there was nothing. There was only the empty blackness that seemed to pull me in and drowned me in its cold mysterious embrace. Soft whispers floated around me, sending my alarm into paranoia. I kept searching for someone, anyone to come and save me. A dim light started to draw close to me.

I ran towards it and as my feet hit the chilly water of the vast ocean I shuddered. I saw an outline of someone coming to save me and excitement filled my chest, but it turned to distress as I noticed a dark sticky worm substance dripping from their fingertips, as they drew closer I could smell the metallic irony taste in my mouth. My stomach churned with disgust and I thought I was going to be sick. Their nails were sharp and tipped like claws of an animal. I gasped as a stranger whose identity was hidden in shadow shined a light on me, revealing their blood stained fingers.

Fear struck my soul as emerald eyes burned in the dark, bearing them deep into my memory. I ran the other way as fast as my legs would carry me. Soon the ground turned into a wispy blackness, like smoke and I started falling threw it. Just as I was about to smack flat dead onto the ground I jumped up from my dream with a layer of sweat covering me, looking around anxiously for those eyes.

It took me a few minutes before I realized I was on the couch as home with Elizabeth on the other side of the room snoring. I laughed nervously trying to make sense of reality and shake off the dream. It was only 3am; I was exhausted and wasn't going to pass up 4 more hours of sleep just because of a bad dream. Twilight was rolling through the credits again so I snapped off the TV. The room was now completely dark, so I snuggled back up in my comforting blanket and closed my eyes and drifted back to sleep.